ASB Online Payments Info

Quick Tutorial on how to make ASB Online Payments

1. Go to the Bellingham Public School Home Page and login to Skyward. (For a more detailed route go to "Online Payments" under the "Families" pull down menu for more information.)

2. Make Sure you are in Family Access and select the Student (if you have more than one student in BPS) you are making a payment for.

3. In the Top Right corner click on "District Links" then "Online ASB Payments"

4. Select the item or event you are making a payment on.

5. Add your payment amount.

Unfortunately, this system does not post what your remaining balance is for the Disneyland Trip. Call ASB Office for your remaining balance.

ASB Office: 360-676-6575, ext. 5006

6. Check out and complete the required payment information. You can print or email your receipt.