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MC 2022 - 005 Accreditation of CSOs to Co-implement DILG PPAs 

In building the long-term foundation of good governance, it is important to develop and strengthen collaborative relationships between the government and civil society. Recognizing the importance of having an active, informed, and capacitated civil society in upholding a culture of good governance, the Department of the Interior and Local Government (DILG), has opened spaces for CSOs to participate in the planning, implementation, monitoring, and evaluation of its initiated programs, projects, and activities (PPAs). CSOs, in many areas, are found to be effective in enabling services, especially in the poorest and marginalized communities. As they are closely connected to local communities, CSOs can be effective partners in bringing people together to achieve a common development agenda and mobilize support for government programs and projects in more efficient ways.

The Department initially issued this accreditation policy in 2018 to fulfill a new requirement that appeared in the 2017 GAA. But ever since the issuance of this policy in 2018, few CSOs have been accredited by the Department to co-implement its PPAs. Moreover, CSOs found difficulty in submitting some requirements (e.g. due to the absence of templates) and requested to simplify the process, especially if they already had existing accreditation from other NGAs. Furthermore, it was also discovered that the Department had an earlier policy for the accreditation of CSOs engaged in federalism-related projects that needed to be harmonized into one policy. Of course, the RFPs and other concerned stakeholders also raised numerous concerns regarding the policy. This new policy, MC No. 2022-005 attempts to address the aforementioned issues and innovate on MC 2018-89.

Legal Bases

Types of Engagement

The CSO may engage with the Department in a volunteer capacity without any cost to the government to provide feedback on PPAs; support in pushing for various advocacies; assist in formulating plans, policies, and issuances; and implement PPAs.

CSOs may still engage with the Department in a volunteer capacity in any of the areas for engagement without being accredited or certified and will be issues a Certificate of Participation after having completed its engagement. Having accreditation, however, allows the CSO to enter into formal agreements with the concerned Bureau/PMO.

The CSO may also engage with the Department to assist or participate in a volunteer capacity but shall be reimbursed for applicable cost to provide feedback on PPAs, support in pushing for various advocacies; assist in formulating plans, policies, and issuances; and implementation of capacity development programs.

Applicable costs may be given for any of the following expenses: Transportation expenses, per diems, honoraria, other incidental expenses in the performance of duties

CSOs may serve as a provider of goods and/or services with remuneration or payment for the services rendered. Their services can be procured either to provide feedback on PPAs, push for various advocacies; formulate plans, policies, and issuances; or implement capacity development programs and/or activities.

Accreditation Process

List of DILG PPAs Requiring the Engagements of Civil Society Organization

Local Government Capability Development Division

Local Government Monitoring and Evaluation Division (LGMED) 

Project Development and Management Unit 

Documentary Requirements

For Voluntary Engagements:

Additional requirements for Voluntary Engagements with Costs:

Additional requirements for Provider of Goods and Services:

Requirements for Certification:

Requirements for Renewal:

For Certified Partner CSOs whose accreditation with PCNC, other NGAs/LGUs/ will expire:

Templates can be accessed through the link:

Coverage and Validity

Institutional Arrangement

National Accreditation Committee

 Chairperson: SILG

Vice-Chairperson: Director, BLGS

Members: Director, BLGD

Director, OPDS

Director, NBOO

Representative, Legal and Legislative Liaison Service

Representative, DILG Resident COA

Secretariat: CSO/PPPP PMO

Regional Accreditation Committee

 Chairperson: Regional Director

Vice-Chairperson: Assistant Regional Director

Members: Provincial Director/s or City Director

Chief, MED

Chief, CDD

Chief, Finance and Administrative Division

Chief, PDMU

Representative, Legal Services Unit

Representative, COA

Secretariat with at least 3 members

Provincial Accreditation Committee

Chairperson: Provincial Director

Members: Program Manager

Cluster Heads Representative 

Project Development and Monitoring Unit Head

Secretariat with at least 3 members

Roles and Responsibilities



DILG-Accredited CSOs

The list of DILG-accredited and certified CSOs can be accessed via this link: