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Barangay Anti-Drug Abuse Council (BADAC)
Pursuant to the DDB Board Regulation No. 3, s. 2017 (Strengthening the Implementation of the Barangay Drug Clearing Program) and the DILG-DDB Joint Memorandum of Circular No. 2018-01 (Implementing Guidelines on the Functionality and Effectiveness of Local Anti-Drug abuse Councils, the BADAC Functionality Audit provides the standards and process in monitoring and ensuring the compliance of the BADACs with the key functionality indicators. Whereas, the BDCP Monitoring and Evaluation System looks into the progress of drug clearing.
Incorporation of the BADAC Functionality Audit to the SGLGB One Audit
The regular conduct of a stand-alone functionality audit for BADAC by the national Barangay Operations Office (NBOO) is now deferred as the assessment of the BADAC will now be subsumed under the Seal of Good Local Governance for Barangay (SGLGB) beginning 2024.
The SGLGB is implementing the ONE Audit System ON-line Expansive and Unified Audits (ONE Audit), which started in CY 2023. It streamlines the timeline of all the NBOO audits by incorporating all the other functionality audits/assessments of BBIs as subset to SGLGB. (NBOO Advisory dated January 22, 2024)
Minimum Requirements on the Assessment of the Functionality of BADACs
Organized BADACs with its composition and appropriate committees (Committees on Operations and on Advocacy) compliant to DILG-DDB JMC No. 2018-01;
Establishment of Barangay Rehabilitation Referral Desk with Designated Barangay Duty Officer;
Organization House Clusters with designated House Cluster Leaders (HCL);
Organization of BADAC Auxiliary Team (BAT);
Formulation of BADAC Plan of Action (BADPA) covering CY 2023;
Allocation of substantial amount for anti-illegal drugs initiative;
Implementation of Drug Abuse Prevention Advocacy Campaigns - Barangay organized at least 1 community-based IEC Activity during CY 2023;
Implementation of Drug-Clearing Operations - Submission of Consolidated Information Report (CIR) to CADAC/MADAC and Local PNP Unit;
Implementation of Community-Based Intervention for Person Who Used Drugs (PWUDS) - Presence of referral system; and
Conduct of Monthly Meetings
Assessment Criteria for Barangays
Highly Functional: 7-10 sub-indicators present
Moderately Functional: 5-6 sub-indicators present
Low Functional: 1-4 sub-indicators present
Non-Functional: 0 sub-indicator present