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Anti-Illegal Drug Abuse Council (ADAC) Performance Audit
Pursuant to the PADS, the Department of the Interior and Local Government (DILG) was tasked, among others, to enjoin all LGUs to revitalize and strengthen their respective Anti-Drug Abuse Councils (ADACs), by ensuring its functionality, and effectiveness.
As early as 1998, the DILG has encouraged LGUs to organize their respective ADACs. These multi-sectoral councils are responsible for the formulation of plans, and the implementation of local anti-drug abuse programs, projects, and activities. A series of related policies reiterating to the organization of local ADACs, and enumerating their specific roles and responsibilities have likewise been issued, one of which is Joint Memorandum Circular (JMC) No. 2018-01 between the DILG and the Dangerous Drugs Board which provides for the implementing guidelines on the functionality, and effectiveness of local ADACs.
To ensure the continuous improvement and performance of ADACs in the implementation, monitoring and evaluation of anti-illegal drug activities, the Department, through the PADS conducts a Performance Audit covering Provincial, City and Municipal ADACs to ascertain their functionality.
The ADAC Performance Audit aims to:
(1) assess the functionality and effectiveness of local ADACs based on existing issuances and policies;
(2) determine ADACinitiated and/or -endorsed innovations, and best practices at all levels; (3) create an evaluation, and assessment platform; and
(4) recognize effective, and performing ADACs.
(Source: DILG Memorandum Circular 2024-028)
2024 ADAC Performance Audit Adjusted Timeline
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Anti-Drug Abuse Council (ADAC) Awardees
Pursuant to the PADS, the Department of the Interior and Local Government (DILG) was tasked, among others, to enjoin all LGUs to revitalize and strengthen their respective Anti-Drug Abuse Councils (ADACs), by ensure its functionality, and effectiveness.
Legal Bases/ References
Unnumbered Memo 2024.11.20 2024 ADAC Performance Audit Awarding Assessment Results
Memorandum Circular No. 2024-028 2024 Anti Drug Abuse Council (ADAC) Performance Audit and Awards
Electronic Copies of the Annexes: