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MC 2022 - 005 Accreditation of CSOs to Co-implement DILG PPAs
In building the long-term foundation of good governance, it is important to develop and strengthen collaborative relationships between the government and civil society. Recognizing the importance of having an active, informed, and capacitated civil society in upholding a culture of good governance, the Department of the Interior and Local Government (DILG), has opened spaces for CSOs to participate in the planning, implementation, monitoring, and evaluation of its initiated programs, projects, and activities (PPAs). CSOs, in many areas, are found to be effective in enabling services, especially in the poorest and marginalized communities. As they are closely connected to local communities, CSOs can be effective partners in bringing people together to achieve a common development agenda and mobilize support for government programs and projects in more efficient ways.
The Department initially issued this accreditation policy in 2018 to fulfill a new requirement that appeared in the 2017 GAA. But ever since the issuance of this policy in 2018, few CSOs have been accredited by the Department to co-implement its PPAs. Moreover, CSOs found difficulty in submitting some requirements (e.g. due to the absence of templates) and requested to simplify the process, especially if they already had existing accreditation from other NGAs. Furthermore, it was also discovered that the Department had an earlier policy for the accreditation of CSOs engaged in federalism-related projects that needed to be harmonized into one policy. Of course, the RFPs and other concerned stakeholders also raised numerous concerns regarding the policy. This new policy, MC No. 2022-005 attempts to address the aforementioned issues and innovate on MC 2018-89.
Legal Bases
1987 CONSTITUTION | Article II, Section 23 Participation of non-governmental, community-based and other sectoral organizations shall be encouraged by the State
LG CODE | Section 34 Mandates LGUs to promote the establishment and operation of people's and non-governmental organizations to become active partners in the pursuit of local autonomy
GAA | In accordance with the applicable GAA, the NGA may be authorized to transfer government funds to a CSO duly accredited by the said NGA and selected in accordance with all applicable rules and regulations
Section 73 (c) of the 2022 GAA prescribes the minimum guidelines by which NGAs should accredit CSOs prior to the transfer of funds
Types of Engagement
Voluntary Work
The CSO may engage with the Department in a volunteer capacity without any cost to the government to provide feedback on PPAs; support in pushing for various advocacies; assist in formulating plans, policies, and issuances; and implement PPAs.
CSOs may still engage with the Department in a volunteer capacity in any of the areas for engagement without being accredited or certified and will be issues a Certificate of Participation after having completed its engagement. Having accreditation, however, allows the CSO to enter into formal agreements with the concerned Bureau/PMO.
Voluntary Work with Cost
The CSO may also engage with the Department to assist or participate in a volunteer capacity but shall be reimbursed for applicable cost to provide feedback on PPAs, support in pushing for various advocacies; assist in formulating plans, policies, and issuances; and implementation of capacity development programs.
Applicable costs may be given for any of the following expenses: Transportation expenses, per diems, honoraria, other incidental expenses in the performance of duties
Provider of Goods and Services
CSOs may serve as a provider of goods and/or services with remuneration or payment for the services rendered. Their services can be procured either to provide feedback on PPAs, push for various advocacies; formulate plans, policies, and issuances; or implement capacity development programs and/or activities.
Accreditation Process
List of DILG PPAs Requiring the Engagements of Civil Society Organization
Local Government Capability Development Division
Enhancing Effectiveness of CSOs in Local Development: A Capacity Development Program for CSOs in the LSBs
Capacity Building for the establishment of CSO Desks and Institutionalization of Local People’s Council
Dagyaw: Town Hall Meetings
Deployment of the Participatory Governance Metrics (PGM)
Support to Philippine Open Government Partnership (PH-OGP)
Local Government Monitoring and Evaluation Division (LGMED)
Seal of Good Local Governance
ADAC Performance Audit
Celebration of Drug Abuse Prevention and Control (DAPC) Week
National and Regional BIDA Program Implementation
Celebration of International Day Against Drug Abuse and Illicit Trafficking (IDADAIT)
CSOs implementing anti-illegal drugs initiatives, Inventory of LGUs and Partner Agencies
Conduct of webinar and forum featuring local organization’s programs on anti-illegal drugs
Regional Peace and Order Council Cluster’s Meeting
POC Performance Audit
Seal of Good Local Governance for Barangay
Strengthening Institutional Capacities of Barangay Anti-Drug Abuse Council (SICAP-BADAC)
Conduct of Functionality Audits of BBIs and Local Mechanisms on Women and Children (LCAT-VAWC, LCPC and VAW Desk)
Project Development and Management Unit
Third-Party Monitoring (TPM) of SDPB-LGSF
Implementation of Third-Party Monitoring for SBDP projects
Documentary Requirements
For Voluntary Engagements:
Fully-accomplished Application or Form A (Annex A)
Letter of intent to apply for Accreditation (Annex K)
Certificate Under Oath (Annex L)
Organizational Chart of the CSO
Additional requirements for Voluntary Engagements with Costs:
Data Sheet of the CSO
Annual Accomplishment Report or Brochure or Profile of the CSO
Copy of Resolution authorizing the CSO to apply for DILG accreditation
Certified true copy of the Certificate of Registration (SEC, CDA, DOLE, or the HLURB)
Certified true copies of Audited Financial Reports/Statements and Annual Income Tax Returns for the past three (3) years or Financial Statement or Report for CSOs operating for less than three (3) years
Original Sworn Certification, stating that the CSO is not in default or delay in liquidating any funds received from any government agency, that neither the CSO nor any of its past or present directors, trustees, officers, or key personnel has been blacklisted by any government agency, or is a defendant, respondent or accused in any civil, administrative or criminal case arising from or involving the use of public funds received by the CSO (Annex M)
Original Certificate of Good Standing from the umbrella organization, federation, coalition, to which the CSO may belong, if applicable
Additional requirements for Provider of Goods and Services:
Original Certification of No Derogatory Record, or its equivalent issued by any of the following agencies: SEC, CDA, DOLE, or HLURB
Original Sworn Certification by the head of the government agency and local chief executive appearing in the Application Form, stating the PPA that the CSO implemented or is implementing with the government agency, and that the CSO has no derogatory record with the government agency
Requirements for Certification:
Fully-accomplished Application or Form A (Annex A);
Letter of intent to apply for Certification (Annex K); and
Certificate of Valid Accreditation signed by the NGA or LGU from which they have an existing valid accreditation, or Certification from the PCNC
Requirements for Renewal:
Letter of Intent to renew
Updated Organizational Chart of the CSO
Updated Data Sheet
List of programs and projects of the CSO, for the duration of the validity of its Accreditation or Certification
Summary report on engagements with DILG offices for the duration of the validity of its Accreditation or Certification
Certificate of Completion or Letter of Recommendation from the previous partner Bureau or PMO, if applicable
For Certified Partner CSOs whose accreditation with PCNC, other NGAs/LGUs/ will expire:
Certification or any equivalent document certifying the existence and operations of the CSO from the Punong Barangay or from the LGU where its office is located;
Copies of the Organization's charter or Constitution and By-Laws, or any other document that may explain the Organization’s purpose, aims, and initiatives
Templates can be accessed through the link:
Coverage and Validity
An Accreditation Certificate and/or Certification shall only cover the geographical area and shall only be used in the implementation of the DILG PPA stated therein.
An Accreditation Certificate shall only be valid for a period not exceeding five (5) years from the date of issuance*
A Certification shall only be valid for a period not exceeding the validity of the Accreditation of the CSO from other NGAs or their local sanggunian or the Certification from the PCNC
In cases wherein the CSO has a valid Accreditation from various government entities, the maximum validity of the DILG Certification shall follow the validity of the CSO’s existing accreditation that will expire soonest*
Institutional Arrangement
National Accreditation Committee
Chairperson: SILG
Vice-Chairperson: Director, BLGS
Members: Director, BLGD
Director, OPDS
Director, NBOO
Representative, Legal and Legislative Liaison Service
Representative, DILG Resident COA
Secretariat: CSO/PPPP PMO
Regional Accreditation Committee
Chairperson: Regional Director
Vice-Chairperson: Assistant Regional Director
Members: Provincial Director/s or City Director
Chief, MED
Chief, CDD
Chief, Finance and Administrative Division
Chief, PDMU
Representative, Legal Services Unit
Representative, COA
Secretariat with at least 3 members
Provincial Accreditation Committee
Chairperson: Provincial Director
Members: Program Manager
Cluster Heads Representative
Project Development and Monitoring Unit Head
Secretariat with at least 3 members
Roles and Responsibilities
Evaluate all submitted applications for Accreditation, Certification, and/or renewal from CSOs in terms of the correctness of information and completeness of the requirements and take appropriate action therefore;
Recommend final action to the R/PAC and process the signing of the Accreditation Certificate or Certification for approved applications;
Prepare Quarterly Reports on funds transferred to partner CSOs in their respective regions and provinces, including a summary of updates on the status of all partnerships, and submit to the NAC Secretariat for consolidation within the first ten (10) days of the ensuing quarter; and
Assist the R/PAC in all matters as it relates to the approval, renewal, and/or revocation of the Accreditation Certificate and/or Certification of partner CSOs at the provincial and regional level;
Decide on the approval, renewal, and/or revocation of the Accreditation Certificate and/or Certification of partner CSOs at the regional and provincial level;
Enter into a Memorandum of Understanding (MOU), through the Regional or Provincial Director, to formalize and set the terms and conditions of the partnership with CSOs that shall be engaged in a voluntary capacity without cost to the government;
Issue a Terms of Reference (TOR), through the Regional or Provincial Director, to formalize and set the conditions of the partnership with CSOs that shall be engaged in a voluntary capacity with cost to the government;
Enter into a Memorandum of Agreement (MOA), through the Regional or Provincial Director, to formalize and set the conditions of the partnership with CSOs that shall be engaged in implementing Department PPAs as providers of goods and services;
Submit to the NAC the list of names, positions, and contact details of the members of the Secretariats to the RAC and PAC and update the NAC of any changes to the compositions of the Secretariats, as applicable;
For the RAC, prepare the list of Accredited and Certified Partner CSOs at the regional and provincial level for posting on their respective DILG official regional websites that shall be updated every quarter; and
Conduct a year-end assessment of Accredited and Certified partner CSOs at the regional and provincial level in coordination with partner Bureaus/PMOs
DILG-Accredited CSOs
The list of DILG-accredited and certified CSOs can be accessed via this link: