
Gülpınar Altındağ Belediyesi Anaokulu

Gülpınar Altındağ Belediyesi Anaokulu is a public kindergarten located in Ankara, the capital city of Turkey. Though our school is in the centre of the city, it is surrounded by trees, plants and wilds which give our children the best places to play, learn and have fun. Our school is a double-storey building and it has a large schoolyard-about 2000 square meter. There is a playground, poultry, planting areas for each class, fruit trees, sitting corners.We welcome 195 children between the ages of 3 and 6. They are divided into 10 groups depending on their ages. There are two shifts at school: the first group start school in the morning and finish in the afternoon, the second one start in the afternoon and finish in the evening. In our school, one meal is provided to the morning group and one meal to the afternoon group.

 In each class there are different learning corners which promote independence and love of learning. In our kindergarten we involve all children playing and working on various tasks in the same classroom, under the supervision of 2 teachers. We aim to follow a child-centred approach to teaching children by promoting the Montessori tradition of letting children be independent and investigators. Among our corners are Science, Art, Books, Maths, House and Dressing Corner. In addition to Montessori, we implement a variety of activities with other approaches as well such as Reggio Emilia and Waldorf.

There is 1 principal, and 13 kindergarten teachers working full time. Our kindergarten is very dynamic and enthusiastic about projects and events, particularly those which focus on Environment, Ecology and Sustainability. Thanks to our ‘Healthy School Food Strategy’, we have been accredited as a ‘Healthy School’ for our home-made lunch and home-made snacks. We are a member of “ZERO WASTE” project since 2017.


‘Our kindergarten has White Flag and Certificate for “My school is clean” We have “Values Education “ at school and a value is taught to our children per month. Activities related to the value of the month is usually demostrated  by  drama or role playing.