Meanwhile, a young ninja named Kanzo Hattori becomes best friends with Kenichi. Hattori becomes a part of the Mitsuba family along with his brother Shinzo and his ninja dog, Shishimaru. Hattori helps Kenichi with his problems, constantly keeping an eye on him as a good friend. Yumeko is portrayed as Kenichi's love interest.

The main antagonists are Kemumaki, a Koga Ninja, and his ninja-cat, Kagechiyo. Kemaki always causes trouble for Kenichi and Hattori, sometimes inventing new devices to fight against Hattori but always ending up in mishap. Kenichi asking Hattori to take revenge is a recurring storyline present throughout many episodes. Although Hattori is a good friend, Kenichi sometimes fights with him due to misunderstandings created by Kemumaki. Sometimes Jippou, Togejirou and Tsubame help him.

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Hattori-kun, is the protagonist of the series, a little ninja who is named after his ancestor Hattori Hanz. He is 11 years old and a skilled ninja despite his age who left his home in Iga to train in Tokyo, where he took up residence in the Mitsuba household. The show follows his many adventures and daily life living in modern Japan and his friendship with Kenichi Mitsuba. Both boys find a rival in Kemaki (Kemumaki in some dubs), another young ninja in Kenichi's class. Hattori-kun's main weakness is that he is terrified of frogs (Ranidaphobia) . He has strong beliefs on what makes a good ninja and reminds everyone of the same. Hattori-kun has signature swirls on his cheeks, wears a blue head covering at all times, and also has a quirk of saying ~degozaru or nin nin (ding ding in dubs) after almost every sentence. Hattori-kun has an ardent admirer, Tsubame. He wears blue coloured ninja robes with a red belt.

Shinzo is Kanzo's five-year-old younger brother who followed him to Tokyo. Being only an apprentice ninja he uses wooden weapons. His older brother Hattori is his role model. He can cry extremely loudly, stunning people and even causing them to faint. He helps Kanzo fight Kemumaki, sometimes using his loud crying to immobilise opponents. He wears red coloured ninja robes. His catchphrase is "shin shin".

Yumeko-chan, is a classmate and friend of Kenichi's. Both Kenichi and Kemaki have unrequited crushes on her, causing a rivalry between the two boys. Yumeko sees Hattori and Shinzo as brothers. She is a pianist and hates bell peppers. Yumeko appears in an episode of Perman as a cousin of Michiko. She wears a pink long sleeved dress and has her hair in a short cut with bangs.

Is a ninja dog living with Kenichi, who came along with Kanzo and Shinzo Hattori. He is often lazy and stubborn. Along with Shinzo, the two of them wind up doing mischief and creating trouble. He has an attack technique of turning in a fireball when provoked. He also has the ability to change form into any other animal. His fur is curly and yellow. Shishimaru's ninja mark on his forehead is very important for him as it is an identification of him as a ninja. He loves to eat all kinds of delicious treats, especially a fish sausage, or chocolate roll.

Is the antagonist of Ninja Hattori-kun. The 11-year-old ninja comes from the Koga village and hence is a sworn rival of the Iga native Hattoris. He lives alone in a small apartment with his ninja cat Kagechiyo. As per the Koga rules, his ninja identity is a secret, with only Kenichi and the Hattoris knowing about his dual life while he attends middle school as a normal student. His parents' whereabouts are unknown, but his mother is noted several times in the series, and once visited him while he was sleeping to cook him a meal. Kemaki is shorter than Kenichi but much better at school and sports than him. He isn't as good a ninja as Hattori-kun but never gives up trying to beat him. Despite being the main antagonist, he is actually a nice but lonely boy who sometimes helps out his rivals. Kemaki strongly adheres to his clan rules of never using ninjutsu for criminal acts, going so far as to temporarily excommunicate Kagechiyo for stealing an ice cream. He wears green colored ninja robes, is brown skinned and has his hair is a short ponytail.

Is a talking ninja-cat of the Kga-ry clan. He serves as the supporting antagonist in the series. Usually, Kemumaki assigns significant tasks in his plans for Kagechiyo to carry out, but he often fails to succeed. This is because he doesn't receive enough training from Kemumaki and is often seen sleeping on the streets. Hattori notices him several times. He has a rivalry with Shishimaru. His fur color is black and white. He typically hides in the Mitsuba house to eavesdrop on Kenichi and his friends' plans, and afterwards, he informs Kemumaki about them, making him well-suited to being a spy. At times, he resents Kemumaki for his strictness and imagines living a life of luxury as a normal cat in some episodes. He enjoys eating fish. He obtains an attack of static electricity by rubbing a shiny metal plate against his back. If he uses this attack too much, it will drain his energy, and he will feel weak.

Kenichi's father. He usually smokes and comes from his office late in the evening. He likes eating and golf a lot. Though a rather plump man, in some of the episodes, his size seems to change, going from stouter to slimmer. He gave Kenichi his name, hoping for his son's good health.

The mother of Kenichi. She is a slim housewife who is busy keeping order of a house inhabited by six, including Shinzo who often wets his futon. She likes Tsubame and thinks that Kemaki is a good boy (not knowing of his ninja identity and pranking habit). Kenichi constantly stresses her out with his bad grades and his preference for playing over studying, making her lecture him.

A.k.a. Tsubame-ko, is a kunoichi and classmate of Hattori-kun. She likes Hattori and always wishes to marry him. She has a dislike for Kemumaki and Kagechiyo. She wears pink coloured ninja robes. She seems to own a recorder, a clarinet, a flute, a piccolo and a bassoon, five woodwind instruments.

A koga ninja girl who is a senior of Kemumaki and a frenemy of Hattori. First she start to fight Ninja Hattori. Later She also helps Hattori and His Friends. This character was appeared in 2012 Anime only.

He is a high tech ninja. Hattori's old enemy. He uses computer ninja techniques to attack Hattori.He appears in the movie Ninja Hattori-kun: Nin Nin Furusato Daisakusen no Maki (Ninja Hattori - Home Town).

It was made into a live-action TV drama. Aired from 1966 - 1968. This was a work of special effects sitcom. This drama was aired on TV Asahi and was divided into 2 seasons, first season aired from 7 April to 28 September 1966, second season aired from August 3, 1967 to January 25, 1968. Each season consists of 26 episodes, in total 52 episodes from 2 seasons.

Amazon Prime Video India began streaming the series in English, Tamil, Telugu and Hindi in December 2016.[9] Netflix began streaming the "fifth season" (53 episodes) of the Indian English dub in the United States, Canada, the United Kingdom, Australia, and India on December 22, 2018.[10] Since May 15, 2020, Netflix no longer streams them. In Korea, from December 19, 2005, until the 5th season was aired on Talent TV (JEI Talent Broadcasting at the time of the first airing in 2005). became Currently, Nickelodeon is broadcasting New Ninja Hattori. The main character, the ninja Hattori Ganjo Hanzo (Tori), has a distinctive dialect accent and a 'nin nin nin nin nin' tone.

In January 2012, Nikkei announced on its website that a remake of the anime series under production by Indian production company Reliance MediaWorks and Shin-Ei Animation.[11] The announcement was part of a move to produce several remakes of popular anime television series to be broadcast across television stations in the Asian market to counteract Japan's stagnating domestic anime marketplace due to its declining birthrate.[12] Shin-Ei Animation is currently collaborating with Green Gold Animation to produce new episodes of the series. Yichi Nagata, producer at Shin-Ei Animation, stated that the current collaboration will be between Shin-Ei's "creative content" and Green Gold Animation's "quality of skills in animation making and diligence".[13][14]

In many of Ninja Hattori's episode, use of weapons, like sword and shuriken was shown. And in most of the episode you can see Hattori and Amada fighting, which is not suitable for a cartoon. Those fights can be compared to the fights in DBZ or other action manga and animes.

So uhm this just reminded me about the time I watched this episode as a kid, this episode is just CURSED. Kemomaaki becomes friends with kenichi?? (Well technically) they both SHOWER together and just scenes which look like things they aren't supposed To. I remember my big brother (9th grade) started laughing a bit too much on one of the scenes and my mom barges in and one of the "scenes" come on. my brother cried for like atleast 20 minutes and my mom is confused. I also remember being traumatised hoping that I never see this episode again and...

Togeijirou, called Cacto-chan in the English and Hindi version, is a recurring character in the Ninja Hattori-kun series. He was given was invented by Professor Shinobino, and sent to Japan to live with Hattori and his foster family in the episode Hattori's New Friend. He is a cactus with supernatural powers. His powers are mostly psychic powers.

Meanwhile, back at the waste ground, Hattori finishes counting. He uses his ninja techniques, and tracks Kenichi and Yumeko down, and finds them hiding near a caf. They run off, but Hattori overtakes them and goes back to the waste ground. There he dresses up as a rock, and finds Tsubame. He then finds Shinzo and Shishimaru with his cloth glider. Once he gets back, Kenichi expresses his disgust at Hattori using Ninja Techniques to cheat. Yumeko, Shinzo and Shishimaru all side with Kenichi, but Tsubame is all in favour for Hattori. Kenichi suggests a tricky idea... 006ab0faaa

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