Show O Lord

Show O Lord Thy ways to me and teach me Thy paths

Ps. XXIV, 4

Be Prudent - Be Wise

original: ink on bristol board; 3.25" x 4.125"

<dc:title>Show O Lord</dc:title>

<dc:creator>Fischer, Celestine, 1872-1953</dc:creator>

<dc:subject xsi:type="dcterms:TGM">Miniatures (Illuminations)</dc:subject>

<dc:subject xsi:type="dcterms:TGM">Devotional images</dc:subject>

<dc:description>A prayer card with a verse from psalm 24 (psalm 25 in some Bibles). There are two initials adorned with a snake, thistle and the message, Be prudent and a dove, shamrocks and the message, Be wise.</dc:description>

<dc:publisher>Benedictine Sisters of Chicago</dc:publisher>

<dc:contributor>Jung, Virginia</dc:contributor>

<dcterms:created xsi:type="dcterms:Period">1940-1949</dcterms:created>

<dc:type xsi:type="dcterms:DCMIType">StillImage</dc:type>

<dc:format xsi:type="dcterms:IMT">image/jpg</dc:format>


<dc:language xsi:type="dcterms:ISO639-3">eng</dc:language>

<dc:rights>Benedictine Sisters of Chicago</dc:rights>

<dc:source>pen and ink drawing 3.25" x 4.125"</dc:source>