The first thing I tried was thinking through using the same two-tone colored look but using the goal based colors I used throughout the app currently: Red for below 50%, orange 50% - 100%, green above 100% (or the color blind friendly alternative colors).

This Words Correct Per Minute (wcpm) goal is the number of words a student must read correctly in one minute to pass a story. The goal needs to be sufficiently high to require the student to practice reading the story many times before achieving the goal rate, but not so high that the student becomes frustrated.

Live Goal

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To affirmatively further fair housing, the City must ensure that residents have realistic options to live in a variety of thriving neighborhoods. This requires expanding housing options for low-income residents across New York City and the region.

Many New Yorkers use rental assistance and vouchers to secure safe, stable, and affordable homes. But, across the nation and locally, residents using vouchers often live in neighborhoods with higher levels of poverty and lower performing schools.

New Yorkers with disabilities face unique challenges when it comes to finding housing that is affordable, safe, and accessible. Many residents with disabilities live in institutional settings, such as nursing homes, without meaningful opportunities to live independently and interact with individuals without disabilities.

The world has made substantial progress towards the goal of ending preventable child deaths, with the global under-5 mortality rate decreasing from 76 to 38 deaths per 1,000 live births between 2000 and 2019. The global neonatal mortality rate fell from 30 deaths to 17 per 1,000 live births in the same period. Even with such progress, 5.2 million children died in 2019 before reaching their fifth birthday, with almost half of those deaths, 2.4 million, occurring in the first month of life. While the full impact of the pandemic on child survival is not yet known, significant disruption to the continued provision of life-saving interventions could stall or even reverse the progress made.

Between 2015 and 2019, the incidence of malaria plateaued at around 57 cases per 1,000 people at risk. The target of the World Health Organization for reductions in malaria case incidence in 2020 will be missed by 37 per cent. In 2019, there were a total of 229 million malaria cases worldwide, with the disease claiming some 409,000 lives. Gaps in funding and in access to life-saving tools are undermining global efforts to curb the disease, and the COVID-19 pandemic is expected to set the fight back even further.

Globally, an estimated 295,000 maternal deaths occurred in 2017, resulting in an overall maternal mortality ratio of 211 maternal deaths per 100,000 live births, a 4 per cent reduction compared with 2015 and a 38 per cent reduction compared with 2000. The majority of the deaths occurred in low- and lower-middle-income countries, and roughly 66 per cent of them occurred in sub-Saharan Africa. At the current pace of progress, the world will fall short of the target of the Goal.

The concerted effort of the global community continues to reduce preventable child deaths, from a mortality rate of 76 deaths per 1,000 live births in children under 5 years of age in 2000 to 42 in 2015 to 39 in 2018. Notwithstanding the progress, some 5.3 million children died before reaching 5 years of age in 2018 alone, and nearly half of those deaths, or 2.5 million, occurred in the first month of life.

Many more people today are living healthier lives than in the past decade. Nevertheless, people are still suffering needlessly from preventable diseases, and too many are dying prematurely. Overcoming disease and ill health will require concerted and sustained efforts, focusing on population groups and regions that have been neglected.

Goal of Facebook live is to allow people to express themselves through a live broadcast, so it aligns with the oveall mission of facebook to connect, allow people to build a community and express themselves.

But communicating your life goals (even just to yourself) has surprising health benefits. One study found that journaling about life goals for 20 minutes on four consecutive days reduced physical illness five months later. Another found that students who either wrote or talked about their life goals were less likely to visit the health center due to illness.

Setting a mindfulness-related personal goal might look like developing a regular yoga or meditation practice, cultivating a healthier relationship with food through mindful eating, or committing to manage stress and improve your well-being through mindful breathing.

Whatever it is, saying it out loud and turning it into a concrete goal sets you on the path toward achieving it. Defining success means you can start planning the small steps you must take to get there.

Setting a goal to expand your family may affect other big life decisions. If you plan to start a family in the next few years, you might want to structure your job searches to prioritize paid parental leave and benefits like flexible paid time off.

In 2020, an estimated 1.1 billion urban residents lived in slums or slum-like conditions, and over the next 30 years, an additional 2 billion people are expected to live in such settlements, mostly in developing countries.

In Quito, world leaders adopted the New Urban Agenda which set global standards of achievement in sustainable urban development, rethinking the way we build, manage, and live in cities through drawing together cooperation with committed partners, relevant stakeholders, and urban actors at all levels of government as well as the civil society and private sector.

Between 1990 and 2015, the global maternal mortality ratio declined by 44 per cent to an estimated 216 deaths per 100,000 live births, falling short of the MDGs and far from the target of 70 maternal deaths per 100,000 live births established in the 2030 Agenda. Almost all maternal deaths occur in low-resource settings and can be prevented, including by expanding access to appropriate sexual and reproductive health services. Globally in 2015, approximately three in four women of reproductive age (15 to 49 years) who were married or in a union satisfied their need for family planning by using modern contraceptive methods. Only three in four births took place with the assistance of a skilled birth attendant.

The global under-5 mortality rate declined by more than half to 43 per 1,000 live births from 1990 to 2015. This was short of the two-thirds reduction envisaged in the MDGs. In 2015, an estimated 5.9 million children under age 5 died; most of these deaths were preventable. Over this period, progress in child survival among children aged 1 to 59 months outpaced advances in reducing neonatal mortality; as a result, a growing share of all under-5 deaths occurs in the first month of life (45 per cent in 2015).

Around 1.25 million people died from road traffic accidents in 2013, an average of 3,400 each day. In addition, tens of millions of people are injured or disabled each year from traffic accidents, with children, pedestrians, cyclists and older people among the most vulnerable. Halving the number of global deaths and injuries from road traffic accidents by 2020 is an ambitious goal given the dramatic increase in the number of vehicles, which nearly doubled between 2000 and 2013.

HHS is dedicated to safeguarding and improving health conditions and health outcomes for everyone. The Department improves capabilities to predict, prevent, prepare for, respond to, and recover from disasters, public health and medical emergencies, and threats, domestically and abroad. The Department protects individuals, families, and communities from infectious disease and prevent non-communicable disease through the development and equitable delivery of effective, innovative, readily available, treatments, therapeutics, medical devices, and vaccines. HHS enhances the promotion of healthy behaviors to reduce occurrence and disparities in preventable injury, illness, and death. The Department also mitigates the impacts of environmental factors, including climate change, on health outcomes.

Decide what you want to wish for. Think of it as choosing the effect you wish to cause. Write down everything you want to accomplish in your life, take notes and make a list of your goals, whether they are big wishes or small, keep writing, keep your pen moving. What do you want in this life? What do you want to accomplish? What are your short-term goals? Long-term goals? Write all your ideas down. These are your ambitions.

Set in motion the causes that will make your wish come true. Write all the steps down, plan to action that you must take to accomplish your goals. What are you planning to do to reach your goals? Draw a road map from start to finish. Step by Step. What is your first action? Read the book? watch courses? make a phone call? write that email? make an application? write a business plan? What is your plan to action that will help you to accomplish your most important goals? Think again and be honest to yourself. Start Now.

Continuing to treat adaptation purely as a domestic concern undersells the vision of the Paris Agreement and prevents us from harnessing the benefits of multilateralism in order to pursue it. Adapting to climate change is in all our interests and building a resilient world for all is a common goal. It is time for a new kind of cooperation on adaptation.

Once again Mountain Trails Foundation had the most donations of any nonprofit, with 1,024 donors contributing just over $155,000. KPCW Radio finished in 9th position overall, with 451 donors contributing almost $110,000. You can see how much money each nonprofit made by going to the website

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