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Barangay Tanods as Agents of Peace and Development

As provided in section 387 of Republic Act 7160, or the Local Government Code of 1991, specifies that the composition of officials and officers to include the Barangay Tanods at the barangay level.

The Barangay Tanods are the front liners in maintaining peace and order, protection and security of life and property, and preservation of crime scene. In addition, they are also summoned to aid with the implementation of programs, projects, and activities of the barangay especially in peace keeping and in addressing crimes.

The Department, in collaboration with other member agencies of the Justice Sector Coordinating Council (JSCC), sees the importance in  undertaking strategic interventions to enhance the capabilities of the barangay tanods in the performance of their duties with skill, commitment, and integrity. Hence a national and regional roll out training was conducted.

Organization of Barangay Tanod

The barangay tanod is a community brigade composed of civilian volunteers duly appointed by the Punong Barangay upon recommendation of the Barangay Peace and Order Committee (BPOC). The LGC provides a maximum of twenty (20) tanods in each barangay.'

The Barangay Tanod shall be supervised by the Punong Barangay. The Punong Barangay shall also designate a Chief Tanod/Executive Officer among them to head the group. The Tanod can be organized into teams composed of a Team Leader and two (2) to five (5) members, or as deemed appropriate.

Qualifications of Barangay Tanod Members

a) A Filipino citizen;

b) Must be a resident of the barangay where he is appointed;

c) At least 18 but not more than 70 vears old:

d) Can read and write

e) Of good moral character and Physically and mentally fit

Confirmation of Appointment

A Barangay Tanod member shall be appointed by the Punong Barangay upon recommendation of the Barangay Peace and Order Committee (BPOC) and with the concurrence of the majority of all the Sangguniang Barangay Members. A Barangay Resolution shall be passed for the purpose.

Term and Renewal of Appointment

a) Violation of law (Revised Penal Code and Special Laws)

b) Commission of a crime involving moral turpitude

c) Gross neglect of duty

d) Voluntary resignation

e) For other causes that the BPOC may determine



Uniform - jeans, white t-shirt or any barangay prescribed shirt, barangay vest, cap, rubber shoes, and Tanod ID.


a) Baton with belt and holster

b) Tear gas 

c) Two-way radio

d) Handcuff with holster (or loop lock as an alternative)

e) Whistle

f) Flashlight

g) Raincoat

h) Rain boots

i) Notepad and pen

j) First aid kit

Duties and Responsibilities

Tasks of Barangay Tanod during Emergencies or Disasters

A Barangay Tanod may be a member of the Barangay Health Emergency Response Team (BHERT) and therefore must be able to perform the following roles and responsibilities to assist in curbing the pandemic outbreak, particularly the COVID-19: 

Roles of the Barangay Tanod in Complaints Involving Women

It is preferred that a woman Tanod handles cases/complaints involving women and performs the following functions :

and development officer.

Roles of the Barangay Tanod in Cases/Complaints Involving Children

Frequently, the barangay is the nearest place where a child victim or witness of child abuse may run to and seek assistance. When receiving a report, the barangay must observe the following :

Capacity Building for Tanods

National Training of Trainers (TOT) on Barangay Tanod Skills Enhancement for Regional Training Teams

Information detail on estimates of yearly income and the total appropriations covering personal services, maintenance, and other operating expenses and capital outlay.

It shall be posted at the beginning of the specified fiscal year and shall remain posted for the entire period covered

The Department of the Interior and Local Government through the National Barangay Operations Office (NBOO) conducted a Training of Trainers on Barangay Tanod Skills Enhancement (BTSE) Project which aims to capacitate training teams on the upcoming conduct of roll-out training within every region. The training was conducted last September 6 – 9, 2022 via zoom teleconference.

Attended by the following:

The training materials may be accessed through this link: 

Barangay Tanod Skills Enhancement (BTSE) Training Roll-out for P/HUCs Training Teams

On September 6-9, 2022, the DILG Central Office conducted an online national training of trainers for a pool of trainers as part of the regional training teams on the role, responsibilities of Barangay Tanods.  Hence, on October 12, 2022, Usec Valmocina issued Advisory relative to the Implementation of the Roll-out Training Activities on Barangay Tanod Skills Enhancement (BTSE) Project for CY 2022.  Section B of the Implementation Phase provides that a roll out training shall be conducted for the Provincial/HUC/ICC Training Teams

Thus, the DILG 10 Regional Office conducted the Barangay Tanod Skills Enhancement (BTSE) Training Roll-out for P/HUCs Training Teams on January 11-13, 2023 at the Apple Tree Resort & Hotel which aimed to capacitate the Provincial/HUC Training Teams in preparation for the barangay roll-out.

The Provincial/HUC Training Teams are composed of the following:

Whereas the resource speakers are the following:

The working folder may be accessed through this link: