
Looks: light golden tabby with baby-blue eyes; medium-long fur but it sticks to his body pretty well so he looks as small as he is (which isn't ridiculously small, but he does look like he's not an adult). he looks very soft and sweet but also tends to keep zero expression on his face

Gender: male [he/him] but he also just doesn't care

Sexuality: gay

Affiliation: outsider

Age: ~20-25 moons (equivalent to a mid-20s human)

Family: who knows?

History: got tossed around between different Twolegs for a long time. recently got bored of being a kittypet and just... left. has been living with his older half-brother Matthew for a few moons

Personality: again, who knows? he doesn't really talk much. or communicate much. ("it's just not necessary")

but actually, he's quite self-centered and will essentially do anything for the cat he decides to latch onto as long as said cat is willing to provide for him. he's not deliberately mean, he just doesn't really care. he has the capacity to be sweet and "loving" if that's what his protector-cat wants. he's very straightforward whenever he does decide to talk, because the point of talking is to get your point across. he does have some sensory issues and doesn't like large crowds or walking on gravel roads (which is a bit difficult for a cat living in Twolegplace). he's also easily entertained, and has a tendency to stare and/or zone out.


  • Montag (registered sugar daddy protector @ghostwriter)

    • however I've decided to have multiple ... lives? for Honey going on at once so this relationship wouldn't affect any other ones

    • I just really like Honey and want him to meet everyone lol