About lGRC


Ing Kulitan

As part of its branding, Pampanga Sub-LGRRC shall be called ‘Ing Kulitan,’ which embodies the Kapampangan culture in the Province of Pampanga. Kulitan, also known as Súlat Kapampángan and Pamagkulit, is one of the indigenous writing systems in the Philippines. It was used for writing Kapampangan, a language mainly spoken in the Province of Pampanga in Central Luzon and its surrounding municipalities.


With the different programs lined up for the Local Governance Resource Center, Ing Kulitan as a learning hub will greatly benefit its internal and external clientele from the wealth of information and knowledge shared through different platforms including on social media and the DILG Website.


SAUPampanga (Sa Sama-samang Pag-aksyon, Uunlad ang Pampanga)

SAUPampanga is the catch-all, umbrella program of LGRC Pampanga which will serve as the main conduit for aligning the priority initiatives/projects of the Provincial Office and its partners tailored around and responsive to specific governance challenges.

These projects include capacity building activities, documentation and replication of best practices, information and advocacy campaigns, production of knowledge products, and outreach activities, among others.

SAUPampanga adopts a collaborative approach to LGU and community development by leveraging on linkages and partnerships with various stakeholders thru its Multi-Sectoral Advisory Committee (MSAC) and employing the coordinated actions of DILG provincial and field offices as well as its partners for the implementation of the priority initiatives projects. Under this project, it is also envisioned that a localized LGRC will be established in the Provincial Government of Pampanga. Initial coordination with the Provincial Librarian was conducted for partnership. 

SAUP Barangay

The main concept of this project is creating a performance driven culture at the grassroots level by reinforcing existing strengths of a barangay LGU and tapping into its potential to become a “model of excellence” among barangays in the area. This is achieved through provision of support and assistance by the Pampanga LGRC, whether in the form of technical assistance, knowledge products or resources, and incentives among others. Ultimately, the goal is for these chosen barangays to become awardees in various governance areas including SGLGB, LTIA, BADAC, etc. and create more “model barangays” in a city or municipality through replication of best practices.

The identified barangays will be monitored and evaluated periodically to identify implementation gaps and appropriate interventions, if necessary.

PARUL Project

As the name connotes, parul symbolizes the Kapampangan’s spirit of goodwill, innovation and bayanihan. Building one, especially the intricate kind, requires collective effort to pull off. Taking off from this concept, the Parul Project creates an avenue for collaboration and convergence among its Multi-Stakeholder Advisory Committee (MSAC) with the integration of the partners’ priority projects in the Pampanga LGRC governance innovations and development.

As the agency mandated to supervise local government units, DILG Pampanga will serve as the link between MSAC members and LGUs and will help facilitate the participation of local government stakeholders in different activities espoused by LGRC partners. It is hoped that this will create a win win situation for all MSAC members whereby partnerships are nurtured, targets are accomplished, and the Pampanga LGRC remain responsive to the needs of its LGUs.

LINGAP Project

This is the community outreach arm of the LGRC proposed to be conducted at the end of each year. Although the main thrust of this project is to provide help (ex. goods, supplies) to those in need, LGRC Pampanga envisions to expand the concept of outreach to include provision of support in the form of knowledge transfer, medical assistance, and skills training as a way to uplift the life and improve the welfare of target beneficiaries particularly those in far-flung and depressed areas of the province. It will also cover other community-driven projects of DILG Pampanga such as tree planting and clean-up activities.


This program focuses on strengthening the capacities of the Department’s internal and external clientele from the wealth of information and knowledge shared through the sub-LGRRC. It identifies areas of improvement and relevant knowledge that will enhance the capacities of its stakeholders.

Kape Kulitan

The Kape Kulitan is the physical library of Ing Kulitan where books, periodicals, documents and other useful references on the Department’s programs can be readily accessed. It also doubles as a nook for employees and clients where they can unwind and have coffee while browsing through the available references.

About LGRRC-3.pdf
LGRC Knowledge Management.pdf