
Our ancestors used art to to lightened the pressures of suffering and to pass on teachings of liberation. 


Safety First:  Please do movement conscious of the safety of others. Injury of any kind runs counter to the goal of the session. Share the space like a dance party, perform your acrobatic movements with ability to avoid injury, accidents, and upsets.

 Here are some "I" statements to help you grasp the culture we will work to materialize.

The 2 ways to get better are to sing song that most of your present audience knows or the other way is to dialogue with the group and lead the tribe to the correct chorus. Both are good practices for the community.


The two poles of how we collectively behave  are culture and education 

Many intangible concepts can be understood / defined as homeostasis between two others more clearly defined. Set and seen as polar opposites, the correct weights and pivot point (picture a seesaw) to balance the system comes into clearer focus. What I call culture, may also be refereed to as infrastructure, procedures etc.... What I call therapy, may also be refereed to as dealing with conflict, training, managing issues, incident reports etc… 

Strong on the therapy side and light on the culture side. (picture that seesaw turning into a bird and trying to fly yet unable to because the heavy side drags on the ground and the light side has neither strength and/or leverage to lift). Too heavy on the therapy side and to light on the culture side results in:

Good culture solves many issues and erases many more. Lets spread our wings and fly!!


Rock, paper, scissor says shoot / the truth is out, there out of proof (you gotta care for proof) ping pong panic exploiting systematics, keep the system on top of you. "It can be both" it can be you 

Essay: But what is oppression? Murder? killing something by definition.  

What are the tools of oppression? Words, actions, thoughts. A car can became a tool to oppress with.

A lot of people are angry and that is good, for anger/rage is a most valid response to witnessing injustice around you.

Artist have the power to show how to rage in the name of love. Lets show them our lions roar. 

Gateway to a World Beyond War

Come co-co-create the more beautiful world your heart knows is possible. We will offer opportunities for connection diving deep into your own heart and soul. Be midwives with we wise fools, creating that more beautiful world together!


Come prepared for the activity/  by sitting . Take 3 minutes in front of a mirror to recite the 4 lines of a Hawaiian prayer.

I'm Sorry

Please forgive me

I love you

Thank you 

Room Setup- The ideas setup is everyone in a circle, preferably seated with mats and cushions. Chairs accommodated. We may transition the space to creative movement.

20 minutes 

Malik - Introduction - Breathing - Overview.

5 mins Macaco Hanaman give an overview

Malik will discuss 

connects us to our hearts, to releasing our anger, and long time held disconnect from family and friends. someone who has wronged you. how can you get beyond that

Ho'oponopono - A Hawaiian prayer to allow you to forgive by asking for forgiveness from your self and 

Music and Movement

Vibrations we create with the music free to move with each other. The kenostic the gistule 


Prepare for Ho'oponopono by siting with it's 4 phrases for 3 minutes in front of a mirror.  

30 mins Macaco will discuss the way we lead and follow in the new world. 

Follow the leader

We will play an game that displays strategies and norms of 

Agree to play the game

Question and Answers

The Closing by Milik

A world beyond war!

Close the session with some options to continue to dance

Strategic Reality Dictionary

'bullshit job' 

Following the anthropologist David Graber's book Bullshit Jobs (2019), we are defining our stage of USA economy as characterized by jobs that do not advance us materially or socially; many even have pernicious effects. Nearly all bureaucrats, for example telemarketers and investment bankers, fall into this category. One of the ways the bourgeois ideal is a scam is because it promises fulfillment with a bullshit career. What ultimately fulfills us as humans is caring for others. Nowadays, even those people performing the most vital functions for other, nurses, teachers, elder-carers, or food service workers, are being asked to spend more and more of their time on bullshit, filling our paperwork and documentation, or otherwise defending their professional identity. There is so much wasted energy in our society around people protecting and defending their stream of income. 

anarchy-hierarchy pendulum 

Promoting both anarchy and hierarchy alternating accoding to a pundulum swing pattern in community. The hierarchy we advocate is thus a play hierarchy, based on the respect other give you in the community. At certain periods of time, when people behave out of their own free will to change their community, the pendulum swings into a period of social anarchy while new roles are established non-violently. When it comes to how we engage with paradox and uncertainty, we need to cultivate ways of being that are different from those to which we have been culturally conditioned. We need to maintain healthy skepticism while also daring to imagine. We also need to take seriously ecologies of emergence and the power of communication as a reciprocal process of telling and listening. Key to these transformations will be the cultivation of friendship as a revolutionary mode of being and the thoughtful emulation of others who have tried before us.

Page: post Circle vs stage

Change the world, at a party? 

Opening a circle with the confidence of ceremony,  the roll of ritual,  the joy of party, and then focus it on a cause... 

Picture that with a Kodak  

LA presentations are designed to:.

These arts are presence in main stream. The are manifested as spectacle where a set of artist present to an audience who themselves do not usually participate in the creative but are only recipients of the energy being manifested buy the performing artist. 

While this format of presenter to audience is a dominate and valid expression of art in our society today, another format is more in line with the core principals and objectives of liberation arts. This formats basic geometric shape is of the circle, where all persons present are contributors to the gatherings main engine of the experience of creative  expression. All present are producers and all benefit from the community building aspects.

About LA

Page: What is LA?

Liberation Arts are antidotes to oppression

Many contemporary art forms share a connection through the process of achieving freedom. These arts are created by people under stress of domination. Participants access the choices of thought creativity nd creativity. This creates micro-spaces of freedom, that offset the greater reality of enslavement. As so far as what you think can effect material reality

Improvisation sharpens awareness of the present moment. Present day struggle trigger memories and emotions of fear and rage, which in turn  influence the art as it is being created. What is expressed often contains high energy and aggressive sounds and movements. Benefits come from artistic expression (“release”) of these energies as past suppression of these energies resulted in imbalance and poor health.

Why Artist will bring the answer

With the momentum and entropy of the current human systems have (such as the stronghold capital growth has on politics) and the difficulty legacy protest systems are have in even slowing down status quo, a new artist revolution has the best chance to really change people and the world. Artist can map out the process to move from conflict oriented resolutions systems derived from its roots in oppressors culture, to a reconciliation oriented model based on roots culture

How to rage in the name of love and without the tools of oppression

In Liberation Arts everyone's participation is unique and adds to the group’s experience.  Every expressions influences the art being created and the lessons being learned. The educational guides coordinate the process and works to have everyone share opportunities to achieve.

This type of education can get emotional. LA exercises instincts and reflexes. Emotions trigger as part of primordial response systems. To manage in this environment we don’t take ourselves seriously. We exercise in a happy heartfelt way. Anyone at anytime can break the tension with a joke or a laugh. Group multidisciplinary improv is challenging, so we always fall back on laughter.

Liberation Arts at Your Event

Creating an LA Circle

Themes for an LA Circle


What are the prerequisites of participating in LA?

Maintain the tenets below (as a thought exercise)

So its all about Rage? We gotta be angry all the time?

What's the deal with Identity?

We always begin with identity, because identity is at the core, the center of the safe space. The most effective place to start this work is with oneself, within oneself.  Strength of identity is the best defense against oppression. 

Page Expressive Arts Points perspective 

The score increases when you are synergistic with what the other dancers personal performance and how you contribute to the score of the movement piece as a whole.

Page Workshop DROPBOX


Wordsmith - themes statements- prose-poems-songs- improv

Oppression and Rage


Call and Response Themes slogans - hooks - bridges

Thus the true nature of these arts bring in content from life, and as these are disenfranchised groups priority content is about what is oppressing.

Anger is a valid emotion as it is a response to seeing and experience of injustices . 

Liberation arts are a very rooted in tradition and formulated process for creatively processing emotions, 

As it is about the real world politics which offer oppress will naturally be brought 

Rage Therapy and community healing

Students will understand 

This is a vital part of any educatuon in the liberation arts .

Circles of freedom

There is almost nothing as exhilarating as stepping into the middle of an excited group of dancing free styling battling people and doing your thing.  Hip hop house cruping all make use of structures of ceremony that have existed as long ago as civilization  first societies

Page Culture DROPBOX


[Contributions of Cultures seen in through the eyes of a liberation artist

Coming Soon: Note about the concept of cultural appropriation 

How long does it take to create culture?


Rock, paper, scissor says shoot / the truth is out, there out of proof (you gotta care for proof) ping pong panic exploiting systematics, keep the system on top of you. "It can be both" it can be you 

Essay: But what is oppression? Murder? For sure by definition.  

So what are the tools of oppression? Words, actions, thoughts. A car can became a tool to oppress with.

A lot of people are angry and that is good, for anger/rage is a most valid response to witnessing injustice around you.

Artist have the power to show how to rage in the name of love. Lets show them our lions roar. 

LA uses a theatrical structure to "transform" our sensory environment into an alternative reality where the skills and culture of the peaceful warrior shine. 


Past Blueprints

6pm Macaco leads - Loud Afro-Brazilian Drumming

Samba Reggae

Circle (call & response, dancers)

Samba de Roda  - with Dancers

Maculele The Stick Dance

1st tool Adam and Eve Story

Empathy and Rage

Your defense mechanisms

Your identity

Abbi Spinner McBride

Enter the Center

YouTube Link

8pm Macaco leads - Stories Campfire Style Percussion with Call & Response Singing

The Zero Garbage Song What is that? /  I don’t care / Don’t want it here /  Put it over there

Give Peace a Chance


Most of us experience a visceral and personal sense of being free when we participate in community gatherings that create joy​, connection, that teaches​, inspires, ​and that ​releases stress. 

But when we consider the freedom of all individual members of a group at the same time​,​ freedom has a counterintuitive demand that we surrender some individuality. The question becomes: Does conforming to group norms offer greater individual liberties?

Call and response ​instructs that when there is a call, everyone responds.​ Powerful beauty occurs in those moments. This is a community reflex​ we can practice and through practice we can change culture.​​ 

When ​manifesting “all always siding with the whole”, ​​something new appears. The whole now has an energy of its own. It is the whole being greater than the sum of its parts. Sometimes the gains of all participation is exponentially greater than even 99%.


The Black national anthem calls to lift every voice and sing. Every as a percentage is 100%​.​ We have trended away from this powerful outcome. Our elections end 50/50-ish. (although 50/50 might actually be a society's most sane reaction to chaos, when in doubt, balance)

There are other ratios to consider in decision making. In nature there are points of equilibrium such as 80/20.  

But back to the individuality surrendered; Do we in the modern age have feasible pathways to it? What if it is true…”Without community, there is no liberation…”?

Unanimity is an interesting word. Does it really provide extra opportunities of liberation for each individual?  

Does it create a “higher” plateau that has a greater amount of space for ​more choices for all individuals​?​ ​Do we have the patience to endure the stiffness of being part of a platform even knowing that it may birth launchpads into space for all to leap abound?

The rest of the quote by Audre Lorde offers ​that the​ relationship​s​ must be in balance.

“Without community, there is no liberation...but community must not mean a shedding of our differences, nor the pathetic pretense that these differences do not exist.” ― Audre Lorde

Reach me at macaco212@gmail.com

Friendship Court Themes

-Yo macaco

At friendship court Focused like athletes in sport /  On the team looking to make transformation a dream. 

But when we don't  care it can turn into a nightmare /  In point to make my story / I came to make it raw so how's that free

Hook: Hey what you got to say. Introduse yourself like in the tradituonal way, or better yet say it any way you wanna play it, rap it read sing or  clap it we got your back, its time good for yours i go for mine,  add it up and we own our own.-------------

Old Quilmobus page transfered june 6 2021

link : Quilombos definition in Wikipedia

Quilombo as Warrior Ecovillage

When I learned that Quilombos were networks of people and activities in the spaces between colonized plantation and coastal towns and interior settlements, hideouts, farms and towns of Africians and their childrens, I saw that it best expressed how I felt being in the world.   

In Angola, Africa, leaders had created an institution called a kilombo that united various tribes of diverse lineage into a community designed for military resistance. The Quilombos Palmares had tens of thousands and existed for more than 80 years. Black people created a way of live and community living that is a resistance to slavery. When I learned that Quilombos culture is preserved today in Afro-Brazilian folkloric arts, it made sence to me why I choise these art as a main activity I do.

"The human body is the most nuanced, and therefore most powerful medium of communication." Our idea is that an oral musical circle of storytelling and martial arts and creative movement is a more effective mode of communication and community building than the digital and distance based modes that are more prevalent in modern times. And that we can train peaceful warriors for health, harmony, and intentional community.

As the renowned Italian thespian Dario Fo has noted, most poetic meters are traceable back to work rhythms. For example, rowers or harvesters sang songs that kept time with their work thus offering energy and creativity into the workplace. This is part of the antidote for alienated labor. 

However it is also about relationships, fun, and celebration. Come and see.

In intentional community, this art can get fully fledged wings and soar. 

The longest standing quilombo in Brazil was Palmares with a population of around 30,000.

The Quilombos Palmares had tens of thousands and existed for more than 80 years.

What is quilombos? Before the slave trade hit Angola, Africa, leaders had created an institution called a kilombo that united various lineages into a community of mutual aid and protection.

Later, in what is now Brazil, quilombos reformed as a network of inland settlements, hideouts, and farms where African escapees could meet Natives and thrive at a tenuous distance from Portuguese colonial activity near the coast. Quilombos Palmares included tens of thousands and persisted for 80 years.  Quilombos culture is preserved today in Afro-Brazilian folkloric arts.

We invite you and yours into a study of this phenomenon beginning with a viewing of the following documentary and a discussion of the strengths, weaknesses, and potential progressive applications of quilombos today. Will you gather your community and watch? Dont be intimidated by the 4 hour video it contains the film twice, IIit ‘is only two hours long; the video contains the film twice..

Quilombos - a Film by Carlos Diegues


We will be comparing and contrasting the quilombos movement to contemporary intention community in North America. The discussion is just the beginning. If we agree your community is a good confidante, We can arrange an artist's residency in your community where we teach howly to apply these folkloric arts to conflict solutions and health challenges in community. We look forward to hearing from you!

Cluture dropbox transfered june 6 2021


[Contributions of Cultures seen in through the eyes of a liberation artist

Coming Soon: Note about the concept of cultural appropriation 

How long does it take to create culture?