Created by a start-up charter under the Georgia Charter Schools Act, LCCA operates with the consultation of an Advisory Board of Directors that meets quarterly under the supervision of the Liberty County School System in collaboration with Savannah Technical College, the Liberty County Chamber of Commerce and the Liberty County Development Authority. The mission of LCCA is to provide all students in our high schools with opportunities to complete career pathways. while at the same time pursuing technical certificates of credit and industry credentials that will enable them to obtain meaningful employment at a real wage at the end of their high school experience.

Economic Development for Educators, organized by the Liberty County School System, the Liberty County Development Authority and the Liberty County Chamber of Commerce, is designed to increase the pipeline of potential employees for local business. It also aims to make educators, and thus their students, aware of careers available in the county.

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2022-23: Became the first Pirate freshman since 2019 to be unanimously named to the AAC All-Freshman team ... Recorded 18 points and a career-high 19 rebounds against Houston in the AAC Quarterfinals (Mar. 10) ... Named AAC Freshman of the Week on Feb. 20, becoming the first Pirate freshman to receive the honor since 2019. Scored a career-high 22 points on 10-of-16 shooting at Tulane (Mar. 3) ... Recorded back-to-back double-doubles against Cincinnati (Feb. 15) and SMU (Feb. 19) becoming the first Pirate freshman to do so since 2019 ... Recorded his first career double-double against SMU (Feb. 4) with 19 points and 13 rebounds ... Tallied a career-high four steals against South Carolina (Dec. 17) ... Recorded his first collegiate start against Campbell (Dec. 2), recording 10 points and five rebounds ... Named Male Newcomer of the Year at the 2023 Goldsby's.

Why did Hayek, the most reserved and scholarly of men, decide to plunge into the political fray? Basically, because he saw that Western Civilization stood at a historic juncture, and felt he could not keep silent. The year 1944 was perhaps the darkest hour for liberty in all this century. The Allied armed forces were, it is true, closing in on the dictatorial regimes of the Axis powers. But one of the victorious Allies was Stalin’s Russia, as monstrous a tyranny as any going down in defeat, and Stalin was about to spread his rule over half of Europe and then well into Asia. Even worse for the cause of authentic liberty, the free states of Britain and America had been radically altered by the War itself. Government control and management of every aspect of the life of society was not only accepted but welcomed by a propagandized public, as indispensable to the war effort. Most ominously of all, the mentality of the peoples was undergoing a change. Accustomed by the War to state direction, more and more people looked to the state for guidance, leadership, security, even salvation, in the post-War world. With collectivist-minded intellectuals dominating academy and the media, even such an excellent book as Albert Jay Nock’s Our Enemy, The State, had been consigned to oblivion, despite Nock’s pre-War literary prominence. It seemed that any rational and “progressive” person had to accept state planning of economic life as inevitable—and eminently desirable.

With the rise of the Nazi threat, Mises, too, left Austria, ultimately emigrating to America. In a distinguished career that continued into the 1970s, he published a series of works that marked him as one of the great thinkers of the century, and, together with Hayek, as the most celebrated champion of classical liberalism in our time. Omnipotent Government, also published in 1944, is a trenchant account of modern German history that traced Nazism to the statist ideas and policies of earlier generations. In a brief work, Bureaucracy, Mises refuted the hackneyed notion that bureaucracy is an inevitable feature of the modern world, as prevalent in private enterprise as in government. He showed how, on the contrary, the incessant drive for profit in the private sector militates against bureaucracy, which is necessarily a trait of government operations. By general consensus, Mises’s greatest work is Human Action, a demanding, but immensely rewarding work.

The efforts of the Austrian school were continued in America by Mises’s students, perhaps the most prominent being Murray Rothbard. Rothbard’s great treatise, Man, Economy, and State, is a systematic presentation of how the self-regulating system of free, private enterprise works, and a demolition, one by one, of the fashionable yet profoundly flawed arguments that have been raised against it. Rothbard has also combined his insights with the natural rights concepts of Locke and Jefferson to produce such important books as For a New Liberty, a hard-hitting application of the principles of individual liberty and private property to all major public policy issues.

Other thinkers who appealed to Hayek were those who understood that liberty required an awareness of history, the growth of institutions, and the moral underpinning of society. The French Baron de Montesquieu, in The Spirit of the Laws, showed both a devotion for liberty and the complexities of establishing and maintaining it. Hayek also held great affection for the American experiment in freedom; The Constitution of Liberty in fact is dedicated “To the unknown civilization that is growing in America.” Hence, he had a profound admiration for the Founding Fathers such as is found in The Federalist Papers, by Madison, Hamilton, and Jay. 006ab0faaa

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