
Putting you in your place since 2019!

Page Under Construction. Details of our bespoke service will be shown here, along with examples of what some of our customers have requested. There will hopefully be a contact form to help you get in touch.

For now, here are a few we made up:

  • Jan S, from London got in touch with us. She and her girlfriend Sally wanted to turn a particular pair of panties into Lixnix. They met at Victoria's Secret shop in Oxford Street, while both looking at, and attempting to take the same pair from the same rail at the same time. One thing led to another and they found they had a lot more in common than just a shared taste in underwear. Jan wanted to propose to Sally, but rather than get down on one knee, she planned to ask while Sally was locked in place. Jan was kind enough to let us know that Sally said 'Yes.' Well she could hardly do otherwise in the circumstances, could she?
  • Mistress Tanya X, a dominatrix with her own nursery/dungeon in Brighton asked us to convert a bra into something that would hold either one or two of her clients to her nipples. She specified a "1950's style bra. We found several on Ebay and after an email conversation, we agreed on one that ticked all her boxes. This order took a little longer to fulfil because we had to wait for almost a week for the bra to arrive. It was also slightly more expensive than average because we had to incorporate not just one but two gags. She reports that she's now used this bra with half a dozen of her clients, and it's so far been an unqualified success.
  • Peter B, from Leeds loves really tight bondage. He'd looked at our off the peg selection, and they all seemed too stretchy. Too much wiggle room. He wanted to feel that there was absolutely no give. We got a pair of tight control briefs for him and although his partner complained that they were cutting off the bloodflow to her legs, they enjoyed the experience immensely. "You'd put the hole in just the right place" he told us. "I was driving her wild despite the discomfort, and that in turn turned me on. With that, and the way I couldn't pull away by even an inch gave me one of the most intense orgasms of my life". Thanks Peter. It's nice to know we're hitting the spot for our customers too!
  • Nathan T from Oregon, USA has a thing for cheerleaders. Could we make a pair of panties into LixNix, but then sew them into the dress of a cheerleader costume, so that it became a sort of one piece? We had a bit of work to do to get a costume, and the costume we got didn't really work. Once the panties were attached, there was no way to put it on, because it had a high neck. We'd already worked this out though, and had arranged to modify the costume further by putting a zip up the back. Nathan tells us that the sound of the zip being pulled up is a huge turn on for him. It's a sound that tells him he's totally stuck in place.