Leonidas Wildpaw

Art by JumperBear

About Leo

Leonidas Wildpaw, also known as Leo, is a cis-male lion who stand at about 6 feet 2 inches tall. He's a very caring lion, wanting to make sure those around him feel safe. That's why he chose a career in the police force. He's always loved taking care of others and being there in times of crisis. His pronouns are he/him.

In his free time, when he isn't on duty, he loves to take nice, long walks, sit around the house, play video games, or go to the gym. He's a pretty nig health nut, making sure to keep his form toned and fit. At least, when it isn't a cheat week. Yeah, Leo loves to have whole weeks where he's not on duty for work and he can just sit, veg, and maybe let himself go a bit. He does of course make sure to work it off, at least as long as nobody tries to get him to stay like that.

About Leo (NSFW)

Once you get Leo in bed, boy do things change. While he can still be caring and everything in bed, Leo can also be domineering and controlling, or he can be the most submissive slut you can find. He loves making sure his partner feels good, even when he's dominating them.

Though, for those who are more adventurous, Leo doesn't have really any limits. So, feel free to use Leo however you'd like, or have him use you however you'd like. As long as it's nothing illegal, immoral, or anything along those lines.

Art by ArtzStudio08

Art by JumperBear

Leo's Standard Sizes

This is how Leo looks during most scenarios, unless plotted otherwise:

Height: 6 ft 2 in (188 cm)

Weight: 225 lbs (102 kg)

Cock Size: 10 in. (25.4 cm)

Ball Sack Size: Orange