Selected Talks

05.2024 Towards a philosophy of AI alignment research (University of Bern, Colloquium of the division for theoretical philosophy, I)

03.2024 The philosophical tradition and current philosophical research as points of reference for the content of philosophy lessons - and how to choose between them (with Dominik Balg; Cologne, Annual Conference of the German Society for Philosophy and Ethics Didactics, in German, P)

03.2024 The ethics of using brain organoids in medical research vs. using animals (Düsseldorf; stem cell network NRW, in German, I)

11.2023 Chasing rainbows. Illusionism and non-human consciousness research (with François Kammerer; Cognitive Science Speaker Series of the City University New York, online, I)

11.2023 AI (mis)alignment: What it is, and why it's important (Conference of the group for AI and Biomedical Engineering, University Erlangen-Nürnberg, I)

10.2023 What can animals teach us about AI consciousness? (University Duisburg-Essen, Colloquium of the Institute of Philosophy, in German, I)

09.2023 Current cases of AI misalignment and their implications for future risks (Salzburg, Tagung für Praktische Philosophie, P)

06.2023 Illusionism and non-human consciousness (New York University, workshop on animal and AI consciousness, I)

06.2023 Current cases of AI misalignment and their implications for future risks (University of Bonn, conference on AI, human values and meaningful human control, P)

06.2023 Are tests of animal consciousness applicable to artificial systems? (Ruhr-University Bochum, Conference on Investigating consciousness in animals and artificial systems, I)

12.2022 Philosophy and the big questions: Introducing the emotional resonance theory (with Dominik Balg; Colloquium, University of Tübingen, I)

10.2022                              Moral status and uncertainty about animal sentience (Colloquium of the Society for the Study of Ethics and Animals, I)

09.2022                              Newton’s principle and the prospects of animal consciousness science (Berlin, conference of the German society for analytic philosophy, P)

09.2022                               The epistemic objection against sentience as a criterion of moral status (Salzburg, conference for young analytic philosophy, P)

07.2022                               Desiderata for tests of animal consciousness (Milan, conference of the (European) Society for Philosophy and Psychology, P)

04.2022                               Investigating the dimensions of animal wellbeing (London School of Economics, conference on Interspecies comparisons of welfare, co-organized by Rethink Priorities, P)

09.2021                                Wage labor and the good live (popular science, Münster, I)

04.2021                                How do you teach machines to be moral? (Effective Altruism Bonn, I)

06.2020                                 On the ethical significance of the distant future (Interchair Student Colloquium, Bonn, I)

I = Invited. P = Peer-Reviewed