
Below is a list of past talks that I have given, including serious talks as well as some more fun ones. For each talk, the name of each seminar is linked to the corresponding website (where applicable).

If you would like to view the notes (or slides) for any of these talks, please email me and I would be happy to share!

A snippet of the first Mathematics of Mario Kart talk.

Glasgow Algebra Pre-Seminar Affine Kazhdan Lusztig Polynomials (22/05/24)

Glasgow Algebra Pre-Seminar Quantum affine groups and q-Characters (20/03/24)

Glasgow PG Seminar In Defence of the Field with One Element (15/03/24)

Soergel Bimodules Reading Group Sheaves on Moment Graphs (14/03/24)

Glasgow PG Seminar Goodbye Talk, with Marina P B Godhino (22/09/23)

Glasgow Algebra Pre-Seminar Deligne-Lusztig Characters (20/09/23)

Glasgow Algebra Pre-Seminar Representation Theory of p-adic Groups (29/03/23)

Workshop on Kac-Moody Geometry  Double Affine Demazure Products and Affine Quantum Bruhat Graphs (28/07/23)

Glasgow Algebra Pre-Seminar  Representation Theory of p-adic Groups (29/03/23)

DAHA Working Seminar  Affine Hecke Algebras Over p-adic Fields (08/03/23) 

Hopf Algebras Seminar  Yangians and Quantum Groups (08/03/23)

DAHA Working Seminar  An Introduction to Hecke Algebras from the p-adic Setting (22/02/23

Glasgow Hopf Algebras Seminar  Universal Enveloping Algebras and their Hopf Algebra Structure (25/01/23)

Glasgow Algebra Pre-Seminar  Character Varieties arising from Punctured Surfaces (18/01/23)

Glasgow Algebra Pre-Seminar  The Quantum Toroidal gl_1 Algebra (07/12/22)

Glasgow Algebra Pre-Seminar  Introducing Kazhdan-Lustzig Polynomials (09/11/22)

DAHA Working Seminar  Representations of Affine Hecke Algebras (13/10/22) 

Glasgow PG Seminar  True or False I: An Interactive Welcome, with Marina P B Godhino (07/10/22) 

Glasgow PG Seminar  The Return of the Mathematics of Mario Kart (30/09/22) 

Glasgow Algebra Pre-Seminar  Hecke algebras and the HOMFLY-PT polynomial (21/09/22)

GEARS  Quantum Bruhat Graphs and the Demazure Product (09/08/22)

Glasgow PG Seminar The Mathematics of Mario Kart (06/05/22) 

Glasgow Algebra Pre-Seminar  Mathematical Juggling via the Affine Symmetric Group (30/03/22)

GLAMS  Affine Weyl Groups (22/02/22) 

Glasgow PG Seminar  What is an Integrable System? (11/02/22)