06/28/24 23:58 (ARG)

Lindsay Lohan talked with E! News about her pregnancy.

Lindsay Lohan was interviewed by Alissa Morin for E! News and talked about some things about her life after the pregnancy.


Lindsay Lohan has been shared updates to her fans about her life as a new mother. Since giving birth to her son Luai in July 2023, she has openly discussed her pregnancy and recovery journey. In a recent interview with E! News, Lohan shared more intimate details about her experiences and how she has adjusted to motherhood.


Reflecting on the first days after Luai was born, Lohan said, "In the beginning, I didn't want to miss a moment, even when the baby is sleeping, you tend to become a little stalker. But I think once you get into a good system, you start to understand that it's OK to take time." She emphasized the importance of self-care, noting, "I need this. I need to feel great in order to be great for my child."

Lohan also spoke about the strength and resilience of women, especially after giving birth. "After giving birth, you realize, as women, how strong we are, we forget to give ourselves credit for that. There are moments we should take a break, sit down and stop and think about all of the things we do and how much power we have. I've learned that this past year more than I knew before."

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Despite her private nature, Lohan shared snippets of her daily routine. "In the morning, I wake up and do breakfast time with my son, have toast and yogurt. I'm an avid tea drinker, so I love to have tea, sit, recenter and focus. And I feel refreshed after." Living in Dubai has allowed Lohan to enjoy a life away from the public eye, offering her the peace and privacy she cherishes.

Lohan incorporates meditation and fitness into her routine to maintain balance. "I do meditation in the shower because it's my happy, cleansing place, and I love Pilates but I struggle with finding time to do that, so I have to fit it in on weekends." Also, she humorously added, "When he started to get bigger, I was like, 'I'm using you. You're now my weight.' It's the best." Talking about how Luai joins in on her Pilates sessions.

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Lohan emphasized the importance of mental health and self-acceptance after childbirth. "Health and fitness are one thing, but you need time to mentally let yourself take a beat. Your body just went through this crazy experience and trauma. It's so important that you accept yourself and cherish every moment. There's no rush, you're not missing anything. You shouldn't have any FOMO. You will get there in all good time. Everyone is different, but we're all similar in one thing that it's a learning experience—and it's a beautiful one."