On their own these details could be coincidental but looking at them together, it all just seems very "close." To be clear, I'm not accusing them of a rip off, these are clearly homages created out of respect and/or admiration if anything. Elsewhere online I've found a few other fans wondering about these details.connections, but I haven't come across any interviews or anything to confirm.

WD patients who have been treated for many years can become copper deficient. The test usually used to discover this is the 24 hour urine copper test, not the serum copper test, because if you have very low serum ceruloplasmin levels, your serum copper levels are probably pretty low too, but you still can have high amounts of stored copper. Copper deficiency can cause anemia and even some neurological problems like poor balance and dizziness. I have been treated for almost as long as you and about 3 years ago I began having dizziness and new balance problems. A full exam by my WD specialist and a neurologist, as well as an ear specialist showed the only abnormality was copper deficiency, so my WD doc told me to stop taking my zinc for 3 months, and then start back on a lower dose. No more dizziness, and my balance is gradually improving.

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Dear K4HRB, you and Catery have wonderful stories about those who have WD. I was a regular swimmer as my WD advanced to batwing stage. I could still do big gross movement. WD was discovered along with choreoathatosis , but, the tremor regressed to a milder, mixed one. Now I also developed seizures.

Wait until he figure out how VT2 was majority of Veteran difficulty players and very few above due to the skill ceiling. DT is way less frustrating and so much easier, people feels like they are at the same level.

People tend not too have the insight about how basic mechanics works in this game nor their own contributions to the team, so any form of help, especially written where you cannot infer a tone, will just come across as an attack on them.

No, but you are showing us that you are not really willing to improve the game by your means.

Going to the forums to complain about others is easy.

But you just said Fatshark should do something about it. Instead of trying to make the game better for other by yourself.

With continued ocean and atmospheric warming, sea levels will likely rise for many centuries at rates higher than that of the current century. In the United States, almost 40 percent of the population lives in relatively high-population-density coastal areas, where sea level plays a role in flooding, shoreline erosion, and hazards from storms. Globally, eight of the world's 10 largest cities are near a coast, according to the U.N. Atlas of the Oceans.

Higher sea levels mean that deadly and destructive storm surges push farther inland than they once did, which also means more frequent nuisance flooding. Disruptive and expensive, nuisance flooding is estimated to be from 300 percent to 900 percent more frequent within U.S. coastal communities than it was just 50 years ago.

The two major causes of global sea level rise are thermal expansion caused by warming of the ocean (since water expands as it warms) and increased melting of land-based ice, such as glaciers and ice sheets. The ocean is absorbing more than 90 percent of the increased atmospheric heat associated with emissions from human activity.

I also found this on my Nomad, though I had the right side higher than the left. I ended up milling the waste board flat level by taking a quarter mm off the board each run until the whole board was level with the tool. There may be an adjustment of the bed somewhere or a software calibration method that needs to be done so as not to waste the waste board.

I went to SFK and it is exactly like it was outside of Hellfire Ramparts in TBC. Low level rogues in stealth appearing to drop down from the sky in front of the portal. All turning and entering back in after the dungeon reset to go farm chests from under the map.

I feel like it should just flag your account if it happens once, then if it keeps happening over and over something should be done about it. Especially since they use teleport hacks to get to places (you can see how they do it in other videos on youtube).

If you have the time, you might want to do some longer Z2 Endurance rides (4 - 5 hour) and see how they go. They can be a really important part of building your overall cycling volume and improving base level fitness. A lot of important adaptations are developed during these longer, low intensity rides including increasing mitochondrial density and number. On the trainer these can be a bit mind numbing but if you can get outdoors that would be a great time to do them.

if you destroy a coin when the lizard picks it up, the coin obviously will be removed from your level. So you could check how many actors of your BP Coin Pickup class do currently exist in your level and if this value is greater than 0 then there are some coins left. The Get All Actors Of Class node is perfect for this. A BP function could look like this:

I thought that it"s not good to call it every Tick, neither , but since i am knew will leave like that for now , maybe will changed it latter.And something funny , and first try i connected the True part of the Branch to the Spawn coins and i was spawning coins every tick , got heavy pretty quickly.

Loneliness is a subjective feeling. Mental health experts define it as feeling alone or disconnected due to a mismatch between the actual and desired level of social connection. This means that a person can have many friends but still feel lonely. Social isolation, on the other hand, refers to the lack of relationships with other humans and little to no social support. Both can harm the body and brain, and even if a socially-isolated person does not feel lonely, they could still be at risk for a host of physical ailments.

Hoosier Democrats, Republicans and insiders talk candidly about issues, the Indiana Statehouse and everything in between on Indiana Week In Review from WFYI Public Media. Join host Brandon Smith and political experts as they dive into the debates shaping Indiana....

I'm new to commands but I made a few which are a bit complicated, in 1.12.2. But recently after the Aquatic update, I've been unable to use commands to give me items stronger than the enchantment book maximum level. I would like to make a command where I can get items with enchantments of 999. How can I do this?

I am trying to figure out why a saved search does not seem to be running on a very busy splunk server, Is it possible to change the logging level only around saved searches to debug so I can get more detailed output?

The majority of Splunk's log settings (including the number of copies to keep and the size at which it rolls) are specified in log.cfg. In 3.x the Splunkweb logs are controlled in $SPLUNK_HOME/etc/SplunkWEB.tac. When you make a modification here you can make the changes to log levels permanent.

I've been tasked with changing the logging levels currently set to "WARN" on my splunk to "INFO". Whilst changing them individually I can do, I have 559 components to change. So obviously being able to change them on mass would be preferable.

You can also set debugging commands through the CLI. I do this for my clustered deployments when I want to debug something on the indexers, and don't have SplunkWeb accessible. You can't view/set Indexer debugs from the SH's GUI, as that just sets debugging on the SH.

So in this example I wanted to check the Splunk2Splunk version of my Windows Universal Forwarder. Those messages are not set at the default INFO level, so I needed to set log-level to DEBUG - so I went to the cluster's indexer and enabled debugging for TcpInputProc.

You can do this through splunk manager. From the Manager home page, click on System Setting. From there click on System Logging. There you will find a list of all of the items for which you can configure the logging level, as well as what the current logging level is.

As it stands everything works correctly. Now what I want to do is show an infowindow on click of the markerClusterer if its maxZoom has been reached. As it stands I have maxZoom set to 15. The idea is if someone clicks on a cluster it will keep zooming until it is no longer a cluster and shows multiple markers OR it hits the maxZoom (15) and it still a cluster of multiple markers. If it hits the maxZoom there could be any number of markers contained in the cluster all of which can be retrieved with c.getMarkers()); I can then use the array of returned markers to show an infowindow that has information about the entire group. 006ab0faaa

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