About Writer

Now for a little bit about me!

I'm 25 years old and live in the US so english if my first, and unfortunately, my only language. I do have a job and play Dungeons and Dragons with my friends, so I may not be on all the time. And there will be days where I just won't have the motivation to roleplay. So if I don't respond after a few hours, or even a few days, I'll eventually get back to you once I'm feeling more up to roleplay or I'm done with whatever it is I'm doing. Just bump me and ask me what's going on. I'll usually respond.

I'm a huge nerd (as if that wasn't already assumed from me playing D&D), I love technology, and gaming. The games I mainly play in my free time are Minecraft, The Sims 4, and PC Building Simulator. I also love to just chat out of character, so if you don't wanna roleplay yet, we can just chat about whatever.

I will also match your style of roleplay as much as I can. I can't promise I'll match it 100%, but I'll try my best.


Now one thing I ask for is communication. If I don't hear anything from you and I bump you a few times, I'm going to assume that you've either lost interest in the roleplay, or me and your DM will get buried under others, if not deleted entirely. If you'd like to keep a roleplay going with me, please be up front if possible. I know life gets in the way. Believe me I do. But communication is important to me. I can't read minds, especially since we're talking through text. I'll give you a maximum of 5 times to respond. If I get nothing, our roleplay is done. You can always restart one with me, but the one we were doing before is gone at that point. And while it seems I'm pretty strict on this (which I am), I want you guys to hold me to the same standard. If I don't respond withing 5 bumps, either delete my chat with you or just let it get buried. Whatever you wanna do.