Opencart to Magento

Upgrade Your E-Commerce Store with OpenCart to Magento Migration

OpenCart and Magento are two of the most popular e-commerce platforms in the market. While OpenCart is known for its simplicity and ease of use, Magento is a more powerful and customizable platform that can handle larger and more complex online stores. If you're currently using OpenCart but feel like you've outgrown its capabilities, it might be time to consider migrating OpenCart to Magento. And to do that, LitExtension is a great tool to help you with the process.

What is LitExtension?

LitExtension is a migration tool that allows you to transfer data from one e-commerce platform to another. It supports over 100 platforms, including OpenCart and Magento. With LitExtension, you can migrate your products, customers, orders, categories, reviews, and other data from OpenCart to Magento quickly and easily.

Why Migrate from OpenCart to Magento?

There are several reasons why you might want to migrate from OpenCart to Magento. Here are a few:

How to Migrate from OpenCart to Magento with LitExtension?

Migrating from OpenCart to Magento with LitExtension is a straightforward process. Here are the steps:

Step 1: Sign up for LitExtension account

The first thing you need to do is sign up for a LitExtension account. You can do this by visiting the LitExtension website and clicking on the "Sign Up" button. Once you've created your account, you can log in and start a new migration.

Step 2: Set up Source Cart and Target Cart

Next, you need to set up your source cart (OpenCart) and target cart (Magento). You will need to provide the URLs and login credentials for both carts. LitExtension will use this information to access your carts and migrate the data.

Step 3: Select Data and Migration Options

After setting up your carts, you can choose what data you want to migrate. LitExtension allows you to transfer products, customers, orders, categories, reviews, and other data. You can also select migration options, such as preserving order IDs, creating 301 redirects, and more.

Step 4: Start the Migration

Once you've configured your migration settings, you can start the migration. LitExtension will transfer the data from OpenCart to Magento automatically. You can monitor the progress of the migration in real-time and get email notifications when it's complete.

Step 5: Check and Test Your New Store

After the migration is complete, you should check your new Magento store to make sure everything has been transferred correctly. You can test the functionality of your store, check your products, customers, and orders, and make any necessary adjustments.


Migrating from OpenCart to Magento can be a daunting task, but with LitExtension, it's easy and stress-free. LitExtension can transfer all of your data from OpenCart to Magento quickly and easily, allowing you to focus on growing your business. If you're considering migrating to Magento, we highly recommend using LitExtension to make the process smooth and efficient.