Wei-Cheng Ke

Wei-Cheng Ke was born in Changhua in 1997. He receive his B.S from National University of Kaohsiung in 2019.

After graduation, he decided to come to National Sun Yat-sen University and join the HHL group in August 2019.

Outside of the lab, he enjoys watching movies and listening music.

line id: 0978337726

Current position : Process engineer at TSMC


(1) Shinje Miñoza,† Wei-Cheng Ke,† Yin-Yin Yu,† Prem Kumar Keerthipati, Kuei-Chen Chang, Wei-Cheng Kao, Zong-Nan Tsai, and Hsuan-Hung Liao* , Direct Synthesis of Oxaspirolactones in Batch, Photoflow, and Silica Gel-Supported Solvent-free Conditions via Visible-Light Photo- and Heterogeneous Brønsted Acid Relay Catalysis, Green Chem., 2022, Accepted Manuscript. Link


(2) 2020.12 Congratulations to Wei-Cheng who won the Excellence Award of oral presentation of Chemical Society Located in Taipei, Kaohsiung Chapter!

(恭喜委呈同學榮獲中國化學會高雄分會年會之口頭報告優等獎 !)

(1) 2020.12 Congratulations to Wei-Cheng who won the Honorable Mention Award of poster competition of Chemical Society Located in Taipei, Kaohsiung Chapter !

(恭喜委呈同學榮獲中國化學會高雄分會年會之海報競賽佳作 !)