The game of golf originated on the sandy hills of Scotland on a type of terrain known as links or linksland. Eventually, the game's layout came to be called by the same name as the land, and links developed the meaning of "a golf course built on the coastline," which eventually broadened to include any golf course. Links is ultimately derived from the Old English word hlincas, the plural of hlinc, meaning "ridge," and teed off in 15th-century Scottish English as a name for sandy, hilly terrain. Britain has a number of old-fashioned links courses (built to resemble the Scottish landscape and located on the coastline), and there are a few in the United States as well.

Linked artwork is connected to, but remains independentof, the document, resulting in a smaller document. You can modifylinked artwork using transformation tools and effects; however,you cannot select and edit individual components in the artwork.You can use the linked graphic many times without significantlyincreasing the size of the document; you can also update all linksat once. When you export or print, the original graphic is retrieved, creatingthe final output from the full resolution of the originals.

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When the same graphic appears several times in the document,the links are combined under a disclosure triangle in the Linkspanel. When a linked EPS graphic or InDesign documentcontains links, the links are also combined under a disclosure triangle.

You can change the order of columns by selecting a columnand dragging it to a different location. Drag the column boundariesto change the column width. Click a category title to sort the linksby that category in ascending order. Click again to sort in descendingorder.

By default, InDesign checksfor missing links and tries to resolve them when you open a document.Two preference options let InDesign check forand find missing links automatically when you open a document.

If you turn off this option, InDesign opensthe document immediately, and the link statuses remain pending untillinks are determined to be up-to-date, missing, or modified. Ifyou turn on this option, InDesign checksfor modified or missing links.

If you turn off this option, InDesign doesnot attempt to resolve the missing links. You may want to turn offthis option if links slow performance to a server or if unexpectedlinkings occur. This option is dimmed if Check Links Before OpeningDocument is turned off.

Use the Search For Missing Links command to search for andresolve missing links in your document. This command is useful ifyou turned off the preferences option that checks for missing linkswhen you open a document, and now you have missing links. This commandis also useful if you mount a server where images are stored afteropening a document.

Use the Copy Link(s) To command to copy graphicsfiles to a different folder and redirect the links to the copiedfiles. This command is especially useful for moving files to a differentdrive, such as moving files from a DVD to a hard drive.

When you use the Relink To Folder command,you can point to a folder that contains files with the same namesas your out-of-date links. For example, if your current links pointto low-resolution images, you can specify a different folder thatcontains high-resolution images. You can specify a different extensionfor the files, allowing you to change links from .jpg to .tiff,for example.

As an instructor, you can verify links to course content throughout your course to ensure they are valid. You can check these links using the course link validator, which searches through course content and returns invalid or unresponsive course content links in both published and unpublished content. However, please note that some links flagged as unresponsive are inaccessible by Canvas servers and will still work for students.

If the link validator does not detect any broken links in your course, Canvas may display a celebration. The link validator celebration feature option must be enabled by an account admin. However, you can disable link validator celebrations in your user settings.

The validator displays broken links and images by item type [1]. Broken content is identified as either a link or an image [2]. Non-existent content means that the object is invalid and should be replaced [3]. Unreachable objects mean the image could not be displayed [4].

As an instructor, you can control which links appear in Course Navigation. Canvas includes a set of default Course Navigation links that are shown by default and cannot be renamed. Depending on your course configuration, other links may be available and may be customizable.

Links to sections that don't have any content and that students cannot create content for will be automatically hidden for students and will display the Visibility icon to instructors. For example, if there are no learning outcomes set for the course, you will see the Outcomes link with the Visibility icon, but students will not see the link at all. Configured External Apps may create additional Course Navigation links.

Reordering and hiding Course Navigation links for Announcements, Assignments, Discussions, and Files also affects the course tabs in the Dashboard course view for all users. Additionally, disabling the Files link will hide the Files tab in the Content Selector in the Rich Content Editor for students.

The following course navigation links will still be visible to instructors even if they have been hidden or disabled: Home, Announcements, Assignments, Collaborations, Conferences, Discussions, Files, Grades, Modules, Outcomes, Pages, People, Quizzes, Rubrics, Settings, and Syllabus.

If you have a manual action against your site for unnatural links to your site, or if you think you're about to get such a manual action (because of paid links or other link schemes that violate our quality guidelines), you should try to remove the links from the other site to your site. If you can't remove those links yourself, or get them removed, then you should disavow the URLs of the questionable pages or domains that link to your website.

If you have found URLs or sites to disavow in the links report for your site, you can download the data from the Links report by clicking the export button. Be sure to remove any URLs from the downloaded file that you don't want to disavow.

Have you ever been familiar with something, worked around it, but not fully understood its concepts? I feel like that happens to me more than most people. This is a frustrating feeling, but it is also one that often is easily remedied. Sometimes, it only takes someone explaining the concept in "plain English," aka layman's terms. That is the goal of this article. I want to talk about hard links and soft (symbolic) links in the most basic terms possible. You may realize that this concept, which is often a struggle for sysadmins, is quite simple. If nothing else, I take you through the syntax to create these links (which many people find difficult to remember). So let's get down to it.

When changes are made to one filename, the other reflects those changes. The permissions, link count, ownership, timestamps, and file content are the exact same. If the original file is deleted, the data still exists under the secondary hard link. The data is only removed from your drive when all links to the data have been removed. If you find two files with identical properties but are unsure if they are hard-linked, use the ls -i command to view the inode number. Files that are hard-linked together share the same inode number.

While useful, there are some limitations to what hard links can do. For starters, they can only be created for regular files (not directories or special files). Also, a hard link cannot span multiple filesystems. They only work when the new hard link exists on the same filesystem as the original.

Commonly referred to as symbolic links, soft links link together non-regular and regular files. They can also span multiple filesystems. By definition, a soft link is not a standard file, but a special file that points to an existing file. Let's look at how to create a soft link. I use the ln -s command and the following syntax:

A links is the oldest style of golf course, first developed in Scotland. Links courses are generally built on sandy coastland that offers a firmer playing surface than parkland and heathland courses.[1]

The word "links" comes via the Scots language from the Old English word hlinc: "rising ground, ridge"[2] and refers to an area of coastal sand dunes and sometimes to open parkland; it is cognate with lynchet. "Links" can be treated as singular even though it has an "s" at the end and occurs in place names that precede the development of golf, for example Lundin Links in Fife.[3] It also retains this more general meaning in standard Scottish English. Links land is typically characterised by dunes, an undulating surface, and a sandy soil unsuitable for arable farming but which readily supports various indigenous browntop bent and red fescue grasses. Together, the soil and grasses result in the firm turf associated with links courses and the 'running' game. The hard surface typical of the links-style course allows balls to "run" out much farther than on softer turf course after a fairway landing. Often players will land the ball well before the green and allow it to run up onto the green rather than landing it on the green in the more targeted-landing style used on softer surfaces.

Links courses tend to be on, or at least very near to, a coast, and the term is typically associated with coastal courses, often amid dunes, with few water hazards and few, if any, trees. This reflects both the nature of the scenery where the sport originated and the limited resources available to golf course architects at that time. Soil movement, for example, had to be done by hand, and thus was kept to a minimum, as was irrigation. Even today, some links courses do not employ a greens staff, use only basic machinery such as hole cutters without boards, resulting in a hole that is cut unevenly, and use grazing animals to keep the grass cropped.[citation needed] e24fc04721

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