
In the following, except those marked with *, the authors are ordered alphabetically according to their last names. This follows the tradition of mathematics and theoretical computer science.

See Google scholar or arXiv.


  1. Sander Gribling, Yinan Li. The Haemers bound of noncommutative graphs. arXiv: 2002.02743, 2020. Submitted.
  2. Yinan Li, Youming Qiao. Group-theoretic generalisations of vertex and edge connectivities. arXiv: 1906.07948, 2019. Submitted.
  3. Peter A. Brooksbank, Joshua A. Grochow, Yinan Li, Youming Qiao, James B. Wilson. Incorporating Weisfeiler-Leman into algorithms for group isomorphism. arXiv: 1905.02518, 2019. Submitted.
  4. Yinan Li, Jeroen Zuiddam. Quantum asymptotic spectra of graphs and non-commutative graphs, and quantum Shannon capacities. arXiv:1810.00744, 2018. Submitted.

Journal Articles

  1. (*) Shusen Liu, Yinan Li, Runyao Duan. Distinguishing Unitary Gates on the IBM Quantum Processor. Science China Information Sciences (2019). [arXiv:1807.00429]
  2. (*) Yinan Li, Youming Qiao, Xin Wang and Runyao Duan. Tripartite-to-bipartite entanglement transformation by stochastic local operations and classical communication and the structure of matrix spaces. CommunIcations in Mathematical Physics (2017). [arXiv: 1612.06491]
  3. Yinan Li and Youming Qiao. On rank-critical matrix spaces. Differential Geometry and its Applications, Vol. 55, Pages 68-77, (2017). [arXiv: 1702.08665]
  4. (*) Yinan Li, Xin Wang and Runyao Duan. Indistinguishability of bipartite states by positive-partial-transpose operations in the many-copy scenario. Physical Review A vol. 95, p. 052346 (2017). [arXiv: 1702.00231]

Conference Proceedings

  1. Zhihuai Chen, Yinan Li, Xiaoming Sun, Pei Yuan, Jialin Zhang. A Quantum-inspired Classical Algorithm for Separable Non-negative Matrix Factorization. In proceedings of 28th International Joint Conference on Artificial Intelligence (IJCAI), 2019. [arXiv:1907.05568]
  2. (*) Shusen Liu, Xin Wang, Li Zhou, Ji Guan, Yinan Li, Yang He, Runyao Duan, Mingsheng Ying. Q|SI⟩: A Quantum Programming Environment. Symposium on Real-Time and Hybrid Systems, LNCS, 2018. [arXiv:1710.09500]
  3. Yuxuan Du, Tongliang Liu, Yinan Li, Runyao Duan, Dacheng Tao. Quantum Divide-and-Conquer Anchoring for Separable Non-negative Matrix Factorization. In proceedings of 27th International Joint Conference on Artificial Intelligence (IJCAI), 2018. [arXiv:1802.07828]
  4. Yinan Li and Youming Qiao. Linear algebraic analogues of the graph isomorphism problem and the Erdős-Rényi model. IEEE 58th Annual Symposium on Foundations of Computer Science (FOCS), 2017. [arXiv: 1708.04501]
  5. Runyao Duan, Cheng Guo, Chi-Kwong Li, Yinan Li. Parallel distinguishability of quantum operations. IEEE International Symposium on Information Theory (ISIT), 2016. [arXiv: 1605.02294]