D65 News and Info
D65 Caregiver Council
The D65 Caregiver Council for Disability Inclusion (CCDI, formerly known as SEPAC) is a caregiver-run group for families of children with disabilities in District 65 focused on facilitating a sense of belonging for these students in all aspects of school life.
To join CCDI and keep up with what we are doing, please sign up for the email list at this link. Voting members of the group are required to have a child with a disability (IEP/504/undiagnosed) in the district, but all others are welcome to stay informed and encouraged to attend our public meetings.
El Consejo de cuidadores del D65 para la inclusión de discapacidad (CCDI, previamente conocida como SEPAC) es un grupo facilitado por los cuidadores para las familias de niños con discapacidades en el Distrito 65 que se enfoca en facilitar un sentido de pertenencia para estos estudiantes en todos los aspectos de la vida escolar.
Para ser parte del CCDI y para mantenerse al día con lo que estamos haciendo, por favor, regístrese para formar parte de la lista de correo electrónico usando este enlace. Se requiere que los miembros votantes del grupo tengan un niño con alguna discapacidad (IEP/504/ sin diagnóstico) en el distrito, pero todos los demás son bienvenidos para mantenerse informados y se les invita a asistir a nuestras reuniones públicas.
Composting in D65—and at Home!
Did you know last school year 4,342 students in 11 District 65 Schools composted 77,955 pounds of waste in our lunchrooms? Together we avoided 34.3 Metric Tons of carbon emissions by composting instead of landfilling our waste, equal to 568 tree seedlings growing for 10 years!
You might hear more about our lunchroom composting in the coming days and weeks as the students receive some refresher training on why and how we sort our waste at lunch. We encourage you to take a moment this week to watch the videos below with your family and discuss opportunities to reduce our waste going to landfills.
Interested in composting at home? All Evanston properties, including residential, business, and commercial properties, are eligible to sign up for food waste composting services through Collective Resource Compost, the City’s exclusive hauler. Collective Resource Compost offers a variety of service levels, including both year-round and “winter gap” seasonal programs. Also, Village Farmstand has partnered with Collective Resource to create a drop-off opportunity for composting, click here to learn more. Or do it yourself with backyard composting—visit the City’s backyard composting page for information and guidelines.