
Published articles:

Development Economics:

Gehring, K., Kaplan, L.C. and Wong, M. China and the World Bank: How Contrasting Development Approaches Affect State Stability. Journal of Development Economics, 158, 102902.  [Media/Blogs: Monkey Cage, Ökonomenstimme, The First Tranche

Kaplan, L.C., Pape, U., and Walsh, J. (2019). Eliciting Accurate Consumption Responses from Vulnerable Populations. In Data Collection in Fragile States (pp. 193-206). Palgrave Macmillan, Cham.

Kaplan, L. C., Kohl, T., and Martínez‐Zarzoso, I. (2018). Supply‐chain Trade and Labor Market Outcomes: The Case of the 2004 European Union Enlargement. Review of International Economics, 26(2), 481-506. [Media/Blogs: El País, Telos EU, Ökonomenstimme]

Research Ethics:

Kaplan, L.C., Kuhnt, J., Picot, L. E., and Grasham, C. F. (2023). Safeguarding research staff “in the field”: a blind spot in ethics guidelines. Research Ethics, 19(1), 18-41. 

Bangura, I., Chakraborty, A., Garcia-Hernandez, A., Kaplan, L., Kuhnt, J., Muhumad, A. A., Steinert, J.I. & Tellez, D. (2022). Ethical failures in global health research: violations of Sustainable Development Goal 8, decent work for all. The Lancet Global Health, 10(5), e619.

Steinert, J.I., Atika Nyarige, D., Jacobi, M. Kaplan, L.C. and Kuhnt, J. (2021). A Systematic Review on Ethical Challenges of “Field” Research in Low- and Middle-Income Countries: Respect, Justice, and Beneficence for Research Staff? BMJ Global Health, 6(7), e005380. 

Kaplan, L.C., Kuhnt, J. and Steinert, J.I. (2020). Do no harm? Field research in the Global South: ethical challenges faced by research staff. World Development 127 (March), forthcoming.  [Media/Blogs: Democracy in Africa, DIE Current Column, EADI]

Public Health:

Eger, J., Sternberg, H. and Kaplan, L.C. (2023). How to reduce vaccination hesitancy? The relevance and impact of evidence and complementarity with the sender. Vaccines, Forthcoming. [Short version in German]

Diba, F., Ichsan, I., Muhsin, M., Marthoenis, M., Sofyan, H., Andalas, M., Richert, K., Kaplan, L.C., Samadi, S., Susanti, S. , Hülsen, V. and Vollmer, S.  Impact of the WHO Safe Childbirth Checklist on Health Workers'  Safety Attitudes: A Cluster-Randomized Controlled Trial in Aceh, Indonesia. PLOS Global Public Health, 3(6), e0001801. [AEA RCT Registry, Trial No. AEARCTR-0003548.]

Kaplan, L.C., Diba, F., Ichsan, I., Muhsin, M., Marthoenis, M., Sofyan, H., Andalas, M., Richert, K., Samadi, S., Susanti, S. and Vollmer, S.  (2021). Effects of the World Health Organization Safe Childbirth Checklist on Quality of Care and Birth Outcomes in Aceh, Indonesia: A Cluster-Randomized Clinical Trial. JAMA Network Open, 4(12), e2137168-e2137168.  [AEA RCT Registry, Trial No. AEARCTR-0003548.]

Diba, F., Ichsan, I., Muhsin, M., Marthoenis, M., Sofyan, H., Andalas, M., Monfared, I., Richert, K., Kaplan, L.C., Rogge, L., Doria, S., Samadi, S., and Vollmer, S. (2019). Healthcare Providers’ Perception of the Referral System in Maternal Care Facilities in Aceh, Indonesia: A Cross-Sectional Study. BMJ Open, 9(12).

Work in progress:

Fuchs, A., Kaplan, L. C., Kis-Katos, K. (2023). How does African trade with the EU, US and China affects subnational growth? – Impacts and Mechanisms. Working paper in preparation.

Bomprezzi, P., Dreher, A., Fuchs, A., Hailer, T., Kammerlander, A., Kaplan, L., Robert, C., Marchesi, S., Masi, T. and Unfried, K. (2023). Wedded to prosperity? Informal influence and Regional Favoritism. CEPR Discussion paper 18878 

Fuchs, A., Kaplan, L. C., Kis-Katos, K., Schmidt, S., Turbanisch, F., & Wang, F. (2022). Tracking Chinese aid through China customs: Darlings and orphans after the COVID-19 outbreak. Kiel Working Paper 2232.

Fuchs, A., Kaplan, L. C., Kis-Katos, K., Schmidt, S., Turbanisch, F., & Wang, F. (2020). Mask Wars: China's Exports of Medical Goods in Times of COVID-19. COVID Economics, 42, 26-64.

Kaplan L.C. (2021). 'Reversed Favoritism'–Resolving the Puzzle of Discriminatory Taxation in African Agriculture.’ cege Discussion Paper 416.

Dormant Projects:

Kaplan, L.C. and Kruse, H. ‘Reverse Ricardian – How Development Aid Affects Sectoral Exports.’ 

Kaplan, L.C., Kuhnt, J., Richert, K., and Vollmer, S. (2019). How to increase the uptake of development interventions? Considering the Theory of Planned Behaviour. Deutsches Institut für Entwicklungspolitik Discussion Paper No. 10/2019.

Policy Papers and other Writing

Eger, J., Sternberg, H. and Kaplan, L.C. (2021). Nicht Alle gleich: Warum Impfkommunikation ein differenziertes Verständnis von ungeimpften Personen braucht. Policy Brief.

Kaplan, L.C. (2020). How Germany and France Could Play a Leading Role in International Donor Coordination. Deutsches Institut für Entwicklungspolitik Briefing Paper. 08/2020.

Kaplan, L.C. (2020). Systemic Challenges and Opportunities of Franco-German Development Cooperation. Deutsches Institut für Entwicklungspolitik Discussion Paper No. 10/2020. [Media/Blogs: DIE Current Column]

Kaplan, L.C., Kuhn, S. and Kuhnt J. (2020). The Behavioural Lens: Taking a Behavioural Vantage Point to Improve the Success of Development Programmes. Deutsches Institut für Entwicklungspolitik Briefing Paper. 02/2020.

Erforth, B. and Kaplan, L.C. (2019). The Future of European Development Finance – Institutional Reforms for Sustainable Solutions. Deutsches Institut für Entwicklungspolitik Briefing Paper. 20/2019. [Media/Blogs: European Think Tanks Group]


The Review of International Organizations, The Review of International Economics, World Development, Sustainability, PLOS ONE, Economic Systems Research