
Lisa Graustein is a mom, artist, and DEI facilitator and trainer living in Boston. She is also a Quaker minister and former public school teacher.

David Coletta is a member of Friends Meeting at Cambridge and a retired software engineer. He's interested in helping people use technology to form and foster community. He's a parent of a teenager and lives in a cooperative household in Arlington, MA.
I created My Reflection Matters™ (MRM) as a way for me to share with others educational resources that not only physically reflect Black and Brown children but also mirror and affirm their rich, lived experiences that are often left out or narrowly represented/misrepresented in mainstream curricula and media.
Isha Vela is a trauma psychologist, somatic expressive healer, and liberation coach. During the process of awakening out of her own limited stories and fear, Isha founded Embodied Latinx Leadership Academy (ELLA), a social venture that supports Latinx women in their journey to feminine power, inner liberation, and conscious leadership. Isha has focused her energy on supporting the needs of communities of color for over 15 years and supports the intention of creating a liberated society from the inside out.

Dr. Amanda Kemp is a racial justice from the heart and mindfulness mentor. You can find out more at

Jennie Isbell Shinn is a massage therapist, spiritual director, dream worker and herbal educator. When not working in these complimentary care circles, she makes money (and hopefully good ripples) working in the non profit world, most joyfully serving small organizations with bigger hearts than budgets.
Carly Frintner is a deeply-feeling-and-seeing bodyworker/energy worker, writer, gardener, peer-counselor, and facilitator-in-training with the Alternatives to Violence Project, living in Grays Ferry in Philadelphia, PA. She sees all she does as interconnected healing work for herself and the world. Carly explores and educates around the impact of trauma, loss, environment, race, class, spirituality, sexuality, and gender identity on health, wellbeing, and life experience.

Alexander Levering Kern is a Quaker educator, university chaplain, poet, and writer based in Somerville, Massachusetts.

Sarah Tracy-Wanck is a teacher and a witch. Aaron Jafferis is a writer and teacher. George Jafferis is a biker, hiker, and retired cartographer. They made a video together, and are working on making other things.
Niyonu Spann is the director of the music group Tribe 1 and creator of Beyond Diversity 101, a five-day intensive experience grounded in faith that brings people together to acknowledge and manifest oneness.

John Calvi is a Quaker healer and Certified Massage Therapist. You can learn more about John at