Post-viral Illness and Long Covid PD Session

CATCA 2024

“First, Do No Harm”: What Every Educator Needs to Know about Children Experiencing Post-Viral Illnesses and Long Covid 

CATCA 2024 Session

Thurs. Feb 22, 2024 1pm (60 minutes)

Many of us have had children in our classes tell us they have a headache, stomachache, or feel tired. Some children may return to school from having an illness and just don’t seem like themselves anymore. We would like to believe these symptoms are transitory and will pass. But what if they don’t? What if a child has a chronic illness? What do we, as educators, need to know about the lingering and long-term effects of post-viral illnesses (most recently Long COVID) to truly understand and help children who are experiencing long-term impacts? Most of all, what do we as educators need to know in order to “First, Do No Harm”?

This experiential presentation will first provide teachers and administrators with an overview of post-viral illness symptoms that children may experience and may not recover from. The primary symptoms include severe fatigue, post-exertional malaise, dysautonomia, headaches, cognitive dysfunction, lack of appetite, and mental health issues like PANS, anxiety, depression, and anorexia. We need to be mindful that traditional approaches to gradually increase endurance and exercise are contraindicated for these children, and know how to prevent harm.

Second, this presentation will focus on a compassionate approach to helping teachers integrate evidence-based best practice recommendations into all classes to support these children as they navigate through the challenges of recovery. Lived experience and case studies will be included to give you a sense of what these children are experiencing and what you may observe as a teacher. Recommendations to partner with parents and utilize internationally recommended best practice resources will be included. This workshop is aligned with a Comprehensive School Health approach and will benefit teachers and administrators of all grades.

Note: All administrators, grade levels and subject areas welcome

Recorded Session Links

Session Slide Show and Handouts

First Do No Harm Slides.pdf
What Students Want Teachers to Know.pdf
What Parents Want Teachers to Know.pdf
CATCA 2024 Reading.pdf
School Classroom Accommodations Handout.pdf
Post Viral Illness Handout.pdf


Dr. Angela Grace (in person speaker)

Ph.D. Registered Psychologist

Dr. Angela Grace is a Registered Psychologist in Calgary. She completed her Ph.D. in Counselling Psychology at the University of Calgary, with a focus on Comprehensive School Health, primarily collaborative approaches to prevention and health promotion. She has lived experience with Long COVID and provides counselling and advocacy for children and families suffering from Long COVID.

Cara Kaup (in person speaker)

Pediatric Physical Therapist

Cara Kaup is a pediatric physical therapist from Edmonton. She has worked with children with disabilities and chronic illness for the last 30 years. Cara contracted COVID-19 in March 2020 and has been unable to return to work, due to her Long COVID. She invests what little energy she has in educating and advocating for adults and children living with Long COVID. Cara is a patient advisor for several Long COVID groups in Alberta, Canada and internationally. She is also a peer support co-director for Long COVID Physio.

Jennifer Thompson (in person speaker)

Parent Advocate

Jennifer Thompson is a parent of two children, one recovered from Long COVID and one still recovering from Long COVID. She has been advocating for infection prevention in schools with a focus on improved air quality since 2021. She believes all children should be provided with the appropriate tools and support to help them succeed in school whether they are neurodivergent, have a learning disability or a chronic illness. She is passionate about raising awareness and support in schools on Long COVID and other chronic illnesses that affect a child's day to day life.