Paul Egan 

"The Bike Guy"

On May 5th, 2023, Paul Bartle Egan passed away, leaving behind a legacy of kindness and compassion that touched the hearts of all who knew him. A gifted soul with a heart full of love, Paul was a beacon of hope.  Using his skills as a professional mechanical engineer, he cherished every opportunity to share his talents and be of assistance to others. Through his tireless work as "The Bike Guy" he reclaimed, repaired, and donated over 1,700 bikes to members of the CT Shoreline communities. His advocacy work with the Bike & Pedestrian Alliance and his work at Bike Safety Day with Clinton Families Helping Families and the Clinton Police Department made his community a more vibrant place.  A talented musician and actor, he performed with numerous choirs, choral groups, and community theater companies.

The Bike Guy

The touchstone of Paul “the Bike Guy” Egan’s life was giving of himself.  I encourage you to follow his example and give generously to these organizations whose mission and programs enhance the quality of life of our communities. Let your kindness affect the world.  Be like Paul!

Clicking one the these links will redirected to that organization's websites.  You may need to click again on the redirect page or copy and paste the link in your browser.


The Bike Guy Boosters Team 

to support Smilow Cancer Hospital

Liz started our Team at the beginning of Paul’s Cancer journey in 2021. 100% of the funds raised by our team go to Smilow Cancer Hospital for research, treatment, and care to meet the needs of families of patients with blood cancers. Give to our Team or to any individual rider or you may also join our team by using this link. (available after 4/1/2024)


Valley Shore YMCA: 

Egan Cycle Center

Liz has established a named fund to support a new bicycle training center and state of the art spin studio as part of the Capital Campaign renovations at the Valley Shore YMCA. in Westbrook, CT.  All things bicycle!


Clinton Families Helping Families

In the past 9 years, Paul has fixed and given away 1,700 bikes and done over 800 repairs with the financial support of Clinton Families Helping Families.  CFHF also provides thousands of pounds of food per year to the Shoreline Food Pantry, weekend meals for Clinton students, financial aid to Clinton families in crisis, camp scholarships for students, and presents free family-centered events in the community.


Con Brio Choral Society

Founded in 1997, Con Brio is an auditioned chorus known for its excellent musicality.  Paul sang with Con Brio for over 10 years. Liz has seeded a Musician's Fund in Paul’s honor to support soloists, musicians, and special music to enrich the offerings and advance the programs of Con Brio.