
Current classes

Scientific Computing for Geophysical Problems (M2)

This class aims at providing students with a sense of how one can use theory and computers together to test hypotheses regarding the working of a geophysical system. The testing involves the derivation of a theory with predictive power, that has to be checked against observations. Both theory and observations are impacted by uncertainty; one skill that students will acquire is the capability of assessing and propagating uncertainty in the analysis chain, through a series of computer labs specifically designed for the class. Check the online description on the IPGP website for a better overview. The course material is available on the GitHub repository and on demand.

Class taught in English. Total duration: 32 hours including practicals. Class manager: Alexandre Fournier.

Earth Data Sciences (M2)

This class aim to develop the way geoscientific problems can be solved with computer, ranging from rule-based programs to deep learning. Based on theoretical lessons and Jupyter Labs, the audience will learn from both theory and examples that they can re-used afterwards. Check the online description on the IPGP website for a better overview. 

Class taught in English. Total duration: 32 hours including practicals. 

Programming for Geosciences (L3)

This class delivers the basics of programming in a language-agnostic way (Python, Octave, Matlab, or Julia). It aims at giving a sense on how to solve many different types of problem with a single tool: the computer. After 16 hours of theoretical courses, the class consists in a personal project developed during the class with the help of the teachers. The project can be selected from a list, or brought to the class. 

Class taught in French. Total duration: 32 hours including practicals. 

Former classes