
Nest Building

Our students created nests for birds using natural materials.  With this workshop we helped endangered birds by building safe nests wich were placed at the school's backyard.

Excursion to Bolonia dunes and Baelo Claudia

The students joined the LIBERA project "united against littering" by cleaning the litter from Miraflores park. A project created by the NGO, SEO/BirdLife, in partnership with Ecoembes, the non-profit environmental organisation that promotes the circular economy through the recycling of packaging in order to free nature from litter. 

Flamenco Workshop

Visit of the Rio Tinto area of Huelva. 

As part of the Rio Tinto Mining Park the group visited the museum in the old hospital, the Peña de Hierro mine, and a Victorian-era British house; and took a 22km train ride.