Contract and Handbook


In order to make our relationship as enjoyable as possible, the following are some mutual and beneficial requirements that are necessary to assure that there are no misunderstandings between either party, that each party is aware of the requirements, and that these requirements are carried out in a businesslike manner. There is a lot of information written here, but I advise you to read all of it. Communication is of the up most importance. These policies are enforced for the same reasons policies are enforced in any job situation-for fairness and respect. If you have any questions, please do ask.

These policies and accompanying contracts become effective upon acceptance by the parent/guardian and Little Ones Learning.


·        Signed Policy and Financial Agreement

·        Paperwork as required by licensing regulations

·        Health Appraisal Form (Updated at every well child visit)

·        Client & General Informational forms

·        Medication and Release forms


(Please note that these forms are to be updated yearly unless otherwise marked.)


Little Ones Learning LLC is open M-F 7:45-4:45. We will be closed on all major holidays (listed below) and notification will be given well in advance of any other closed days, such as personal, vacation time, training opportunities, etc. It is the parent's responsibility to find alternate care if needed during those times. In the event I am too sick to care for your child, I will close for that day and notify you with as much time as I can. I apologize in advance if this occurs. I would hate for your child to become infected with my illness.

List of Major Holidays that we are closed: (Possibility for additional day closed if holiday falls during the week or on the weekend.) If a paid holiday falls on a weekend and I close for an additional day, then that day closed will take the place of the holiday. For example, Christmas falls on Sunday; I will close on Monday. Monday will be the paid day. Tuition still applies for all closed holidays.

Memorial Day

Independence Day

Labor Day

Thanksgiving Day

Friday after Thanksgiving

Christmas Eve

Christmas Day

New Year’s Eve

New Year’s Day








Tuition is due Friday each week by 5:00pm for the upcoming week. If tuition isn’t received by then late fees will begin. If tuition isn’t received by Monday morning, I will not be able to provide care until it is received. The first week tuition and paperwork is due the Friday before your child’s first day of care. In the event your child is sick and doesn’t attend on day tuition is due, please call and we can make arraignments for payment to be received the first day of care for the upcoming week. If you are able to drop payment off by 5:00 on Friday that is still preferred.

Equipment Fees:

A $50 equipment fee due the first week in February each year helps purchase new materials or replace materials that were broken within the year. This is due by 5pm on Friday.

Late Fees:

There is a late fee of $20.00 per day added for each day that tuition is late. This charge will be in effect until all monies plus late charges are paid in full. I will take outstanding accounts to court for collection. Parent/guardian will be held responsible for all court, attorney, and collection agency fees involved in the collection of late payments, late fees, and two weeks’ notice.

Any changes to your schedule must be approved prior to scheduled day. I will need to make arraignments for meals and scheduling if needed.

There is an extra fee of $5.00 per child for every fifteen-minute portion thereof that your child is dropped off earlier than their contracted arrival time (without prior approval) and for children not picked up by their contracted pick‑up time without contact from parent. Late arrival does NOT allow late pick‑up. Parents are required to notify me 12 hours in advance if they are going to be late for the day. Please notify me as soon as possible if your child will be absent due to illness/family emergency. (Parents are still contracted to pay for the full day regardless of their child’s attendance, per provider/parent contract).

If you have the day off, I expect you to communicate this with me upon drop off. If an emergency should arise then it would be information that would be valuable to know.

To ensure the safety of your child, only you or the person(s) listed on your pick sheet may pick up your child.

Parents with children attending Comstock Park Public Schools and requiring bussing must contact the bus garage with the address change needed for pick up and drop off for your child attending Little Ones Learning LLC.

All fees including late fees must be paid in full or childcare will not recommence until all fees are paid.


Families are expected to pay at drop off. If a parent doesn’t have payment at drop off, I will be unable to care for your child(ren) that day until payment is received. Cash or Venmo are accepted forms of payment.

No discounts will be given if your child does not come to care. Parent is responsible for payment on regularly scheduled hours that the child would normally be in care. Child may NOT attend school unless FULL payment and ALL late fees have been paid and are up to date. THERE ARE ABSOLUTELY NO EXCEPTIONS. Partial payment is not acceptable. All fees are required regardless of whether your child attends. No discounts will be given if your child does not come to school during regularly scheduled hours. I realize the financial burden that childcare places on parents, and hope the parents understand that as a business, childcare places financial burdens on the provider.

There are no refunds of fees for absences due to a child’s illness or any other reason. If there is a positive balance on the account, then it will be applied to the next week’s payment. Accepted methods of payment are: Cash or Venmo. Upon payment of cash, you will receive a payment receipt.

Persistent late payments are grounds for termination of child care. Child care positions will be lost after two weeks of non-payment. (Late fees will still accrue until the account is paid in FULL.) After two weeks of non-payment your child care slot will be filled by another family. Clients are to pay for all late payments, late fees, and one weeks’ notice even after termination of child care.


Children are to arrive clean. If you arrive after the scheduled meal time for the day, your child is to arrive fed. I prefer that there are no pickups or drop-offs during the designated daily quiet time (approximately 12:30-3pm). If a pickup or drop off is needed, please let me know the prior day. All children must arrive no later than 8:45 as we start our preschool group times at 9am.


Please do not allow your child to walk to the door by themselves at drop off. It is important to take a minute to walk them to the door and greet me. This gives us both the opportunity to discuss any schedule changes for the day or anything else. At pick up, please do not let your child leave the house until you are leaving also.

It helps your child tremendously if your child is aware that you will be arriving early (or late) in that they come to expect regularity and thrive on it. Sometimes children even put their coats and shoes on in preparation for your arrival time. Please keep me informed so I can in turn keep the child informed! Dropoff and pickup times are not good times to discuss serious problems. Little ears and minds hear and understand everything. I am not comfortable discussing a child in the presence of anyone but their parents. Topics that concern daytoday events or lighthearted discussion are fine. In the event a person who does not regularly pickup, please have them provide photo identification. This also applies for regular persons picking up if my substitute is covering for me.

Please text me 5 minutes before pick up so I can get your child(ren) ready for pick up. Once here, please knock on the door before entering. If the door is locked please text me and I will unlock it for you.


Tuition is based on enrollment not attendance. Each family will receive 1 weeks’ worth of unpaid PTO days to be used at their discretion (sick days, vacation, days off, bereavement, etc.) equal to the number of days enrolled weekly. PTO days do not carry over year to year; No credit will be given for unused days. PTO days may be used together or separate. I require a 1 month notice if you plan to use them as vacation days together. PTO days may not be used for the last week of scheduled care. When using PTO days your child(ren) may not attend. If you are quarantined due to Covid-19 or any other communicable disease PTO days may be used but once they are used regular tuition is due.

Please refer to the annual calendar for closures as these days vary year to year. There are paid holidays, vacation days, and professional development days. Any days I must close throughout the year unexpectedly due to illness, bereavement, etc, regular tuition is due. If I need to change days scheduled off or add additional days, I will do my best to give at least 1 months’ notice when possible.


During a maternity leave of absence, families are expected to pay your normal tuition rate. If this isn’t paid each week then I cannot guarantee that your child(ren’s) place in my care will still be available when you return from your leave of absence. I have found over the years it helps a child with this type of change in their life to continue to come to school to keep a part of their life consistent.

Families are required to give two full weeks, advance written notice for termination. It is required from the parent or myself to drop your child from the facility. Fees will still be due if the parent withdraws the child before written notice is given. Termination notice will NOT be accepted while provider or parents are on vacation. A one-week nonrefundable deposit at time of enrollment will be applied as payment for the last week of care once written notice is received. If notice isn’t received, deposit is non refundable.

I will provide the parents with written notice if I am no longer able to care for your child. I reserve the right to immediate termination of services under certain circumstances (i.e. children who are a threat to others, non-payment, etc.) You are still responsible for paying the weekly fees during this notice regardless, whether your child attends or not. I will provide up to two weeks of care after written notice is given if I am able too.

I will terminate our child care arrangements immediately for any of the following reasons (but not solely limited to):

· Failure to comply with the policies set forth in this book.
· Failure to comply with the contract.
· Destructive or hurtful behavior of child that persists even with parent cooperation in stopping the   behavior.
· Non-Payment of childcare fees or late and/or recurring late payment of fees.
· Failure to show up for 5 days in a row without any communication.
· Failure to complete required forms.
· My inability to meet the child’s needs without additional staff.
· Blatant disrespect towards provider or provider’s family.
· If parents knowingly bring their child ill.

Sick children may NOT attend childcare.  This is a state regulation.  Under NO circumstances should you bring your child to care sick.

The Health Department regulations prohibit the admittance of any child into an early childhood education facility that exhibits any of the following symptoms:

 · Fever (100°f or higher under the arm) – child needs to be fever free for 24 hours without the aid of medication
  · Diarrhea – child must be symptom free for 24 hours without the aid of medication
  · Vomiting – child must be symptom free for 24 hours without the aid of medication
  · Runny nose with colored discharge –check with doctor
  · Rash – check with doctor
  · Discharge from eyes or ears-check with doctor
  · Lice – child needs to be treated and nits removed before return
  · Communicable diseases – chicken pox, measles, mumps, conjunctivitis (pink eye), influenza, hand foot mouth, COVID-19, etc..

If you are not sure whether your child is well enough to attend school you can call and discuss it with me. Masking your child’s symptoms with over-the-counter medications and bringing them to care anyway is NOT allowed and could be cause for immediate termination. It is also inconsiderate to all families involved. Sick children make the other children sick too.  "Sick", according to the regulations is any child that may be running a fever, has a rash, unexplained symptoms, or who appears to be less than healthy. If a child becomes ill at childcare, the parents will be notified and expected to pick up the child within 1 hour of call. Ill children will be isolated from the rest of the children.

I have the right to refuse to care for a sick child. If your child develops any of the above symptoms while in my care, you or your alternate will be required to pick up your child immediately. If the child is not picked up within 1 hour of my calling, a $5.00 for every 15 minutes or portion thereof charge may be assessed. If I have to call a parent to pick up a child that has been dropped off for care too ill to participate in the day the child will also be required to stay at home the following day. Your child may return to care 24 hours AFTER symptoms of illness end without use of medication. Which means if your child is sent home with a fever, diarrhea, or vomiting they cannot return until they have been symptom free for 24 hours without the aid of medications. I am responsible for the health and well-being of many children so I will closely follow health department regulations when it comes to illness. I understand and respect your need to be at work, but your cooperation is extremely important on this. If you are unable to stay home with your sick child it will be necessary for you to make other arrangements at your own expense. If your child is out ill, regular tuition rates still apply.

In the event I am too sick to care for your child I will call you with as much notice as possible. I apologize in advance if this occurs. It will be your responsibility to find alternate care if this happens. I would hate for your child to contract whatever illness I may have.

If your child is on antibiotics, he/she continues to be contagious for 24 hours after the first dose of medication and cannot return to school until this time period has passed. Child care regulations prohibit me from giving your child medication of any kind unless you have filled out and a signed “Permission to Administer Form”. All medication must be in the original, labeled container and clearly labeled with your child’s name. If possible, please administer medication at home limiting the amount needed during childcare. Please ask for a blank permission slip form to administer medication.

Children are required to receive certain immunizations in order to attend public and private elementary and secondary schools, child care centers, family childcare homes, nursery schools, day nurseries and developmental centers.

Little Ones Learning enforces immunization requirements.

Exemptions to immunization will not be taken. Unimmunized children are at greater risk of contracting diseases and spreading them to their families, schools and communities.

As required by the state, the following regulations are in force at this childcare facility.           

Each person working in the facility must be in good health with no communicable diseases.

Provider must complete a health history questionnaire for the state and obtain appropriate results from a TB test.

All children must have a complete health evaluation form and up to date immunizations before enrollment in the childcare facility. See contract for policy on sick children.


Children rest and heal more comfortably and quickly in their own home after surgery. Considering this, Little Ones Learning LLC requires children that undergo any type of surgery not come back to care within 48 hours of the surgery.

Small repairs and accidents go with the territory when running a childcare facility.  However, parents/guardians will be held financially responsible for damages that cannot be classed as accident or fair wear and tear. (Example: Such as deliberate breaking of toys, poking holes in furniture, running a car into a garage door, etc.). Parent/guardian will be liable to pay 100% of the replacement cost. The reimbursement is due upon the next week’s payment.

MEALS AND SNACKS:           
Little Ones Learning partners with Vibrant Futures Food Program. Meals meet the requirements set by the program. I will provide a nutritious breakfast, lunch and snack as well as whole milk for children 12-23 months and 1% milk for children 24 months and up along with 100% fruit juice. The meal schedule I follow is listed below. If the Child is here during those times, they will be served. Children who choose not to eat will not be served again until the next scheduled Meal or Snack. If the child will be arriving after mealtime, please feed them before they arrive.

Children arriving after 8:30 A.M. must eat breakfast at home before arriving.

*8:15 A.M. Breakfast

*11:45 A.M. Lunch

*3:00 P.M. Snack


If your child requires a special diet due to food restrictions, allergies, medications, age and/or cultural or religious beliefs, it will be the responsibility of the parent to provide a well-balanced breakfast, lunch and snack for their child. No junk food, pop, gum etc. Please label all food from home with your child’s name and date. If it’s an item that is perishable, please place it in the refrigerator. I will also need a note from the family physician stating the reasons for the special diet and list any/all food to avoid.

BEHAVIOR GOALS (Discipline):               
The purpose of this behavior policy is for families/caregivers of Little Ones Learning to have a clear understanding of the behavior goals of children enrolled. While in my care, only positive discipline is enforced. Children will not be subject to spanking, hitting, kicking, pinching, biting, shaking, or any other type of corporal punishment. Other forms of discipline that won’t be used include mental or emotional stress (humiliating, shaming, threatening, or derogatory remarks), depravation of meals, snacks, rest, or toilet use, and confinement to an enclosed area (closet, locked room, box, etc.). Restraint will only be used in a case of reasonable necessity which will prevent the child from harming themselves, others, or property.

My goal is to coach your child(ren) so they can negotiate compromise, brainstorm and work it out together. I do not believe in “adult initiated” time outs for children under 3 years old. I will only place a child in time out if I feel that they are a threat to the safety and well-being of themselves or others. If this needs to happen, I will give a verbal warning first and then if a 2nd is needed, child will be removed from the area away from other children. I will primarily use redirection as my main form of behavior modification along with positive encouragement with appropriate language for your child’s development.

If something of a more serious nature or a persistent behavior should occur that is of concern to me or a threat to the safety of others, I will keep an observation log of the behavior and schedule a conference with the parents/caregivers to form a plan together to help solve the recurring behavior. My hope is to solve the behavior to prevent suspension and or expulsion from Little Ones Learning. If after a 2-week period, the behavior hasn’t resolved I will call a conference with the parents/caregivers again to evaluate and make a new plan if necessary. If after 4 weeks in total there is no improvement, new arraignments will need to be made for the child(ren). Often problem behaviors are a child’s way of getting attention when something is out of their control. This could be from a number of things including, a new baby, a divorce, a parent away on business, a move to a new home, first time away from parents/caregivers, and/or a death in the family. If any of these are occurring, please let me know.

Parents will be responsible for providing the diapers that the child will use each day at school (minimum of 6 a day). If your child runs out of supplied diapers and I am left to supply child with diapers, there will be a $1 charge for each diaper that needs to be supplied to be paid on that same week’s payment. I will notify the parent when the child has approximately two days’ worth of diapers left. Little Ones Learning provides wet wipes.


Toilet training will be a joint venture between the parents and myself and will only be successful once both parties are fully invested in the process and remain consistent. I have found it works best to introduce the toilet training process at home over a long weekend before doing so at school. Once you feel you've made some progress at home, I will start the process at Little Ones Learning. During the process, parents will be required to provide at least 4 changes of clothing. Soiled clothing will be placed in a plastic bag and sent home daily. New clothes must be sent every day to replace the soiled ones. Children will be required to stay in diapers/pull ups until they have been accident free during waking hours for at least one (1) week or until I feel the child is ready for cotton underwear. Diapers/pull ups must be worn at nap time until the child has been accident free during naps for two (2) weeks. I feel the toilet training process works best between 24 months and 3 years of age. At this age, children are often proud of their new abilities and work hard to please adults; toilet training at this age is a natural step that builds on these strengths. I only use the regular adult size toilet for toilet training. I do not use any inserts either. This is to give children a positive successful experience at school, home, and in public places. Children need to be actively helping and learning during this process. They need to learn to dress themselves, pull bottoms up and down, learn to wipe with both urination and bowel movements, along with washing their hands and climbing onto a stool. All of these steps are to make a child successful in the bathroom on their own when the time comes, they are fully toilet trained.


Visitors/Volunteers at Little Ones Learning, including but not limited to parents and authorized adults listed on child in care forms, shall be directly supervised by myself or my assistant childcare provider at all times while in contact with children in care.


All children who attend Little Ones Learning must wear clothing that can get messy. Little Ones Learning is a smock free bib free zone. These materials can be restricting to children which can hinder their freedom to experiment and create with materials.

Children attending Little Ones Learning who wear a dress or skirt must wear shorts/bloomers underneath to cover underwear or diapers.

All clothing brought to Little Ones Learning must have your child’s name written inside.



Revisions to policies and procedures, contracts and forms I make, may be done with a minimum of 2 weeks’ notice UNLESS it is a new regulation – these changes will take place immediately. Policies, contracts, and forms will be reviewed periodically and updated, if necessary. I will notify parents in writing of any changes. All previous forms will become obsolete. Tuition increases and/or adjustments to PTO and/or paid vacation will take place as needed to offset the cost of living, meals, education, supplies, licensing fees, insurance, training fees, replacement of materials, costs of activities, and household operations such as utilities, and the ability to stay competitive with other licensed providers in the area.

Digital Copy of Licensing Rules for Family and Group Childcare Homes:



Little Ones Learning uses the Creative Curriculum for Family Childcare 3rd edition. This curriculum is a state approved curriculum for the GSQ Quality Levels program. I chose to use this curriculum because it is research based to meet the needs of a multiage classroom. It is a comprehensive, developmentally appropriate curriculum with 38 specific learning objectives. It is a curriculum that helps me plan a quality learning environment through furniture placement along with positive adult child interactions. The objectives define what you want children to know and be able to do. The curriculum helps children achieve a well-rounded early education. This allows me to plan age-appropriate, hands on, play based learning activities to meet the interests and developmental needs of the children enrolled at Little Ones Learning.





Little Ones Learning uses the ASQ-3 Screening Tool. This screening tool is used 2x a year, Fall and Spring. I chose to use this tool because it is easy to navigate and family friendly. This tool is meant for families to fill out and only takes a few minutes to do so. It helps to catch delays early and celebrate milestones. Because I know families are busy, I use the ASQ-3 as a partnership tool. I fill out a part of the screening tool and when I have questions, I am not able to answer, I ask families to answer those questions to get a well-rounded snap shot of a child’s development. Once this tool is completed, I score it and I use it to help me plan different activities that will help strengthen a child’s development. If a child scores below the benchmark score, I will discuss the results during a conference with families/caregivers to make a plan to get further evaluations done if needed.




Little Ones Learning uses the Learning Accomplishment Profile (LAP) Brith through Kindergarten.

The Learning Accomplishment Profile™: Birth to Kindergarten (LAP™ B-K) assessment is an online observation-based tool that guides educators and clinicians to observe and track the ongoing skill development of children ages birth to 72 months. This assessment has 3 benchmarks throughout the year. Once these benchmarks are completed, I go over results 2x a year at parent/teacher conferences. This assessment also helps me determine individual goals for children, lesson planning, and environment development for the children enrolled at Little Ones Learning.



As an early education professional, I feel it is important to participate in professional organizations. I am currently a member of the NAEYC, MIAEYC, NAFCC, Mainspring Early Care Alliance, Western Resource to Expand Early Education Advisory, MiAEYC Advocacy Committee, and the GSQ Advisory Committee. By participating in these different organizations, I have learned about policy making, how to better advocate for early educators, I have made some great network relationships with other early education professionals in Michigan, and I have gained knowledge on business practices.


Children kindergarten and older who attend Little Ones Learning after school have the opportunity to identify and lead activities. School age children when they arrive after school have the opportunity to eat snack. Once they are done, they often begin elaborate play experiences that revolve around make believe play. These children know when they arrive it is afternoon choice time. They know they have around 30 minutes to play before they are picked up by their parents/caregivers. School age children had a long day learning at their school and need wind down time after school. They choose what to play with and how to play it.


Receiving written feedback from families enrolled at Little Ones Learning is important. Yearly I send out a survey to get families feedback regarding different areas of my program. This survey is sent to help me make adjustments if needed at Little Ones Learning. School age children are given an opportunity on the survey to answer questions too. When a family transitions out of Little Ones Learning to attend a different educational program, I ask families to leave a review about my program on Google or on the Little Ones Learning FB Business Page. Often throughout the year, I will also receive cards from families with notes showing their appreciation of me and Little Ones Learning.

I recognize that children can also provide feedback about Little Ones Learning. Often times, this is done through nonverbal communication and verbal communication. Children express nonverbal feedback to me by their behavior. When children begin to get bored with materials in the environment, they may begin wandering around the room more with less focus on materials or they may begin using materials inappropriately. When children begin showing these behaviors, I will rotate materials on the shelves to regain their exploration and attention span. When I rotate materials, they begin engaging in materials appropriately and for longer spans of time. Children can also verbalize to me when they want a change in their environment. They will often ask me to get something out of the storage room. For example, the doctor kit, duplos, magnatiles, dress up materials, birthday cake nesting toy, and other things too. When the children request different materials, I do my best to get those materials out for them to use in their play and learning. Children may also verbalize to me that they are ready to move on in our schedule. They will often do this by asking to leave and do something else or they will tell me they are done. Children can verbalize when things need to be switched up. I do my best to meet their needs. Each day at lunch children get the opportunity to tell me about their morning and the things they did. For children who are nonverbal I will talk with the group about the things I saw them doing.

Nap time is after lunch.  ALL children are expected to respect this "quiet time".  Your child will not be forced to sleep but they must lie down quietly. Children that do not sleep will be provided a quiet activity once they have rested for 1 hour. Parents are discouraged from visiting during nap time unless the child is being picked up for the day.  It is disruptive to the other resting children.  Please provide a blanket for your child to use during quiet time.



All bedding used during childcare must be taken to be laundered on Friday each week or your child’s last day of care for week. This includes blanket and or pillow.


Children 24 months or older will have an individual, age appropriate, clean, safe, and comfortable place to sleep or rest on a mat placed on the floor.


For families with infants: We at Little Ones Learning care about your child as if they were our own. Please, see the form “Infant/Toddler Safe Sleep Policy” to read through the infant sleeping policy that we have adopted per State of Michigan licensing regulations.

I will provide a variety of playthings. I ask that no toys be brought to childcare from home. Anything brought will be put up safely until the child is picked up. This policy is for the concern of all children in my care. Often times children have a hard time sharing the toys they bring from home.

The ONLY exceptions to this policy are:

• A special blanket for nap time

• Show and tell. At times we will have a “Show and Tell” period. I will inform you ahead of time when this may occur.


Oral hygiene is very important for children to practice. Due to ongoing COVID viruses we no longer brush our teeth at Little Ones Learning. Instead, the children and I talk about why it’s important to brush our teeth. I also send out oral hygiene information on my FB business page and I have parent resources on my website in regards to oral hygiene.


Little Ones Learning LLC believes outside play and fresh air is important for all children to experience regardless of their age. Therefore, plan on your child going outside each day as long as weather allows. If the outside feel like temperature is below 25 degrees Fahrenheit, we will stay inside. If the temperature is above 90 degrees Fahrenheit, we will only go outside if water play is present. Water play will consist of a sprinkler, water tub, or wading pool. Please make sure your child has the appropriate seasonal clothing for outside. This includes hat, mittens, boots, snow pants, and coat for the winter. Light jacket for the spring and fall with possible hat and mittens. For the summer they will need a swimsuit, towel, and swim diaper for those in diapers/pull ups. If the weather doesn’t allow for outside time, we will have ample gross motor exploration inside.


When I think about special needs in my program and special need practices, I work to involve all children in care. Children of all ages and needs deserve quality early childhood education and care. Children are encouraged to eat with us at meals and to participate at all scheduled activities and choice time activities. If a child is unable to sit on the floor, I will bring the activity to the table and to them. All children deserve to have fun and learn. Children with special needs do require more one on one attention depending on the needs. I use Ages and Stages twice a year to evaluate a child’s development and to see if they are on track for their age. I also use the E-Lap and Lap assessment throughout the year to assess a child’ development. With these two tools it allows to me to keep track and allows me to see if a child needs extra help in their development. In the event I see the need for extra help, I will schedule a conference with the family to go over my observations. I encourage families to speak to their child’s doctor and see what they think. I am not a doctor and I can not diagnose a child. All I can do it advocate for them and show what I have been observing. Unfortunately, my home is not very user friendly when it comes to many physical special needs. I have a lot of steps. I am unable to care for children in a wheel chair or a child that needs a walker or some other type of walking device.  I am also limited on food allergies. For example, I cannot have a child with a nut allergy. There is nut residue all over this house and our playground with natural tree nuts. In the event a child has a food allergy to say kidney beans or peas I will not serve those items during school hours. In Kent County, there are a few different organizations that can help with special needs. These include Arbor Circle, Early On, the local school district, Brainz, Paper Airplanes, the Health Department, and Pine Rest. I am more than willing to help a family get contact information for any of the services listed above. I am also willing to allow therapists into my program to help with development of the child. Children with special needs need individualized plans to help with their development. Having these plans allows children with special needs to develop the way that best helps them. By having this special need plan, it allows my families to know I’m here to help them in any way I can.



In the event of a tornado watch or warning, a radio or television shall be turned to local channel that gives updates on current weather conditions. In the event a tornado warning is issued all children and adults on the premise will be required to move to the large storage room next to the steps and stay there until the warning has been cancelled. Little Ones Learning LLC will practice tornado drills monthly April to October to be prepared in the event a tornado occurs. Attendance will be taken during each drill and actual event to make sure all children and adults are accounted for. A telephone, emergency cards, first aid kit, flashlight, and attendance sheet must be brought along during drills and actual event. A phone call to parents/guardians will be made to notify them on their child(ren) and the situation in the event an actual tornado occurs. If a tornado occurs and damaged is sustained parents will be called to pick up their child(ren) if no injuries occur. If injuries occur 911 will be called and children will be evaluated and escorted to the nearest hospital if needed and parents will be notified of the injury.


In the event a fire occurs Little Ones Learning LLC will evacuate through the front door or the back slider depending on the location of the fire. If exiting through the back slider we will exit via the front gate or the back gate of the fence, whichever is safest. Once at our meeting place (corner of Prairie Run and Pioneer Drive) I will have all the children sit quietly and calmly to the best of my ability and take attendance to make sure all children and adults are accounted for then call 911. Once 911 has been called I will notify parents/guardians via telephone of the situation. Parents/Guardians will have 1 hour to pick their child(ren) up. Little Ones Learning will have monthly fire drills using both exits to practice and we will be using the smoke detector. A telephone, emergency cards, first aid kit, flashlight, and attendance sheet must be brought along during drills and actual event.


In the event that any child is seriously injured or becomes seriously ill while in attendance at Little Ones Learning LLC, the following procedures will be followed:

Ms. Trisha will remain with the sick or injured child. Emergency first aid is to be administered as necessary:

A) Ensure and maintain an open airway.

B) Control any bleeding with direct pressure.

C) Ensure proper circulation as necessary (CPR). I will perform CPR for 2 minutes before 911 is called. After 2 minutes of care I will call 911.

I will reassure the child and keep him/her calm and quiet until the emergency medical personnel take over the child’s care.

Once emergency personal are on scene and caring for the child, parents/guardians will be notified.

If I have to accompany the child to the hospital, Christine Mullennix (616-799-0487) or Christopher Dart (616-799-4462) will call the remaining children’s parents/guardians to come and pick up their child(ren) within 1 hour of the call.

If conditions do not warrant immediate notification of emergency personnel, the parents will be contacted immediately and notified of the situation.


In the event there is a water emergency while in attendance at Little Ones Learning Early Education, the following procedures will be followed,

The teacher in charge will remain with the child. Emergency first aid is to be administered as necessary:

A. Ensure and maintain an open airway

B. Ensure proper circulation a necessary (CPR)

Reassure the child and keep them calm and quiet until the emergency medical personnel take over the child’s care.

The teacher in charge will do the following:

·        Call 9-1-1 immediately and report the emergency.

o   Address: 174 Evan Dr NE Comstock Park, MI 49321

o   Phone: 616-799-0480

o   Nearest Cross Streets: Evan Dr and Division

o   Located on the south side of Evan Dr at the end of the street

Once proper emergency medical personnel have been contacted, the parents/legal guardian of the child must be immediately contacted once its safe to do so; See Child’s information record for emergency contacts and phone numbers. If conditions do not warrant immediate notification of emergency personnel, the parents/legal guardians will be contacted and notified of the situation.

It will be the responsibly of the teacher in charge to make certain that all emergency medical personnel are properly directed to the child in need.

Upon clearing the premises of the emergency, Little Ones Learning Early Education, staff will work with emergency personnel to devise a plan for continuing operations safely and adequately if necessary.


In the event the air quality is questionable, I will utilize the Weather Channel to view the Micro-Dust as well as the breakdown provided in the details for individual partials. I will take into consideration and frequently observe breathing of children with reactive airways who may be easily triggered. Micro-dust particles are able to bypass the nose and throat and can be absorbed by lungs and into the bloodstream, leading to unhealthy effects. To protect the air inside I will: run my air purifier, keep windows and doors closed, if needed set the air conditioner on the recirculation setting. To further reduce exposure, we will remain inside and pause outdoor play. We will operate as normal. If it is determined Little Ones Learning must close, we will begin reaching out to all families to notify them children must be picked up ASAP.


Little Ones Learning LLC uses all spaces of outside for play; This includes the driveway. We know that vehicle leaks can be unavoidable. However, the children play in the driveway and vehicle leaks can be a hazard. We ask, if your vehicle leaks any type of fluid other than air conditioning condensation to please park in the road. If we notice spots appearing, we will help to identify the vehicle in question.

While your child is in my care, you can always be assured that the door is open to you. Open Door does not mean that we keep our doors unlocked. For the safety of myself and the children in my care, doors are kept locked for the exception of scheduled drop off and pick up times. Please feel free to drop in and check on your child. However, please keep in mind a child adjusting to a new surrounding will want to leave with you if you pop in for a visit. I would appreciate your taking into consideration our schedule when dropping in or calling, and remember that visitors usually cause children to react in an excited manner that does not normally occur when I am alone with the children. Please keep in mind there may be times when it is not possible for me to run to the phone (diaper changing, bottle feeding, etc.) If the phone goes unanswered, please do not become alarmed, simply leave me a voice mail and I will call you as soon as I am able.

Also, I encourage parent involvement. If there is ever a time and day that you would like to come visit and host a “special” activity, such as playing music, reading books, hosting a craft time, please feel welcome to do so.


Communication is very important to me. When I enroll a new family into Little Ones Learning I like to be sure that we can share openly any concerns or questions that may arise. I feel that we are a team caring for and educating your child(ren). If we can work together then your child(ren) can feel secure in knowing they have two families who love them very much. I grow to love each child I care for and educate very much and I am always glad to have a chance to be a part of their lives.

Each child enrolled at Little Ones Learning will receive a daily report through the Bright Wheel app (Free to download) of meals, activities, nap/rest, social/emotional health, milestones, and diapering/toileting information. I also post photos and videos daily on the Little Ones Learning fb page of different activities throughout the day. Occasionally I will send a video or picture via text message to families of their child showing a milestone like using a fork at meals for the first time or your child askes me to send a picture to you of them being silly or playing dress up. I will also take time to discuss your child’s day at pick up in regards to activities they did and how they were emotionally throughout the day.

Twice a year (Spring and Fall) I will offer parent teacher conferences. This gives us a chance to touch base about your child’s development. This can also be a time for us to discuss any upcoming transitions, whether school related, new family members, new home, family concerns about development and so forth. Families are provided a conference form of goals and accomplishments. I use the LAP and ELAP assessments and the ASQ and ASQ-SE Screening tools to keep track of children’s growth and development throughout the year.

I welcome questions, feedback, or discussions of any kind that affect a positive outcome for the child. Sensitive issues will be discussed outside of regular hours either by letter, phone or a scheduled conference. You may call me between 7:15 a.m. – 5:30 p.m.


Little Ones Learning telephone number is 616-799-0480. Please keep in mind that I may not always be able to answer the phone. Please don’t worry and just leave a message and I will call you back as soon as I can. You are welcome to text me as well.


Handwashing is very important to help the spread of germs. Children at Little Ones Learning wash their hands before and after all meals, after outside play, after all bathroom tries and successes, diaper changes, and art activities.



Little Ones Learning LLC does have firearms on premises. Fire arms have trigger locks and ammunition is locked up separate from firearms.




Smoking, alcohol, vaping, marijuana, and all illegal substances are prohibited from the premises of Little Ones Learning. This includes those who may have a license to use medical marijuana. Failure to comply with these terms can mean immediate termination with two weeks paid tuition and no refund for the current week of tuition.



Community Partnerships are beneficial for many families. Ensuring children and families have their basic needs met fosters growth and development. I share different community partnerships on the Little Ones Learning FB page. One of these partnerships include the Comstock Park Giving Closet. I also have a list of community-based partnerships located on the parent bulletin board and on my website. If you find yourself in a situation where you need help meeting basic needs, please reach out to me and I can get you information of different organizations that may be able to provide assistance.





The goal of this cultural competence plan is to allow all families to feel like they are represented, welcomed, and appreciated at Little Ones Learning. Families come from many cultures and socio-economic backgrounds. Little Ones Learning respects this and does as much as possible to incorporate different cultures within the program. To achieve this goal, when families enroll, they are given a family information form to fill out. This gives me information regarding home life and home culture. For families and children that may speak another language besides English, I ask families to provide me with common words used within their home language that I can incorporate throughout our day and the classroom. Children and families are encouraged to use their home language as much as possible. For children who may not speak any English or they have a developmental language delay I will incorporate picture cards to help them understand commonly used phrases and words to help us communicate with each other. I will also use sign language to help children communicate.

The family information form helps all children and families feel represented at Little Ones Learning. Children and families are represented through books, labels, empty food boxes, pictures, music and movement materials, cooking activities, photos of children’s homes, cars, family, and pets on blocks. This form also allows me to know if a family has a special talent, they may be willing to share with the program. For example, a musical instrument they play.

Since 2017 I have participated in a global post card exchange with other early education programs across the globe. These projects have been enjoyed by the children at Little Ones Learning. Each year I participate in professional development training to keep myself educated in cultural competency. I find out about these trainings from Great Start to Quality, other early childhood professionals through networking groups, and Facebook groups, along with flyers sent to me from other early childhood organizations.

This plan is helpful to my early childhood program because it keeps me accountable, it helps create a diverse environment, it allows all children and families to feel represented and welcome, and it teaches children about different cultures.


Little Ones Learning is a Vibrant Futures Food Program participant. I follow their requirements when it comes to meal and snack choices. Little Ones Learning strives to provide 2 well balanced meals and 1 snack per day. I serve breakfast between 8:15 am and 8:45 am, lunch between 11:30 am and 12:15 pm, and afternoon snack between 3:00 pm and 3:30 pm. During meal times, children have the opportunity to help set the table and choose their main dishes and sides. Children have a water bottle available at their height throughout the day.  Children are encouraged to clean up their area once meal time is completed. I strive to serve many fresh vegetables and fruits weekly. When fresh vegetables and fruits aren’t available, I serve frozen and canned items. I try to use fruit in their own juices and vegetables without salt added. I attempt to provide a variety of food choices so children have the opportunity to try new things when grocery prices allow it however most of the time, I serve kid friendly foods. I only serve 100 percent juice and I only serve it up to 2x a week. Depending on the child’s age, I serve Vitamin D, 1 percent, or skim milk. When new children enroll at Little Ones Learning I ask families about foods their children like so I have the opportunity to make sure children always have at least one item they like to eat during meals and snacks. I don’t want children to be hungry at school.

During the Spring, Summer, and Fall months, Little Ones Learning grows a garden to help learn about growing our own foods. We have grown corn, cucumbers, pumpkins, green beans, sunflowers, lettuce, potatoes, peppers, carrots, watermelon, and strawberries. The children are always so excited to harvest the foods and eat them during our meals and snacks.

Whenever the opportunity presents itself, I participate in trainings to increase my knowledge of health and nutrition. In the past I have participated with the MSU Extension Plant It, Grow It, Try It program. I also won an award in 2022 called Michigan Grow More Award. It was an award for Farm to Early Education. I work diligently to stay up to date on current practices and research through the American Academy of Pediatrics and the World Health Organization to maintain healthy nutrition.

Breastfeeding is strongly supported. For families that wish for their child to drink breastmilk, families can send in premade cups for their child labeled with their name and date. If a parent wishes to breastfeed here, they can use the bedroom downstairs to nurse their child in a calm and quiet space.

For children who have food allergies like gluten, dairy, eggs families are required to provide food for their children. These meals must meet licensing and food program requirements. Unfortunately, I cannot accept any children with any type of nut allergies. My yard is full of tree nuts outside and my own family isn’t peanut free. I cannot guarantee there wouldn’t be any cross contamination.

Families are notified daily through the Bright wheel App about what their child ate and how much during meals and snacks. It’s important for children and families to know about mealtime practices and nutritional options so they can learn about proper nutrition and know that their child(ren) will not be hungry.


Children transitioning to new programs whether it be Little Ones Learning or another education program can be stressful on everyone involved. For new families and children entering Little Ones Learning, I encourage families to provide me with a family picture that can be added to our family tree. I also encourage families to allow children to bring a favorite stuffy/blanket they can snuggle when they are sad. I also encourage families to create an All about Me collage that can live on the bookshelf or be carried around. This allows children an opportunity to teach us about them. For some children, they need a visual schedule they can carry around with them so they know where they are during their day.

For families, during the first week or two I send extra updates throughout the day using Bright Wheel of their child(ren). These updates are usually photos. During the first week or two I also make myself more available to parents/caregivers who need extra reassurance that their child is being well cared for.

If you wish for your child(ren) to attend a preschool program that isn’t Little Ones Learning LLC or it’s time for kindergarten, I will provide you with information for the schools below if you ask me. I will notify families with incoming kindergartners of kindergarten round up information. When children are transitioning out of Little Ones Learning they receive a graduation certificate, they are given photos of their time at Little Ones Learning, we will read books about starting a new school, and I ask families to please leave a review on google or my FB business account.

*Rockford Public Schools: 616-863-6320

* Comstock Park Public Schools: 616-254-5001

*Sparta Area Schools: 616-887-8253

*Kenowa Hills Public Schools: 616- 784-2511


Little Ones Learning strives to provide a quality learning environment for children. To help maintain this quality, I have created a policy involving screen time. Screen time includes, TV, computers, tablets, cell phones, and video games. The State of Michigan allows up to 2 hours of screen time per day in licensed programs. I am going to strive for 30 minutes or less a day of TV time and no more than 15 minutes of computer/tablet time. These 45 minutes will be used for educational and occasionally entertainment purposes such as videos reinforcing study topics, dancing, yoga, Blippi, or PBS Kids TV shows. Children 2.5 and older may be allowed to use the tablet for educational purposes only and limited to 15 minutes per day. These games include shapes, colors, letter and sound recognition, along with number recognition and counting. Children that do not wish to watch a television show/movie may do a quiet activity instead. This can include reading, puzzles, or drawing. TVs will not be used as a reward or background noise. TVs will not be used during meal or snack times.


Please provide the following items along with enrollment paperwork:

Family picture, blanket for nap/quiet time, diapers if needed, two extra sets of clothes (pants/shorts, shirt, socks, underwear)


Parents will be responsible for providing the diapers that the child will use each day at childcare. If your child runs out of supplied diapers and I am left to supply child with diapers, there will be a $1 charge for each diaper that needs to be supplied to be paid on that same week’s payment. I will notify the parent when the child has approximately two days’ worth of diapers left.


Cloth diapers will be accepted at Little Ones Learning. If you chose to use cloth diapers, please provide me with a diapering receptacle with a clean plastic bag daily. Please take soiled diapers home each day to be laundered.



Children’s diapers will be checked and changed every 2-3 hours or as needed.


Once your child is ready to toilet train, we will sit down together to create a course of action that we both agree upon.



Bedding used by children will be washed weekly and as needed.


Children under 24 months that fall asleep in unapproved equipment will be moved and placed in a pack n play or on a mat. Unapproved equipment includes swings, infant car seats, high chairs, sofas, bean bags, or other soft surfaces.


If your child has special sleeping circumstances, there must be a signed and dated note from your child’s physician stating the need for special sleep circumstances.



Infant sign language is a way to help young children communicate their needs before they have the verbal skills to do so. Research has also indicated children taught infant sign language have a slightly higher IQ later in life. I use infant sign language with my own daughter. At this time, I teach the following signs: more, all done, thank you, please, and milk.


















2024 Tuition Rates

Hours and Days

Monday-Friday 7:45am-4:45pm

Full-time (5 days a week): $260/week

Part-time (2-4 days a week): $65/day

Drop in: (1 day a week): $75/day

Tuition due regardless of attendance