
Looks: cream and silver tabby like this, with green eyes; long legs and tail, and thin frame

Gender: female [she/her]

Sexuality: bi/pansexual, leans towards females

Clan: WindClan

Age: ~40 moons (equivalent to 30-year-old human)

Family: never knew her father; her mother was depressed when she was a kit and didn't take care of her very well; no siblings

History: not a super happy childhood; she was often depressed and isolated herself because she felt like nobody cared about her/wanted her around. developed a very "I don't need anyone, I'm fine on my own" attitude. less like that now, but still isn't very close with anyone yet. she recently made the bold decision to try and break out of her shell, so we'll see how that goes for her (:

Personality: reserved, distractible, quiet, doesn't talk much; isn't particularly good at holding conversations. sweet and loyal if you get to know her, but she doesn't seem to have any close friends. doesn't want kits, but would like to take on an older-sister-like role for younger cats.


  • Dustpaw (apprentice; @Angelique)

  • Hailpaw (potential friend; @Estelle)

  • Deadpaw (who knows? @gs29513)

  • Fawnwillow (potential friend or love interest? @Paradise)

  • Featherfur (potential friend or love interest? @~Fox~)