Liao Group

Welcome to the Liao group website! 

We are a young and dynamic team working in the School of Chemistry at the National Sun Yat-sen University (NSYSU).

We are interested in developing new methodology in synthetic organic chemistry, to expedite the assembly of structurally complex, biologically active molecules and natural products.

Elevate your learning experience at HHL group! Our lab is buzzing with opportunities for dynamic students eager to explore the frontiers of science through invigorating internships. For details on how to be part of this internship opportunity, click the following link: 

IIPP: How to apply:  and mentor information: 


Tap into our interns' stories. Click the link for a swift dive. 

Rami from Hamburg University
Fabian from University of Konstanz

中山大學化學系 廖軒宏老師實驗室.mp4

Group News

2024.07 Congrats! Bo-Yu receives the NSTC Research College Student Research Scholarship. (恭喜柏妤榮獲國科會大專學生研究計畫)

2024.05 Hsuan-Hung has been invited by Sungkyunkwan University, Gwangju Institute of Science and Technology, and Seoul National University to deliver a series of lectures in Korea for his Asian Core Program Lectureship Award this May.

2024.05 Congratulations! Chen-Kuei was awarded the Outstanding Teaching Assistant. (恭喜真魁當選2024年度優秀教學助理)

2024.05 Vanessa and Zong-Nan won the ACS Outstanding Oral Presentation Prize and Good Oral Presentation Prize at the 2024 Graduate Students Symposium of The ACS International Chemical Science Chapter of Taiwan held in New Taipei City, Taiwan; organized by Fu Jen Catholic  University.


2024.04 Congratulations! Chen-Kuei Shih and Hung-Yi Chiang who was awarded the Excellence Poster Award Prize at the 2024 Chemistry National Meeting.  Link


2024.03 Our new Organic Letters paper is now online! Link

2024.02 Congratulations! Chen-Kuei, Hung-Hsuan, Jin-Yu, and Prem received the excellent prize for poster competition in organic chemistry at the 2024 CSLT Kaohsiung Chapter Chemistry National Meeting. (恭喜! 真魁、泓瑄、晉宇及Prem榮獲2024中國化學會高雄分會年會「壁報競賽 有機組 優選」)

2024.02 Congratulations! Aira, Jin-Yu, and Zong-Nan received the excellent prize for oral presentation in organic chemistry at the 2024 CSLT Kaohsiung Chapter Chemistry National Meeting. (恭喜! Aira、晉宇及宗男榮獲2024中國化學會高雄分會年會「口頭報告 有機組 優選」)

2024.01 Congratulations! Shinje received the first prize in 2024 The 4th Bowei Research Conference Research Poster Award

(恭喜! Shinje榮獲2024第四屆李謀偉科學論壇海報競賽第一名) Link

2024.01 Congratulations! Chen-Kuei was awarded the 2024 National Chung-Shan Institute of Science and Technology scholarship for outstanding university students. (恭喜! 真魁榮獲國家中山科學研究院112年 延攬大學優秀生獎助金)

2023.12 Our invited article has been accepted in Chemistry – An Asian Journal for a special issue, ‘Early Career Researcher Special Collection’. Link

2023.12 Congrats! Hsuan-Hung has received the Asian Core Program Lectureship Award, Korea and Thailand. He will be invited to deliver a series of lectures during his academic visit to these two countries in the next fiscal year.

2023.12 Congratulations! Zong-Nan was awarded The Graduate Students Study Abroad Program, U.K., sponsored by the National Science and Technology Council (NSTC). (恭喜! 宗男榮獲國科會補助博士生出國交換研究(博士千里馬)計畫, 英國) Link

2023.12 Congratulations! Che-Ming and Shinje were awarded Anatek enterprise CO., LTD. scholarship. (恭喜! 哲銘及Shinje榮獲總翔企業股份有限公司獎學金)

2023.11 Congratulations! Che-Ming was awarded the great eastern resins industrial co. scholarship. (恭喜! 哲銘榮獲大東樹酯獎學金)

2023.11 Congratulations! Zong-Nan was awarded the Gao Ying-Shi research scholarship. (恭喜! 宗男榮獲高英士研究獎學金)

2023.11 Congrats! Hsuan-Hung has received the Outstanding Award for the Young Scholar Innovative and Development in the Taiwan Comprehensive University System.  (恭喜!軒宏榮獲台綜大年輕學者創新研發成果選拔傑出獎)

2023.11 Congratulations! Cheng-Lin receives the NSTC Scholarship Pilot Program to Cultivate Outstanding Doctoral Students.  (恭喜政霖榮獲國科會補助大學校院培育優秀博士生獎學金) 

2023.10  Our invited review article has been accepted in Synlett for a special issue, ‘Thieme Chemistry Journals Awardees 2023’. Link

2023.10 Congratulations! Che-Ming has received the travel grant from the National Science and Technology Council to participate the 15th International Kyoto Conference on New Aspects of Organic Chemistry (IKCOC-15) at Kyoto, Japan. (恭喜! 哲銘榮獲國科會補助研究生參與國際學術會議,將赴日本京都參與IKCOC-15會議)

2022.09 Rami Ludwig, a visiting student from the University of Hamburg, Germany, joins our group, welcome!

2023.08 Our first JACS paper is now online! Link 

2023.07 Congratulations to Zong-Nan, who had been chosen to give a flash talk at the 27th International Symposium on Synthesis in Organic Chemistry Oxford.

2023.07 Congratulations! Zong-Nan won the first prize / Shinje received the merit prize in poster competition at 11th Asian Network for Natural and Unnatural Materials.

(恭喜! 第11屆亞洲天然與非天然化合物國際會議海報競賽,宗男獲得第一名/Shinje獲得優等獎)

2023.07 Congrats! Pei-Shan receives the NSTC Research College Student Research Scholarship. 


2023.07 Congratulations! Shinje has received the travel grant from the National Science and Technology Council to participate the 27th International symposium: Synthesis in organic chemistry at Oxford U.K.

(恭喜! Shinje榮獲國科會補助研究生參與國際學術會議,將赴牛津參與第27屆國際有機合成會議)

2023.06 Congratulations! Zong-Nan has received the Honorable Mention poster prize of the 2023 Inorganic Complex Symposium.

(恭喜! 宗男獲得 2023無機錯鹽研討會海報佳作)

2023.06   Congratulations! Che-Ming won the first prize in oral competition at Merck young scientist award 2023! Link1 Link2

(恭喜! 哲銘獲得默克年輕科學家獎項口頭報告第一名傑出獎)

2023.06   Congratulations! Zheng-Lin won the first prize / Yong-Ting received the second prize in the oral presentation at the 2023 CSLT Kaohsiung Chapter Chemistry National Meeting.

(恭喜! 政霖獲得2023中國化學會高雄分會口頭報告第名/ 詠婷獲得2023中國化學會高雄分會口頭報告第二名)

2023.06  Congratulations! Prem (first prize),  Zong-Nan (second prize), Pin-Gong and Yong-Ting (third prize) in poster competition at the 2023 CSLT Kaohsiung Chapter Chemistry National Meeting.

(恭喜! Prem (第一名)宗男 (第二名)品恭 (第三名)、詠婷 (第三名)2023中國化學會高雄分會海報獲獎)

2023.06 Congratulations! Zheng-Lin was  awarded the Outstanding Teaching Assistant. (恭喜政霖當選2023年度優秀教學助理)

2023.05 Congratulations to Shinje and Zheng-Lin for being awarded membership in The Phi Tau Phi Scholastic Honor Society of the Republic of China.

(恭喜Shinje 以及政霖榮獲中華民國婓陶婓榮譽學會會員)

2023.05 Congrats to Hsuan-Hung on his promotion to associate professor.

2023.03 Congratulations! Yong-Ting Tsao was awarded LCY CHEMICAL CORP. Chemistry Rookie Thesis Award  at the 2023 Chemistry National Meeting. Link

(恭喜! 詠婷榮獲2023化學年會李長榮化學新秀獎)

2023.03 Congratulations! Cheng-Lin Chan and Zong-Nan Tsai who was awarded the Excellence Poster Award Prize at the 2023 Chemistry National Meeting.  Link


2023.01  Hsuan-Hung has been selected to receive one of the 2023 Thieme Chemistry Journals Awards, which is presented to up-and-coming researchers worldwide who are in the early stages of their independent academic careers. Link

2023.01 Our first protocol paper is now accepted in STAR Protocols. Link

2022.11 Congratulations! Che-Ming has received the travel grant from the National Science and Technology Council to participate the International Symposium on Innovative Reactions through Controlling Electrons (ISIRCE) at Nara, Japan.

(恭喜! 哲銘榮獲國科會補助研究生參與國際學術會議,將赴日本奈良參與ISIRCE會議)

2022.11 Congratulations! Yong-Ting was awarded Anatek enterprise CO., LTD. scholarship. (恭喜! 詠婷榮獲總翔企業股份有限公司獎學金)

2022.11 Hsuan-Hung has been invited by Professor Kamikawa to give a lecture at Osaka Metropolitan University, Japan, this November.

2022.11 Hsuan-Hung has been invited by Professor Yorimitsu to give a lecture at Kyoto University, Japan, this November.  

2022. 11 Hsuan-Hung's last dependent project with Professor Aggarwal (University of Bristol) is now published in Nature Chemistry. Link 

2022.10 Our first singlet oxygen paper is now accepted in Green Chemistry! Link 

2022.10 Congratulations! Che-Ming and Zong-Nan were awarded the eternal chemical co. scholarship and great eastern resins industrial co. scholarship.

2022.09 Hsuan-Hung has been invited by Professor Yorimitsu (Kyoto University) to share his work from NSYSU in Nara, Japan this Nonvember alongside international leaders in organic synthesis.  Link

2022.09  Paul Klumpp, a visiting student from University of Konstanz Germany, joins our group, welcome!

2022.09  Heng-Bo has finished his placement in the HHL group. He is moving to Germany where he will start his Ph.D journey at University of Münster. Mach's gut!

2022.08  Our three masters students - Li-Yun, Cheng-Ku and How-En- have finished their studies in our group. We wish them all the best for their future! 

2022.08  Our first NSYSU cooperation paper with - Cheng-Chau Chiu group  is now accepted in Cell Reports Physical Science! Link

2022.07  Yu-Shuan, Hung-Hsuan and Hung-Yi join our group, all welcome! 


2022.06 Jia-Syaun and Pei-Shan join the group, all welcome! 


2022.06 Congrates! Chen-Kuei receives the MOST Research College Student Research Scholarship.


2022.06 Our first international cooperation paper with Magnus Rueping group is now accepted in Chemistry - A European Journal! Link

2022.05 Congratulations! Zong-Nan and Pin-Gong  were  awarded the Outstanding Teaching Assistant.


2022.03 Congratulations! Che-Ming was awarded the Ta-shue Chou Organic Chemistry Thesis Award – Excellent at the 2022 Chemistry National Meeting

(恭喜哲銘獲得周大紓有機化學研究論文獎-優等獎- 2022化學年會。)

2022.03 Congratulations to Shinje and Che-Ming who was awarded the Excellence Poster Award Prize at the 2022 Chemistry National Meeting.  


2022.02 Congratulations! Che-Ming, Cheng-Ku, Li-Yun, Yong-Ting, and Ting-Wei received the Honorable Mention poster prize of the 2022 Kaohsiung Chapter and Chiayi Chapter Joint Chemical Annual Meeting.

(恭喜! 哲銘、振谷、 麗筠、詠婷及亭瑋獲得2022高雄分會與嘉義分會聯合化學年會海報佳作)

2022.02 Congratulations! Zong-Nan won second place /Shinje and Li-Yun received the Honorable Mention prize in the oral presentation of the 2022 Kaohsiung Branch and Chiayi Branch Joint Chemical Annual Meeting.

(恭喜宗男獲得2022高雄分會與嘉義分會聯合化學年會口頭報告第二名/ Shinje 及 麗筠獲得2022高雄分會與嘉義分會聯合化學年會口頭報告佳作)

2022.01 Kick Off the New Year! Our new paper is now online in The Journal of Organic Chemistry! Link  

2021.12 The first independent paper from our group is now published in Organic Letters! Link

2021.12 Congratulations! Yu-Ling & Yin-Yin won First and Second Place in the poster competition at NSYSU chem Department.

(恭喜瑜玲&茵茵獲得化學系海報專題競賽第一及第二名 !)

2021.11 Congrates! Li-Yun receives the Scholarship of Chemax International Corporation.


2021.11 Congratulations! Zong-Nan receives the MOST Scholarship Pilot Program to Cultivate Outstanding Doctoral Students. 


2021.07 We welcome two new undergraduates to the group, Chen-Kuei (真魁) & Yi-Hua (宜樺).

2021.06 Congrates! Zheng-Lin receives the MOST Research College Student Research Scholarship.


2021.05 Che-Ming won the ACS Excellent Poster Presentation Prize at the 2021 Graduate Students Symposium of The ACS International Chemical Science Chapter of Taiwan held in New Taipei City, Taiwan; organized by Tamkang University.


2021.04 Congratulations to Che-Ming who was awarded the member of The Phi Tau Phi Scholastic Honor Society of the Republic of China. 


2021.04 Kuei-Chen(桂禎) now joins the hhl group as a research assistant. Prem Kumar joins the hhl as a PhD student, all welcome!

2021.03 Congratulations to Hsin Kao who won the Excellence Poster Award Prize at the 2021 Chemistry National Meeting!


2021.03 Jin-En (靖恩) joins the hhl group as an intern student. Heng-Bo (衡柏) and Chia-Her (佳禾) now join the hhl group as a research assistant, very warm welcome!

2021.02 Liao group Year-end party

2021.01 Shao-Chi (紹齊)& Yi-Cing (伊晴) Leaving party. We wish you have a bright future!

2020.01 Ting - Wei (亭瑋), Jin-Yu (晉宇), Yung-Hsiang (詠翔),I-Ming (益銘), join our group, all welcome!

2020.12  Liao group Christmas party.

2020.12 Congratulations to Hsin Kao who won the High Distinction Award of oral presentation of Chemical Society Located in Taipei, Kaohsiung Chapter!


Congratulations to Wei-Cheng and Che-Ming who won the Excellence Award of oral presentation of Chemical Society Located in Taipei, Kaohsiung Chapter!

(恭喜委呈及哲銘同學榮獲中國化學會高雄分會年會之口頭報告優等獎 !)

Congratulations to Zih-Chi who won the Excellence Award of poster competition of Chemical Society Located in Taipei,  Kaohsiung Chapter !

(恭喜子齊同學榮獲中國化學會高雄分會年會之海報競賽優等獎 !)

Congratulations to Wei-Cheng, Che-Ming and Hsin Kao who won the Honorable Mention Award of poster competition of Chemical Society Located in Taipei,  Kaohsiung Chapter !

(恭喜委呈、哲銘及高昕同學榮獲中國化學會高雄分會年會之海報競賽佳作 !)

2020.11 Shinje Miñoza, a PhD student from Philippines, has joined our lab. Welcome!

2020.10   Congratulations! Yin-Yin won the first place in the poster competition at Department of Chemistry,  NSYSU.

(恭喜茵茵同學獲得化學系海報專題競賽第一名 !)

2020.10 Congratulations to everyone for finishing Supau Cup Mini Marathon. Well done!

(恭喜實驗室全體人員,於2020.10.18完成第六屆高雄市舒跑盃路跑活動 !)

2020.08    1st  HHL Group trip: Liuqiu

2020.07  Congratulations to Yong-Ting on winning NSYSU Scholarship  for the academic year of 2020.

2020.07    Zong-Nan, Li-Yun, How-En join the group, all welcome!

2020.07   Chun-Huang, Wei-Chens  leave, we wish  them all the best for the future

2020.06  1st  NSYSU retrosynthesis competition

2020.05  Liao group BBQ party 

2020.04  Hsuan-Hung is now working as an expert for Marie  Skłodowska-Curie Individual Fellowships   

2020.03   We welcome Yi-Chi, Shao-Chi, Saravanan, Yi-Cing,  Chun- Huang to the group. Welcome everyone!

2020.02   Yong-Ting, Yu-Ling, Yin-Yin, Chum-Ming, Zheng-Lin join  the group, all welcome!

2020.02   Shruti leaves, we wish her all the best for the future

2020.01    Liao group year-end party

2019. 12    Liao group Christmas party

2019. 12    Liao group Paper Big Bang competition

2019. 11     Hsuan-Hung receives the Einstein fellowship from Taiwan   Ministry of Science and Technology

2019. 09   Shruti and two Wei-Chen(s) join the group

2019. 08   Hsuan-Hung receives the Yushan fellowship from Taiwan  Ministry of Education                                                

2019. 08   Che-Ming, Zih-Chi, Wei-Cheng, Yi-Hsin, Hsin join the group

2019. 08   Research starts at NSYSU