Geni v rahat mnzillrdn ibart olan SkyHome yaay kompleksi mhur Qlb dairsi yaxnlnda ina edilir. Yasamal parknn ox yaxnnda yerln yaay kompleksi gzl mnzry malik mnzillri il mumilikd 3 korpusdan ibartdir.

Xzr buxtasna alan fsunkar mnzrli "Bayl Bay" masir memarlq nnlrini "italyan minimalizmi" il birldirn dbdbli yaay kompleksidir. Nfis eksteryeri, eleqant interyeri, 5 ulduzlu innovativ xidmtlri, terraslarda nadir bitkilrl zngin "vertikal" me konsepti, premium istiraht zonalar il gzoxayan kompleks rahatlqla estetikann ideal balansn yaradr. "Bayl Bay"in masir v prestijli ofis konsepti hminin lverili biznes mhitini formaladraraq onu lknin srtl dyr qazanan layihlrindn birin evirir.

My Home Yasayis Kompleksi


hrin ss-kyl hisssindn knarda yerln, lakin mrkz el d uzaq olmayan "KOROGLU by Baku City Residence" yaay kompleksi n mhm prospektlrdn olan Heydr liyev prospektind yerlir.

X. Mammadov said that due to financial difficulties, customers who could not repay the mortgage loan and wanted to return the house were also provided with conditions. Thus, the returned apartment is sold within 2 months. After that, the amount paid by the customer is refunded in full. Special attention is paid to the quality of the residential complex of Melissa Group, which will save on utility costs in these homes. Thus, a concrete junction with a capacity of 50 m3/h was created in the residential complex to ensure the timely delivery of concrete used in construction to the construction site and control its quality.

Samples are constantly tested in laboratories to check the quality of the building materials used. In addition, special coating materials are used on the facades of the apartments, which will help homeowners save on utility costs. So, these materials ensure that the apartment is cool in summer and warm in winter. The construction materials used here are imported from leading European countries.

Bel ki, bu hr kompleksi ninki masir v rahat binalar il, hminin, z smrliliyi il xo tsir balayr. Layih hm mhndis-tikinti, hm d estetik nqteyi-nzrdn heyranlq dourur. Clbedici mhit v infrastrukturun yaradlmas n yaay v qeyri-yaay komplekslrinin, sosial obyektlrin, park v yal zonalarn yerlmsi hr ksd burada yaamaq v ilmk arzusu dourur.

Dniz sviyysindn 25 metr yksklikd yerln mrkzi prospektin geni v yal Qaraba Atlar meydannda olan Mrkzi Park rayonunun qlbind yerlir. Ancora Residence yaay kompleksinin modern slubda ilnmi 7 mrtbli binas 190 mnzildn ibart premium sinif layihsi, ATKNS irkti trfindn yerli mtxssislrl birlikd xsusi olaraq Bak A hr n layihlndirilmidir.

Yeni kompleksin yannda iki lisey v 214 sayl mumthsil mktbi var. Mktbqdr yada olan uaqlarn valideynlri n d bu yer pis deyil, nki, skkiz yz metr radiusunda drd uaq baas faliyyt gstrir. Alt yz metrlik msafd oxlu mxtlif blmlr v drnklrin olduu Uaq Yaradclq mrkzi yerlir.

Trenders Team trfindn Knightsbridge Residence yaay kompleksi n yaradlan veb-sayt tqdim edirik. Dnyaca mhur Chapman Taylor trfindn layihlndirilmi v PASHA Construction trfindn ina edilmi Knightsbridge Residence premium seqmentd mnzillr tklif edn yaay kompleksidir. Veb-saytn prototipini hazrlamaa balamazdan vvl layihnin auditoriyasn thlil etdik v ona uyun dizayna baladq. Kontentin yaradlmas zaman bu kompleksd hyatn stnlklrin v tikinti texnologiyalarna xsusi diqqt yetirdik.

Houses in Yasamal

There are plenty of options for backyard homes in Yasamal. Although the area is currently dominated by new high-rise buildings and residences, you will find neighborhood-style, small-scale courtyard houses. Such houses are also affordable. Before renting a house in any area, you should consider some points. First, determine your monthly rental budget. The price of the backyard you want to look for and rent should match this budget. How many rooms and yard size do you need? Consider the number of family members and look for a suitable backyard. Think about which area of Yasamal region you are looking for a yard house. You can choose a location that... Houses in Yasamal

There are plenty of options for backyard homes in Yasamal. Although the area is currently dominated by new high-rise buildings and residences, you will find neighborhood-style, small-scale courtyard houses. Such houses are also affordable. Before renting a house in any area, you should consider some points. First, determine your monthly rental budget. The price of the backyard you want to look for and rent should match this budget. How many rooms and yard size do you need? Consider the number of family members and look for a suitable backyard. Think about which area of Yasamal region you are looking for a yard house. You can choose a location that is close to your work location and other operations. Furnishings of the courtyard house (kitchen, bathroom, air conditioning, etc.) and additional facilities (parking place, pool, security system, etc.) are important nuances for your comfort. Collect information about monthly utilities and bills. Decide how many monthly or yearly lease terms to offer. More importantly, it is important that you prepare a rental agreement and set the necessary terms.

What are the House Prices in Yasamal?

We also investigated the sale and rent prices for courtyard houses in Yeni Yasamal. Here, prices are measured according to yard area, home repair and yard condition, utility service permanency. Check out the prices of some of the homes for sale.

Prepare all legal documents and sign a contract with the tenant before renting out your home. In addition, according to the new rule, you must inform the relevant authorities that you are renting out your property. Otherwise, you may be fined.

Why You Should Prefer When Renting Your House?

The most important feature of home selling websites is that users can easily and conveniently get the information they want as soon as possible. You will be able to see it on website. Here there are houses to suit any budget, taste and need. Also, with the easy search and filtering system available on the site, you can choose between new and old buildings and buildings and courtyard houses. You can also make your choice on the website quickly and easily, both for selling apartments and objects, and as a buyer. e24fc04721

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