Lab Philosophy

In the Limeri Lab, we care about our well-being, value equity, diversity, and inclusion, grow through tackling challenging problems, and practice open science.

We care about our well-being first. 

Our science is great, but our well-being is more important. Only when we all feel welcome, healthy, and supported can we do our best work. When you need time to recuperate, rest, and prepare, take it. We set high goals and high standards for our work. I know we can achieve these, but only when we can bring our full, focused, centered selves to our work. Do what you need to do to bring your best self to lab each day, and communicate with me what I can do to support your well-being. 

We value equity, diversity, and inclusion. 

All people, regardless of their background or personal characteristics, deserve equitable opportunities to achieve their goals. Everyone's unique experiences and identities afford them different perspectives and strengths that they bring to our work and community. Diversity of perspectives, backgrounds, and identities makes our lab a better place to be and makes our research stronger.

We grow through tackling and overcoming challenging problems. 

When we struggle, fail, and are challenged, we are really experiencing opportunities to grow. When I started graduate school myself, I wanted my mentor to give me clear directions so I could do everything the "right way" the first time. It took me a long time to see the value and growth that comes from wrestling with a challenging, open-ended problem that does not have an answer. In the Limeri Lab, I will push you to leave your comfort zone, take on difficult problems that I do not have an answer to, and always keep growing. 

We practice open science.

The work we do is meant to be shared so that it can have the maximum benefit. By making our work as open and transparent as possible, we invite our colleagues to fully understand our work and help us catch any mistakes. As much as possible, we publish in open-access journals so that everyone can access the results of our work. 

This is a living document. I anticipate that our lab, its policies, and philosophies will grow over time. I welcome feedback on this document always, and plan to revisit and revise this document as I grow as a mentor, lab leader, person, and researcher. 

This document has been inspired by numerous sources, including Dr. Erin Dolan, Dr. Nick Keiser, and Dr. Nick Smith. Thank you.