Intro to Capoeira

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Capoeira Practices Prepares You for All of Life's Games

What is the Brazilian fight /dance art?

Capoeira was practiced by people being oppressed who sought creative ways to survive and to achieve freedom. With self defense as the basic rule, Capoeira's is a game played between 2 people in a circle of improv singing and percussion music. 

This workshop introduces the back and forth energy of  body motion, to prepare you to receive (defense) and offer (kick). We learn to move on the ground with our hands, and acrobatics movements top-out at cartwheels.  

Lesson Plan

Workshop in 2017

For students of Assisant Professor Chioke I'Anson, Ph.D, Department of Dance

Virginia Commonwealth University, February 3 2017

2019 Workshops

For students of Instructor Katie Schetlick's Dance and Culture The University of Virginia, February 13 2019