Pin-Gong Huang

Pin-Gong was born in Taoyuan in 1999, he graduated from a department of chemistry in National Sun Yat-Sen University.

He joined HHL group when he was a senior student.

in his free time, Pin-Gong likes to play PC games and listen to music.


(1) Shao-Chi Lee†, Li-Yun Li†, Zong-Nan Tsai† (†equal contribution), Yi-Hsin Lee, Yong-Ting Tsao, Pin-Gong Huang, Cheng-Ku Cheng, Heng-Bo Lin, Ting-Wei Chen, Chung-Hsin Yang, Cheng-Chau Chiu, and Hsuan-Hung Liao*, Aromatization as an Impetus to Harness Ketones for Metallaphotoredox-Catalyzed Benzoylation/Benzylation of (Hetero)arenes, Org. Lett. 2022, 24, 1, 85-89 . Link


(2) 2023.06  Congratulations! Pin-Gong won the third prize in poster competition at the 2023 CSLT Kaohsiung Chapter Chemistry National Meeting.

(恭喜! 品恭獲得2023中國化學會高雄分會海報競賽第三名)

(1) 2022.05 Congratulations! Pin-Gong was awarded the Outstanding Teaching Assistant. 
