Daily Schedule

Our Daily Schedule

7:45-8:30 Arrival with Free Choice


9:00 Diapers/Potty Tries

9:30 Clean Up

9:45 Large Group (Question of the Day and Planning time)

10:00 Centers

10:30 Clean Up/Potty Tries

10:45 Small Group

11:00 Outside/Gross Motor

11:45 Lunch with Daily Review

12:15 Diapers/Potty Tries

12:30-3:00 Nap/Rest

3:00 Diapers/Potty Tries

3:15 Snack

3:30 Free Choice

4:00-4:45 Outside/Gross Motor

3:15-4:45 Dismissal

*Times may vary day to day, but the routine stays the same. Bathroom as needed or every 2-3 hours for diaper/toilet tries. Hand washing several times a day (Before and After Meals, After Outside and Art, Arrival, After Toilet Tries and Diaper Changes)