
Parking Assignments

All parking assignments are subject to change as the parking crew sees necessary.

Lincoln ROC 2024 Parking asignment v1.pdf

Check which gate assignment- Main Gate for Parade (Alexandria) or Stanton Gate (ALL Field show schools)


1. Please do your best to have your vehicles arrive together so we can park them together, since we park first come and want your group to be together.  Lead vehicle should have a vehicle count for our parking crew.  

2. For Safety: No in and out privileges.  If a vehicle leaves a lot or parking area, it will not be permitted back in. There must be a Emergency Access for EACH Row (fire trucks come quite often!)

3. Parking is for buses and support vehicles only.  Public parking is on the street in the surrounding neighborhood.  Please advise your families not to park with the buses. There are drop off zones nearby Main and Stanton to unload passengers etc. Stray cars will be blocked in.

4. No parking on Lincoln Road, Leesburg Place or Benjamin Holt along the parade route until after 1 pm.

5. Many are having "Senior Celebrations". Please find a grassy area, inside  Campus area,  Swenson Park (across street), many zones nearby the lot. Because of limited space every year, Parking Blacktop is mostly reserved for Buses, Trucks, trailers, Vans, and Support vehicles for parking /Unloading only. We  do our best and try to accommodate you nearby a adjacent grass area.

6.  No entry on tennis courts or HS Baseball Field (Middle School Baseball field will be used for Field warm-up)

7. The only parking entry points will be from Alexandria.  Harrisburg at Benjamin Holt Drive will be exit only as Stanton and Harrisburg parking will be one direction only.

Lincoln ROC Parking Map 2024.pdf