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SK PCM Pederasyon Officials
Creation of Pederasyon ng mga Sangguniang Kabataan to be known as:
Pambayang Pederasyon ng mga Sangguniang Kabataan (SK), which shall be composed of the SK Chairpersons of barangays in the municipality.
Panlungsod na Pederasyon ng mga SK, which shall be composed of the SK Chairpersons of barangays in the city; and
Panlalawigang Pederasyon ng mga SK, which shall be composed of the Presidents of the Pambayan and Panlungsod (component city) na Pederasyon ng mga SK.
Pederasyon Officers to be elected at all levels :
Vice President
Other position/s as may be determined concerned Pederasyon
When to conduct the Pederasyon Elections
The concerned LGOO in coordination with the election officer, shall facilitate the conduct of the elections which shall be held within fifteen (15) days from the Sangguniang Kabataan Elections in case of the Pambayan and Panlungsod na Pederasyon, and within thirty (30) days in case of the Panlalawigang Pederasyon
Pederayon Election Pre - Requisite
Panlungsod/Pambayang Pederasyon Elections
Certificate of Proclamation from COMELEC
Oath of Office as elected SK Chairperson; and SK Mandatory Training Certificate of Completion/ Attendance/Participation8. Pending the issuance and/or signature of the SKMT Certificate by the authorized officials, the City Directors and C/MLGOOs, shall issue a Certification with the list/names of the SK Chairpersons who actually attended and completed the SKMT.
Panlalawigang Pederasyon Elections
Certificate of Canvass and Proclamation9 certified by the City/Municipal (C/M) Pederasyon Election Committee and C/M BES; and
Oath of Office as the Elected President of the concerned Panlungsod/Pambayang Pederasyon
Major Activities, Timelines and Office / Person Responsible (OPR)
City Municipal Level
NLT November 09, 2023
Sending of written notices11 to all the elected SK Chairpersons for the Panlungsod/ Pambayang Pederasyon Orientation and Election
DILG City Director (CD)/ C/MLGOO
NLT November 09, 2023
Constitution of the Board of Election Supervisors (BES) and Sending of Notification letter13 to the following Members of BES:
City/Municipal COMELEC Election Officer (EO)
Secretary to the Sangguniang Panlungsod/Bayan
CD/C/MLGOO (as the C/M BES Chairperson)
5 days before the scheduled date of the Pederasyon Election
Constitution of the Panel of Observers and sending of invitation letter, composed of the following:
One (1) CSO/NGO representative
One (1) representative from the academe, preferably the School Principal of a private or public educational institution; and
The City/Municipal Police Chief
CD/C/MLGOO (as the C/M BES Chairperson)
Within 15 days from October 30, 2023 or NLT November 14, 2023
Conduct of Panlungsod / Pambayang Pederasyon Orientation and Election; Proclamation of Winners and Oath Taking
DILG- CD/C/MLGOO, BES Members, Election Committee
Within 5 days after the election (or NLT November 19, 2023)
Submission of the Election Results/ List of the Elected Panlungsod (component City)/ Pambayang Pederasyon Officers to DILG Provincial Office
C/MLGOO, BES Members, Election Committee, City/Municipal Mayor
Within 5 days after the election
Submission of the Election Results/ List of the Elected Panlungsod (component City)/ Pambayang Pederasyon Officers to DILG Provincial Office
CD/BES Members/ Election Committee
Provincial Level
NLT November 24, 2023
Sending of written notices to all the elected Panlungsod (component city)/Pambayang Pederasyon Presidents for the conduct of the Panlalawigang Pederasyon Orientation and Election
DILG Provincial Director (PD)
NLT November 24, 2023
Constitution of the Provincial Board of Election Supervisors (PBES) and Sending of Notification letter to the following Members of PBES:
Provincial Election Supervisor (PES)
Secretary to the Sangguniang Panlalawigan
PD (as the PBES Chairperson)
5 days before the scheduled date of the Pederasyon Election
Constitution of the Panel of Observers and sending of invitation letter composed of the following:
One (1) CSO/NGO representative
One (1) representative from the academe, preferably the School Principal of a private or public educational institution; and
PNP Provincial Director
Within 30 days from October 30, 2023 or NLT November 29, 2023
Conduct of Panlalawigang Pederasyon Orientation and Election; and Oath Taking
PD, Member of PBES, Election Committee, Provincial Governor
Within 5 days after the elections
Submission of the Election Results/List of the Elected Panlalawigang Pederasyon Officers to the DILG-Regional Office
PD/PBES Members/ Election Committee
NLT December 05, 2023
Submission of the Regional List of Elected SK Pederasyon Officers at all levels to the DILG Secretary/Undersecretary for Barangay Affairs, through NBOO, copy furnished to the National Youth Commission
DILG Regional Director (RD)