

Neurosciences: menstrual cycles and emotions (tutorial classes, 2nd year of Bachelor, 12 hours), faculty of Psychology and Education Sciences, University of Lille

Cognitive Psychology (tutorial classes, 1st year of Bachelor, 18 hours), faculty of Psychology and Education Sciences, University of Lille

Ecological approach of perception and action (lectures, 1st year of Master, 4 hours), faculty of Sport Sciences and Physical Education, University of Lille


Cognitive Psychology (tutorial classes, 1st and 2nd years of Bachelor, 36 hours), faculty of Psychology and Education Sciences, University of Lille

Statistics (tutorial classes, 1st year of Bachelor, 12 hours), faculty of Psychology and Education Sciences, University of Lille

Ecological approach of perception and action (lectures, 1st year of Master, 4 hours), faculty of Sport Sciences and Physical Education, University of Lille

Neurosciences: motricity (tutorial classes, 1st year of Bachelor, 12 hours), faculty of Sciences and Technology, University of Lille