Bigcommerce to Woocommerce: Which is the Best?

Choosing the right e-commerce platform is a critical decision that can impact your business's success. Two popular options are Bigcommerce and Woocommerce, each with its own strengths and weaknesses. In this article, we'll explore these platforms to help you decide which one is the best fit for your business.


Bigcommerce is a cloud-based e-commerce platform that provides features such as website creation, inventory management, and payment processing. It's an all-in-one solution, so you don't have to worry about server hosting, security, or maintenance. Bigcommerce is also known for its ease of use, making it a great option for small businesses that don't have dedicated IT staff.

However, Bigcommerce can be expensive, starting at $29.95 per month. Customization options are limited, and businesses are restricted to using the platform's templates and themes. Finally, the platform's users are dependent on Bigcommerce, which means less control over the website's scalability and performance.


Woocommerce is an open-source e-commerce platform built on top of WordPress. It's a self-hosted platform, meaning businesses have complete control over their website's hosting, performance, and customization. Additionally, Woocommerce is free, making it a cost-effective option for businesses.

One of Woocommerce's biggest advantages is its flexibility and scalability. The platform offers extensive customization options, with a vast library of themes and plugins. It's also highly scalable, making it an excellent option for businesses looking to expand their online presence.

However, Woocommerce requires more technical expertise than Bigcommerce. Companies must locate their hosting, security, and maintenance solutions. This can be overwhelming for small businesses without an IT team. Furthermore, setting up Woocommerce can be more time-consuming, and companies must be familiar with WordPress to get the most out of the platform.

Which Platform is Right for Your Business?

Ultimately, the decision between Bigcommerce and Woocommerce depends on your business's specific needs and objectives. If you're a small business with limited technical expertise, Bigcommerce is a great option. The platform provides an all-in-one solution that's easy to use and requires minimal setup time.

However, if you're seeking greater control over your website's customization and scalability, Woocommerce may be the better option. While it requires more technical expertise, the platform provides complete control over hosting, performance, and customization. Migrating Bigcommerce to Woocommerce is the best option if you want to switch platforms.

In conclusion, both Bigcommerce and Woocommerce provide unique strengths and weaknesses. By understanding your business's needs and objectives, you can choose the platform that best suits your e-commerce strategy and helps you achieve your business goals.