
You may take a look at the project activities (before movilities) below:

Student matching

On March 7 2024 the teachers of the project met online to organise the matching of students....

Project Logo Drafts

On February 15 2024 the students of the "Linked by Gaia" project started to work on their ideas about the project logo. Here are the first drafts from the greek students. The greek logo drafts were sent to the spanish partners to add their own ideas on the logo.

The Spanish students have added their contributions to the designs of the original logos made by the Greek students

Padlet Wall Meeting

On February 1 2024, the students of the 3rd Gymnasium of Mytilene met to start building the project padlet wall. Every student created a post on the wall to introduce himself or herself. Later on our partners from Spain added their own posts. The completed wall can be seen here.

January Online Project Meeting

Teachers from both schools met online on January 30 2024 to discuss about future project activities. Among other things:


First Meeting of the Greek Team

The greek team met for the first time on January 28 2024 to start organizing this project.


The Spanish team at our school library on February 19 2024. 

Ready to start!