The project is run by four Belgian partner institutes, among which three universities. The coordination is ensured by a Belgian federal research institute.
Christian Burlet is a geologist. He is specialised in spectroscopic techniques applied to raw materials characterization, including Raman, LIBS and SEM-EDS. Contact.
Sophie Verheyden is a geologist, specialised in environmental geochemistry applied to karst areas with applications in geoheritage, palaeoenvironmental and palaeoclimatic reconstructions, and geoarchaeology. Contact.
Renata Barros is a geologist specialised in ore mineralogy and geochemistry and geodata applications, with special interest in European Critical Raw Materials. Contact.
They are responsible for the coordination of the project, i.e. administrative issues and organisation of meetings and for the dissemination of the project results. They contribute to the measurement of samples to create the necessary critical mass of spectral data.
Jean-Marc Baele is a geo-engineer specialized in mineralogy, petrography and ore geology with emphasis on the application of non-conventional analytical techniques such as cathodoluminescence (CL), plasma-induced luminescence (PIL) and laser-induced breakdown spectroscopy (LIBS).
SĂ©verine Papier is a microbiologist specialized in iron-oxidizing bacteria and mineral analytical techniques such as CL, PIL and LIBS.
They are responsible for the sample and core selection and inventory as well as for the analysis of the samples and sites related to the Pb-Zn exploitation in Belgium.
Anca Croitor is specialized in artificial intelligence applied to extract information from multivariate chemical data using statistics and mathematics.
She is responsible for setting the operational modalities enabling machine learning on the LIBS datasets, the development of the machine learning models, data cleaning, spectra analysis and its validation.
Eric Pirard (Prof.) is a geo-engineer. He coordinates the Emerald (European Master in Resources Engineering) programme in collaboration with the universities of Lorraine (FR), Lulea (SE) and Freiberg (DE). His research team is a core-partner of EIT Raw Materials and gathers about thirty geologists and engineers in the development of new technologies for the characterization, sorting and extraction of metals from complex and low-grade raw materials. He is regularly invited in the media for his views on critical metals and circular economy issues.
Hassan Bouzahzah is a researcher in mineralogy and geochemistry.
Godefroid Dislaire is experienced in scientific and industrial computer vision software analysis and implementation.
Simon Nachtergaele is a geologist specialized in geochronology, mineralogy and software development for geological applications.
They are responsible for the selection and measurement of the reference samples, the calibration and harmonization of the methodology and data.