Policies and Procedures ⚜️

The Lil Saints Preschool will operate on a nondiscriminatory basis, providing equal treatment and access to services without regard to race, religion, national origin, or ancestry.

Admission is available to all families with children between the ages of three and a half through five years old, on a first come basis. Priority is given to staff members and children 4 and up; however, all students are placed on the enrollment list. You should hear from a staff member about acceptance in the program by late September/early October.

Days and Times

The Lil Saints will be operating on the AHS campus. We will be open Mondays, Tuesdays, and Thursdays, We will be closed for all the holidays, vacations/breaks, and for some state testing days. Parents will be notified of any changes in the schedule. Times are 8:20 AM to 10:00 PM. Gates will open 5 minutes before drop off and pick up and close 5 minutes after. Please make sure to be on time for drop and pick off. Ms. Gonzalez has classes before and after the Lil Saints and it is imperative to be on time. You may get dropped from the program if you receive three written notices on late pick up.


There is a cost of $2.00 per session (per day) to cover supplies and material costs, tuition is based per month not day. In the event your child is absent, the amount is still paid in order to hold your child's spot. All fees are due monthly by the 3rd of the month. Payments received after the 5th of the month are considered late. A late fee of $5.00 will be added to the tuition. Cash will be accepted. Personal checks and money orders can be made out to Adelanto High School, in the subject/memo line please write Lil Saints, No ATM or credit cards accepted.


The Lil Saints uses the staff parking for parents on the AHS campus, the lot is pass the gate to the front of the school. There is a gate to the pre-school room which will be opened for you at 8:15. You will need to walk your child from the parking lot through the gate and then to the Little Saints classroom, where we will have a sign-in/sign-out sheet.


Always accompany children to the classroom. Use extreme caution in the parking lots. Other classes are in session; please hold your child’s hand until you the Little Saints classroom. Please be sure to observe any NO Parking signs.

Monthly Newsletters

Each month a newsletter will be handed out to all children. The newsletter will contain the calendar of events for the month, the themes of the week, tuition cost, and friendly reminders.


All children need to have their immunizations or shots up to date in order to attend the Lil Saints Preschool. A photocopy of your child’s shot record will need to be submitted before they can attend the Lil Saints program.

Emergency First Aid Procedures

If an emergency arises, a qualified staff member administers first aid care, calls the parent and if necessary emergency medical personnel. Therefore, it is essential for every parent to complete the Emergency Information Card indicating where you can be reached, physicians’ names and phone numbers. Should there be any changes during the year, please request and complete a new card


It is important for your child to attend regularly. Please notify the Lil Saints Preschool teacher if your child will be absent for any reason. There will not be any refunds for missed days. If you know ahead of time that your child will be missing a week or more then we can allow a discount in the tuition.

Sign In and Out

All parents/guardians will need to sign their child in and out of school. Children will be checked for visible signs of illness before they are signed in. Only persons on the authorized list may pick up your child from school. All persons will be asked for a photo ID when picking up children and they must be 18 years or older. In an emergency situation, a phone call or letter may be provided.

High School Lockdown Procedures

In the event of a lock down at the High School, any children who may be outdoors will be brought inside the building without delay. Teachers will immediately take attendance. The staff and children will not be permitted to leave the facility until an official “all-clear” message is given. Traffic will not be permitted in or out of the high school during an emergency evacuation until the lock down is lifted.

Remind App

The Lil Saints classroom uses the remind app for communication with parents and staff. You will be given the code for Remind on the first day of school. All parents/families are required to sign up for Remind.


As the holidays arrive, students enjoy planning seasonal activities in the learning centers such as art, books, celebrations, decorations, etc.

If your student cannot participate in these activities, please let us know. We will find alternative activities for them. If it is your child’s birthday and you would like to bring something into class, please speak to Ms. Gonzalez a week prior.


If your child has had experienced fever, illness or has vomited within the last 24-48 hours do not bring them to school. If any child shows any sign of illness, and is unable to participate in normal program routines, we will call home as soon as possible. Sick children can expose all children and staff if they come in contact. We will do a visual screening when they arrive each morning. Every effort is taken to reduce the spread of illness by encouraging hand washing and other sanitary practices

Clothing Policy

In Lil Saints Preschool your child will be painting and drawing. Your child may get messy while doing these things so please make sure they are wearing appropriate clothing everyday. Do not send them in expensive clothes. Their shoes should be closed toe and heel to prevent injuries.

Restroom Policy

All children must be potty trained in order to remain in the Lil Saints Preschool Program. We do understand accidents may happen occasionally, so we recommend you bring an extra change of clothes just in case, including socks. Please put the clothes in a Ziploc bag with their name written in the front. These will remain in your child’s cubby. If your child has an accident, and no change of clothes are provided, we will call you to pick up your child for the day.

When your child needs to use the restroom they are to ask a teacher. The policy for the preschool students using the restroom is that at all times, two High School students will walk your child to the restroom. We have our own restrooms that are only for the preschool students. Please teach your child to wipe properly, and put on their clothes. The High School students will help when needed, but we encourage children to do it for themselves.

Water Bottle

Please send your child with a water bottle daily. We do not want to disrupt their learning time by walking to the water fountain.


Throughout the school year we will take several pictures and videos of your children. We will use them for a variety of reasons: to hang in class, post on website, make class video, newspaper(school/community). Please notify us if your child CANNOT participate in the release of photos.

Dismissal Policy

To ensure the most productive environment in which to develop and motivate each individual child, it is imperative to establish a policy regarding classroom behavior. Any child, who through his/her continual disruptive behavior, willful disobedience, or immature social behavior, resulting in continual classroom disturbance, will result in a parent teacher conference. Case which disruptive behavior continues or become violent will be subject to dismissal from the program.

Child Abuse and Neglect Policy

All student teachers and staff members are mandated reporters of child abuse and neglect. They are required by law to report suspected abuse and neglect.

Mask Policy

Due to the current pandemic, all children must wear masks when attending school.