Yi-Hsin Lee

Daniel was born in 1997 in Kaohsiung, Taiwan. He received his B.S. from National Taitung University.

In his undergrad, he worked with Professor Jean-Ho Chu studying direct C-H activation reaction catalytic mechanism investigation .

As a student in the chemical organic graduate program, Daniel joined Liao's group in the summer of 2019 at NSYSU.

In his free time, he enjoys playing online games and doing exercises.

Current position : Process engineer at TSMC


(1) Shao-Chi Lee†, Li-Yun Li†, Zong-Nan Tsai† (†equal contribution), Yi-Hsin Lee, Yong-Ting Tsao, Pin-Gong Huang, Cheng-Ku Cheng, Heng-Bo Lin, Ting-Wei Chen, Chung-Hsin Yang, Cheng-Chau Chiu, and Hsuan-Hung Liao*, Aromatization as an Impetus to Harness Ketones for Metallaphotoredox-Catalyzed Benzoylation/Benzylation of (Hetero)arenes, Org. Lett. 2022, 24, 1, 85-89 . Link