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PhD in Geophysics and Signal Processing, Institut de Physique du Globe de Paris and Langevin Institute, Paris, France (2016).

MSc in Acoustics, Sorbonne Université, Paris, France (2013).

BSc in Physics, Université Paul Sabatié, Toulouse, France (2011).

Additional free courses

High-performance computing by Lenovo, Institut de Physique du Globe de Paris, France (7 hours, fall 2022).

Probabilistic Graphical Models (12 hours, fall 2016), Master Mathematics, Vision, Learning, École Normale Supérieure, Cachan, France.

Research experience

Teaching experience


Professional associations

Session Convener

Departmental service

Community involvement


Technical skills

Software and Libraries

Developed libraries

Scientific programming

Spoken Languages

Other Skills


Postdoctoral researchers

Graduate students

Undergraduate students