Li-Yun Li

Li-Yun was born in 1998 in Kaoshiung, then live in Taichung until she came back here for  university. She recieve her B.S. from National Sun Yet-sen University in 2020.

She joined HHL group in the summer right after she graduated.

In her free time, she enjoys reading and cosplaying.

Current position: TSMC


(4) Zong-Nan Tsai, Li-Yun Li, Aira Shayne Paculba, Shinje Miñoza, Yong-Ting Tsao, Hsuan-Hung Liao*, Pei-Shan Lin, Pro-aromatic Dihydroquinazolinones – From Multigram Synthesis to Reagents for Gram-scale Metallaphotoredox Reactions, Chem Asian J. 2023, DOI: 10.1002/asia.202301004.  Link 

(3) Hsuan-Hung Liao*, Shao-Chi Lee, Hsin Kao, Yu-Ling Hsu, Che-Ming Hsu, Yong-Ting Tsao, Shinje Miñoza, Li-Yun Li, Zong-Nan Tsai, Kuei-Chen Chang, Cheng-Ku Cheng, Cheng-Lin Chan, Yi-Sian Chien, Cheng-chau Chiu*, Synthesis of perfluoroaryl sulfides at electron-poor arenes via an SNAr step with an unexpected mechanism, Cell Rep. Phys. Sci. 2022, 3, 8, 101010. Link 

(2) Che-Ming Hsu†, Shao-Chi Lee†(†equal contribution), Hao-En Tsai, Yong-Ting Tsao, Cheng-Lin Chan, Shinje Miñoza, Zong-Nan Tsai, Li-Yun Li, and Hsuan-Hung Liao*, Desulfurative Ni-Catalyzed Reductive Cross-Coupling of Benzyl Mercaptans/Mercaptoacetates with Aryl Halides, J. Org. Chem. 2022, 87, 5, 3799-3803. Link 

(1) Shao-Chi Lee†, Li-Yun Li†, Zong-Nan Tsai† (†equal contribution), Yi-Hsin Lee, Yong-Ting Tsao, Pin-Gong Huang, Cheng-Ku Cheng, Heng-Bo Lin, Ting-Wei Chen, Chung-Hsin Yang, Cheng-Chau Chiu, and Hsuan-Hung Liao*, Aromatization as an Impetus to Harness Ketones for Metallaphotoredox-Catalyzed Benzoylation/Benzylation of (Hetero)arenes, Org. Lett. 2022, 24, 1, 85-89 . Link 


(3) 2022.02 Congratulations! Li-Yun received the Honorable Mention poster prize of the 2022 Kaohsiung Chapter and Chiayi Chapter Joint Chemical Annual Meeting. 

(恭喜! 麗筠獲得2022高雄分會與嘉義分會聯合化學年會海報佳作) 

(2) 2022.02 Congratulations! Li-Yun received the Honorable Mention prize in the oral presentation of the 2022 Kaohsiung Branch and Chiayi Branch Joint Chemical Annual Meeting.  

(恭喜! 麗筠獲得2022高雄分會與嘉義分會聯合化學年會口頭報告佳作) 

(1) 2021.11 Congrates! Li-Yun receives the Scholarship of Chemax International Corporation. 

(恭喜! 麗筠榮獲台灣石化合成股份有限公司獎學金)