Recently, I've decided to take the dive into instrumental music. I've never quite done it before, there are instrumental tracks I like, but they aren't very complex.I listened to Tangerine Dream's Phaedra a couple days ago as well as a couple jazz records, and I found myself not really being able to digest what what I was hearing. Allow me to explain-

When I listen to a record, I have to have it's lyrics in front of me, I need something to concentrate on when listening. Otherwise, when I'm listening to a record, my mind wanders and I end up thinking about everything except what I'm trying to listen to. I guess a good metaphor for this would be when you are reading a book, and you plow through a couple pages, but then you don't remember what you just read due to you being lost in thought. I can't seem to figure out how to just "listen" without my mind drifting off. I should probably say I have dealt with bad attention deficit problems, as well as some learning stuff, so concentrating can be real difficult, especially for long periods of time. It probably doesn't help that a majority of instrumental music is very long/ drawn out. (Post-rock, ambient, drone, some jazz, etc.)

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I've known brethren to argue both sides of this issue. Those for it argue that it is better than the trash available on many other stations. While they won't join it and sing with the instrumental music, they prefer to hear decent words and lyrics that are focused on praising God. The other side points out that many of these songs are worship songs but set with instrumental music. Since worship is involved, then the one being worshiped is the one who sets the rules. Since God did not authorize instrumental music for His worship in the New Testament, then we should not seek to add it to ours, whether it is congregational worship or personal worship.

Thus the core issue is whether listening to someone else sing songs that can be used in the worship of God constitutes worship or not. It is an issue that I am not certain I can settle. I usually ask the person whether they consider it to be worship or not and work from there. Personally, I don't go out of my way to listen to such music. I won't change channels on a station necessarily if a religious song comes on. I have even heard and admired some of the thoughts expressed in some songs set to instruments and wonder if we could get a hold of an acapella arrangement for the congregation. But I definitely don't allow myself to sing along with such songs because it focuses my mind on God and I would rather worship God as He wants to be worshiped.

These instrumental pieces are performed by Jasper James "JJ" Chen, M.D.

JJ is an amateur classical pianist and neo-classical composer who is a current resident physician in psychiatry and leadership preventive medicine at DHMC and the Dartmouth Institute for Health Policy and Clinical Practice.

The appreciation of music is a universal human experience. Everyone enjoys music, even if they disagree on which type is best. Music can benefit your mental health, but you may be surprised to learn just how beneficial instrumental (particularly classical) music is for your well-being. It may even help you fall asleep at night. So far, the research on how classical and instrumental music affects mental health has been largely positive.

Classical music has been found to have several mental and emotional health benefits. One study found that patients who listened to relaxing classical music before surgery experienced less anxiety and pain afterward. In addition, classical music has also been found to improve mood, cognitive function, and memory.

A recent study published in Psychology of Music shows a link between listening to classical and instrumental music and improved mental health. The study found that people who listened to this type of music experienced lower anxiety, depression, and stress levels. In addition, classical and instrumental music have also been found to improve cognitive function and help with pain management.

While more research is needed to determine why this is the case, the findings provide valuable insight into how music can be used as a tool for improving mental health. You may be surprised to learn just how beneficial instrumental (particularly classical) music is for your well-being. It may even help you fall asleep at night.

There are several benefits associated with listening to classical and instrumental music. One of the most well-known benefits of music is its ability to reduce stress and anxiety. In the following sections are some specific benefits.

A study of over 2,100 adults found that over half enjoy listening to classical and instrumental music at home, a big increase compared to before the pandemic. This music serves as a coping mechanism, helping individuals relax, reflect, and distract themselves from difficult current events.

Numerous studies have shown that classical music acts as a calming agent on the mind and body. One of the most well-documented effects is its ability to lower blood pressure. Blood pressure correlates with stress, and simply listening to calming music can lower stress hormone levels. If classical music can lower your blood pressure, it relaxes you and likely lowers your stress levels.

High blood pressure is a major risk factor for heart disease, stroke, and other health problems. To see if music might help, researchers recruited 60 people with high blood pressure who had no history of heart disease. The participants were asked to listen to classical music or sit silently for 30 minutes daily over six weeks.

Music engages the mind and can help to distract from negative thoughts and rumination. In a study of people who feared heights, researchers found that instrumental music aided their recovery. Participants who listened to music after a virtual reality experience of heights had quicker reductions in anxiety.

The music creates a human connection and acknowledges the complex emotions that we all inevitably experience. A recent study published in Frontiers in Psychology found that listening to sad music can benefit mental health. The study asked participants to listen to either happy or sad music and then rate their emotions.

The results showed that those who had listened to sad music reported feeling more reflective and emotionally stable than those who had listened to happy music. In addition, the participants who had listened to sad music also showed increased levels of self-awareness and empathy.

These findings suggest that listening to sad music can be therapeutic and help people healthily process their emotions. Sadness is a natural emotion, and it is essential to allow ourselves to feel it sometimes. By listening to sad music, we can permit ourselves to feel our emotions and gain a better understanding of the emotions of others.

A study of college students found that those who listened to classical music for 45 minutes before bed fell asleep more quickly and experienced fewer awakenings during the night than those who did not listen to music. In addition, the music listeners reported feeling more rested upon waking up.

According to a recent study, listening to classical music may help to boost brainpower. The study, which French researchers conducted, found that students who listened to a lecture in which classical music was played in the background scored better on a test than other students.

The therapist studies how to employ musical composition and listening to assist patients in comprehending and regulating their emotions. There are numerous ways to use music to enhance your mental health. For example, you can listen to music while you exercise, work, or commute.

Not all music is equally effective in promoting mental health. Studies have shown that listening to calm, relaxing music is most beneficial for reducing stress. In contrast, upbeat or fast-paced music may increase anxiety levels.

When choosing music for your mental health, it is important to select tracks that resonate with you. Playing music that makes you feel happy, relaxed, or motivated can be particularly helpful in boosting your mood. There are many different types of instrumental music to choose from, and the right type for you will depend on your needs and preferences.

No matter your needs, a type of instrumental music is sure to be perfect for you. If you are unsure where to start, there are many online resources that offer recommendations for mental health-friendly music. Once you have found a few songs that work for you, create a playlist that you can return to whenever you need a little boost.

It may seem old-fashioned to some, but there are many advantages to listening to classical music. For one, it has been shown to improve focus and concentration. A study published in the journal Neuroscience found that listening to classical music while working on a task can help to improve cognitive performance.

In addition, pop music is often very accessible, meaning that you do not need any special equipment or training to enjoy it. Whether you are listening to the radio, streaming online, or buying CDs, there are many ways to enjoy pop music. As a result, it is easy to see why pop music remains one of the most popular genres today. Some well-known pop musicians include Taylor Swift and Justin Bieber.

One of the most appealing aspects of dance music is its ability to improve mental health. In a study conducted by the University of London, it was found that participants who listened to 30 minutes of dance music experienced a significant increase in positive emotions. The study also found that dance music can help to reduce anxiety and depression.

Most people enjoy listening to music; many find it helps them relax and fall asleep. A wide variety of music can be effective for sleep, from soft classical pieces to more upbeat folk songs. In general, slower and softer music is more likely to be soothing, while faster-paced and louder music may be more likely to keep listeners awake. 006ab0faaa

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